
Illinois sales tax nexus
Illinois to Adjust Sales Tax Nexus Rules in Light of PetMeds Threat

Illinois is poised to change their sourcing rules again, trying to find their way in a world where states apply their sales tax compliance requirements equally to both in-state and remote sellers. With this tweak, they will effectively equalize the responsibilities of remote sellers with no in-state presence, to those that have an Illinois location. […]

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New York DtC shipping
New York Poised to Expand DtC Shipping

The New York legislature recently passed A3132A, a bill that will expand the range of products that residents of the state can have direct-to-consumer (DtC) shipped to them. The bill is now in the hands of Governor Kathy Hochul—meaning that unless she decides to exercise her veto power, producers across the country will soon be […]

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future of tax and compliance
Observations and Predictions: The Future of Tax and Compliance

When I became the CEO of Sovos one year ago, I knew that I was stepping into an innovative company in an industry primed for a seismic transformation. However, even with this knowledge in place, I must admit that the speed and scope of change over the past year has been extraordinary to witness. Here […]

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digital sellers
Streamlined Sales Tax (SST) Attempts to Simplify Compliance for Digital Sellers

Accurate sales tax determination is historically predicated on the seller knowing the precise street address of their customer. Since sales tax jurisdictional boundaries do not necessarily correspond to governmental boundaries (e.g., state, county, city) and don’t tightly align with zip codes, the only way to apply correct local rates is by knowing the pinpoint location […]

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19th annual Wine Summit
19th Annual Wine Summit: Highlights and Takeaways

Over May 8-9, Sovos ShipCompliant hosted its 19th annual Wine Summit. For two days, wine makers, managers, consultants, attorneys and other industry members gathered at the Napa Valley Marriott to hear from a cavalcade of experts on regulatory and marketing advice and updates related to the wine industry.  19th annual Wine Summit Recap from Presenters […]

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VAT in the digital age
What’s Happening Next with VAT in the Digital Age (ViDA)

It was widely expected that when the finance ministers of the EU convened last week that we’d receive news of a political agreement on the VAT in the Digital Age (ViDA) proposal. Unfortunately, due to the objections of one member state around the platform rules, this did not happen. Now, the official move forward date […]

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alcohol labels
Alcohol Labels: 3 Things You Need to Know

Often, the first thing you notice about a beverage alcohol product is the label. The typeface, imagery and colors used were all meticulously chosen to say something about the product and brand. But it takes more than an eye for graphic design to create a beverage alcohol label. There are several regulatory concerns at play […]

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embrace e-invoicing
Embrace E-Invoicing for Better Business Decisions

There is a considerable shift happening across the globe right now as governments and tax authorities are embracing e-invoicing as a method of ensuring the accuracy of transactional data. An $11.2 billion dollar market in 2022, e-invoicing is expected to reach $35.9 billion by 2028. [source: ResearchAndMarkets] There is a simple reason for this. Governments […]

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The Truth is in the Transaction: How the E-Invoice Ties the Global Economy Together

Let’s begin with a basic premise. When it comes to tax compliance, you may trust your data, however, the government does not. Businesses may aspire to develop perfect visibility into business operations, but good visibility will often be good enough for meeting business objectives. Data insight is a relative rather than an absolute goal: it […]

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VAT Recovery Guidelines
Unlocking VAT Recovery: Guidelines, Deadlines and Essentials

Following a webinar covering regulatory updates alongside key points of the VAT recovery process, this blog aims to shed light on the crucial aspects of VAT recovery – especially fast-approaching deadlines. Understanding the nuances of VAT recovery applications is essential for businesses seeking to optimize operational costs by recovering VAT incurred in a different country. […]

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dtc beer shipping
Talking Wine DtC Shipping to Brewers

Why is it that direct-to-consumer (DtC) shipping of wine is available nearly nationwide, but is only available in a dozen or so states for beer and even fewer for spirits? This is the question that underscored a recent panel I participated in alongside Steve Gross, VP of state relations for Wine Institute, and Sam DeWitt, […]

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motor insurance policies in Austria
Taxation of Motor Insurance Policies: Austria

In Austria, the insurance premium tax law regulates the indirect tax that applies to elements of coverage under a motor insurance policy. This blog details everything you need to know about this particular indirect tax in the country. As with our dedicated overviews of the taxation of motor insurance policies in Spain and Norway, this […]

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craft beer drinkers
3 Reasons Craft Beer Drinkers Want DtC Shipping

While only 11 states and D.C. allow direct-to-consumer (DtC) beer shipping, more than half of Americans ages 21+ (51%) would purchase more craft beer if they were able to have it shipped directly to their home. In this blog, we discuss the top three reasons why craft beer drinkers want beer sent directly to them […]

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dtc spirits
States Are Looking to Expand DtC Spirits & Beer Availability

2024 is shaping up to be a banner year for legislative efforts related to the direct-to-consumer (DtC) shipping of beverage alcohol. While these proposed laws span a range of legal issues, the primary driver of the bills is expanding access to the DtC market for beer and spirits producers. Currently, 47 states and D.C. permit […]

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market conduct annual statement
Market Conduct Annual Statement Reminders and More

On the second Wednesday of each month, Sovos experts host a 30-minute webinar, Water Cooler Wednesday, to share the latest updates on statutory filings. In March, Sarah Stubbs shared information about the many filings due after March 1, from Market Conduct Annual Statements to health supplements for P&C and life insurers writing A&H businesses and […]

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DtC shipping
How Producers Can Build a DtC Shipping Market

Direct-to-consumer (DtC) shipping has become one of the leading sales models for businesses of all sizes and in all markets. The idea of connecting directly with consumers is notably attractive, as it helps brands develop a personal relationship and avoid costly distribution chains. Yet, for all its popularity, DtC is often a hard concept to […]

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2024 DtC beer shipping
Key Findings from the 2024 DtC Beer Shipping Report

This March, Sovos ShipCompliant released the fourth annual Direct-to-Consumer Beer Shipping Report in partnership with the Brewers Association. The DtC beer shipping report features exclusive insights on the regulatory state of the direct-to-consumer (DtC) channel, Brewers Association’s perspective and key data from a consumer preferences survey. Let’s take a deeper dive into some of the […]

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Florida HR 583
Florida HR 583 Set to Uncork Larger Format Wine Bottles

This bill was signed into law on March 28, 2024 and takes effect July 1, 2024. Florida wine lovers could soon enjoy a bigger selection of bottles based on a recent bill passed by the state’s legislature (HR 583) that would remove the existing cap on wine bottle sizes. What is Florida’s HR 583 bill? […]

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