
Why Companies Operating in Turkey Should Outsource Their Tax Compliance Processes 2
Why Companies Operating in Turkey Should Outsource Their Tax Compliance Processes

In the digital age we live in, speed is essential. For companies wanting to compete on a global scale, acting fast is just as important as having the digital solutions to advance. Taking into consideration the effect of digitalization on globalization, businesses are outsourcing processes to specialists to keep pace and focusing on their core […]

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Greece’s myDATA mandate postponed to September 2021
Greece’s myDATA Mandate Postponed to September 2021

On 28 June 2021 the Greek Ministry of Finance announced that the myDATA mandate has been postponed to autumn 2021. This is due to the adverse financial impact of the pandemic on businesses and the country. The phased roll-out begins in September 2021 and is scheduled to be completed in November 2021. Retroactive reporting of […]

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Norway 2022 Digital VAT Return What Businesses Need to Know
Norway 2022 Digital VAT Return: What Businesses Need to Know

Norway announced its intentions to introduce a new digital VAT return in late 2020, with an intended launch date of 1 January 2022. Since then, businesses have wondered what this change would mean for them and how IT teams would need to prepare systems to meet this new requirement. Norway has since provided ample guidance […]

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SAP S/4HANA Finance
How SAP S/4HANA Finance Can Simplify Tax for Your Organization

This blog was updated on December 12, 2023 Sovos recently sponsored a benchmark report with SAP Insider to better understand how SAP customers are adapting their strategies and technology investments to evolve their finance and accounting organizations by utilizing SAP S/4HANA Finance. This blog hits on some of the key points covered in the report […]

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How Insurers Can Prepare for Annual Reporting Requirements
How Insurers Can Prepare for Annual Reporting Requirements

Some European tax authorities require annual insurance premium tax (IPT) reports to be submitted for the calendar year in addition to regular monthly or quarterly reporting. Annual reports usually require significant detail, making the process time consuming and labour intensive for insurers. Annual reporting requirements vary from country to country, making it complex for cross-border […]

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Post-Brexit VAT Compliance Your Questions Answered
Post-Brexit VAT Compliance: Your Questions Answered

Six months after Brexit there’s still plenty of confusion. Our VAT Managed Services and Consultancy teams continue to get lots of questions. So here are answers to some of the more common VAT compliance concerns post-Brexit. How does postponed VAT accounting work? Since Brexit, the UK has changed the way import VAT is accounted for. […]

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Poland VAT Reporting Draft Amendments to JPK_V7MV7K Published
Poland VAT Reporting: Draft Amendments to JPK_V7M/V7K Published

In Poland, the Ministry of Finance proposed several changes to the country’s mandatory JPK_V7M/V7K reports. These will take effect on 1 July 2021. The amendments offer administrative relief to taxpayers in some areas but create potential new hurdles elsewhere. Poland JPK_V7M and V7K Reports The JPK_V7M/V7K reports – Poland’s attempt to merge the summary reporting […]

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VAT Trends A Shift Toward Destination Taxability for Certain Cross-Border Transactions
VAT Trends: A Shift Toward Destination Taxability for Certain Cross-Border Transactions

As detailed within our annual report VAT Trends: Toward Continuous Transaction Controls, there’s an increasing shift toward destination taxability which applies to certain cross-border trades. In the old world of paper-based trade and commerce, the enforcement of tax borders, between or within countries, was mostly a matter of physical customs controls. To ease trade and […]

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Saudi Arabia Publishes Final Rules on e-invoicing (2)
Saudi Arabia Publishes Final Rules on E-invoicing

The General Authority of Zakat and Tax’s (GAZT) previously published draft rules on ‘Controls, Requirements, Technical Specifications and Procedural Rules for Implementing the Provisions of the E-Invoicing Regulation’ aimed to define technical and procedural requirements and controls for the upcoming e-invoicing mandate. GAZT recently finalized and published the draft e-invoicing rules in Saudi Arabia. Meanwhile, […]

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Romania SAF-T Are you Ready for 1 January 2022
Romania SAF-T: Are You Ready for 1 January 2022?

It’s been more than a few years since Romania first toyed with the idea of introducing a SAF-T obligation to combat its ever-growing VAT gap. Year after year, businesses wondered what the status of this new tax mandate was, with the ANAF continuously promising to give details soon. Well, the time is now. What is […]

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Turkey New Requirement to Notify the TRA about Objection Requests
Turkey: New Requirement to Notify the TRA About Objection Requests

The Turkish Revenue Administration (TRA) has published updated guidelines on the cancellation and objection of e-fatura and e-arsiv invoice. Two different guidelines are updated: guidelines on the notification of cancellation and objection of e-fatura and guidelines on the notification of cancellation and objection of e-arsiv. The updated guidelines inform taxable persons about the new procedures […]

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How to Navigate Marine Insurance IPT Treatment across Europe
How to Navigate Marine Insurance IPT Treatment Across Europe

There are a variety of different approaches to Insurance Premium Tax (IPT) treatment for marine insurance across Europe. Before looking at how individual countries treat marine insurance, it is worth noting the challenges in determining the country entitled to levy IPT and any associated charges. The location of risk relating to marine vessels falls within […]

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The VAT Evolution and Why It’s So Complex Part I: Thinking Globally

To understand why there is an ongoing evolution in the managing and administration of value added taxes (VAT), it is important to first understand the motivations of the governments behind the changes. The primary responsibility of any tax authority is to collect the revenue in which the government is legally owed. The difference between what […]

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The VAT Evolution and Why It’s So Complex Part II: Three Focus Areas for VAT

In Part I of our series on the VAT Evolution, we explored the motivations of tax authorities and governments around the world to embrace digitization and technology of a method of increasing revenue collection and shrinking tax gaps. More information on this topic can also be found by downloading your free copy of our IDC […]

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The VAT Evolution and Why It’s So Complex Part III: Why Global Solutions Matter to IT

In Part I of our series on the VAT Evolution, we explored the motivations of tax authorities and governments around the world to embrace digitization and technology of a method of increasing revenue collection and shrinking tax gaps. Then in Part II, Three Focus Areas for VAT we discussed some of the priority concerns for […]

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IPT: Spotlight on Spain
IPT in Spain: An Overview

Update: 9 March 2023 by Hector Fernandez IPT in Spain is complex. Navigating the country’s requirements and ensuring compliance can feel a difficult task. Sovos has developed this guide to answer prominent and pressing questions to help your understanding of Insurance Premium Tax in the country. Originally created following a Spain IPT webinar we hosted, […]

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ACA reporting 2022
Mandatory Transition to E-Invoice and E-Arşiv Invoice Applications for Healthcare Organisations in Turkey

An amendment in the General Communiqué No. 509 has announced healthcare service providers and taxpayers providing medical supplies and medicines or active substances must use the e-invoice application from 1 July 2021. The mandated scope for transition to e-invoice and e-arşiv invoice applications in the healthcare industry Published in the Official Gazette the implementation will […]

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VAT Trends: CTCs and Their Impact on Business Today

This blog is an excerpt from Sovos’ Annual VAT Trends report. Please click here to download your complimentary copy in full. VAT requirements and their relative importance for businesses have changed significantly in recent years. For data that is transactional in nature, the overall VAT trend is clearly toward various forms of continuous transaction controls […]

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