
Brazil Introduces National Standard for the Service e-Invoice
Brazil Introduces National Standard for the Service e-Invoice

Brazil is known for its highly complex continuous transaction controls (CTC) e-invoicing system. As well as keeping up with daily legislative changes in its 26 states and the Federal District, the country has over 5,000 municipalities with different standards for e-invoicing. The tax levied on consumption of services (ISSQN – Imposto Sobre Serviços de Qualquer […]

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Tax Reform in Brazil

Update: 12 September 2023 by Robson Satiro de Almeida Tax Reform in Brazil: Simplification Statute Published Recent developments in Brazil indicate changes on the horizon, as the country continues to move towards a tax reform for simplification of e-invoicing obligations. A significant reform of ancillary tax obligations is underway aiming to create a unified system […]

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G20 Ministers Agree to Move Forward with Global Tax Reform Deal
G20 Ministers Agree to Move Forward with Global Tax Reform Deal

In the “Statement on a Two-Pillar Solution to Address the Tax Challenges Arising From the Digitalization of the Economy” issued on 1 July 2021, members of the G20 Inclusive Framework on Base Erosion and Profit Shifting (“BEPS”) have agreed upon a framework to move forward with a global tax reform deal. This will address the […]

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The VAT Evolution and Why It’s So Complex Part I: Thinking Globally

To understand why there is an ongoing evolution in the managing and administration of value added taxes (VAT), it is important to first understand the motivations of the governments behind the changes. The primary responsibility of any tax authority is to collect the revenue in which the government is legally owed. The difference between what […]

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The VAT Evolution and Why It’s So Complex Part II: Three Focus Areas for VAT

In Part I of our series on the VAT Evolution, we explored the motivations of tax authorities and governments around the world to embrace digitization and technology of a method of increasing revenue collection and shrinking tax gaps. More information on this topic can also be found by downloading your free copy of our IDC […]

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The VAT Evolution and Why It’s So Complex Part III: Why Global Solutions Matter to IT

In Part I of our series on the VAT Evolution, we explored the motivations of tax authorities and governments around the world to embrace digitization and technology of a method of increasing revenue collection and shrinking tax gaps. Then in Part II, Three Focus Areas for VAT we discussed some of the priority concerns for […]

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E-Invoice Data Reveals the Impact of COVID-19 on Brazil’s Economy

Increased visibility into, and control over, taxpayer financial and trade data is the key benefit highlighted by governments that have introduced continuous transaction controls (CTC) regimes. Its importance cannot be overstated. Transactional data cleared by or exchanged through a tax administration authorised platform becomes the new source of truth for tax authorities to assess the […]

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Sovos Strengthens Complete, Connected Tax Compliance in Brazil with Latest Acquisition

For businesses headquartered or operating in Brazil, the constantly shifting Nota Fiscal compliance regulations are a well-known pain point. The Sistema Público de Escrituração Digital (SPED) reporting rules debuted in 2008 to digitize paper invoices and records, and the rules continue to change frequently, creating complexity and risk. These difficulties are deepened for businesses that […]

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Transforming Your Approach to Tax in Brazil Part I: Understanding the Dilemma

Introduction: Brazil is the world’s ninth largest economy and a country with a well-earned reputation of being perhaps the most complex tax environment on Earth. The sheer number of laws and mandates, the constant change and the risk of non-compliance resulting in significant penalties and fines is omnipresent. In this three-part blog series, we’ll look […]

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Transforming Your Approach to Tax in Brazil Part II: A New Journey Begins

Introduction: Brazil is the world’s ninth largest economy and a country with a well-earned reputation of being perhaps the most complex tax environment on Earth. The sheer number of laws and mandates, the constant change and the risk of non-compliance resulting in significant penalties and fines is omnipresent. In this three-part blog series, we’ll look […]

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Transforming Your Approach to Tax in Brazil Part III: Aligning Technology and Partnerships

Introduction: Brazil is the world’s ninth largest economy and a country with a well-earned reputation of being perhaps the most complex tax environment on Earth. The sheer number of laws and mandates, the constant change and the risk of non-compliance resulting in significant penalties and fines is omnipresent. In this three-part blog series, we’ll look […]

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Brazil NF-e invoices
Brazil Introduces New Rules for NF-e Invoices

Although Brazil is known for its complex tax laws that make compliance a difficult task in the country, it is undeniable that the Continuous Transaction Control (CTC) system implemented more than a decade ago is one of the most stable in the world. However, even a sophisticated CTC system continues to evolve and mature, and […]

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B2B Transaction Automation Platforms: Quantifying the VAT Compliance Advantage

In the past five years, transaction automation platform vendors who embraced e-invoicing and e-archiving compliance as integral to their services grew on average approximately 2.5 to 5 times faster than the market. Two decades of EU e-invoicing: many options, different models Until 1 January 2019, when Italy became the first European country to mandate B2B […]

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Prepare to Pay Taxes on Crypto Held in Foreign Accounts
Prepare to Pay Taxes on Crypto Held in Foreign Accounts

The Government Accountability Office (GAO), a U.S. Congress watchdog, published a report evaluating the IRS’s approach to regulating virtual currency (crypto) and the guidance it has offered the public. The GAO’s Recommendation However, a portion of the report was directed at the IRS and the Financial Crimes Enforcement Network (FinCEN), a bureau of the U.S. […]

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transform tax compliance
From Alignment to Action: Transforming Tax Compliance on Your Terms

    What’s your digital transformation strategy? Whether you’re in IT, finance, tax or the executive suite, if that strategy doesn’t include tax, you may be overlooking a huge source of risk – and strategic benefit. It’s time to consider launching a conversation about tax in a digitally transforming world. Which is why we’ve created […]

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Aligning ERP and Tax: What’s the Enterprise Upside of Tax Compliance Modernization?

    What’s your digital transformation strategy? Whether you’re in IT, finance, tax or the executive suite, if that strategy doesn’t include tax, you may be overlooking a huge source of risk – and strategic benefit. It’s time to consider launching a conversation about tax in a digitally transforming world. Which is why we’ve created […]

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Tax & IT: How a Unified Compliance Vision Streamlines Digital Transformation

    What’s your digital transformation strategy? Whether you’re in IT, finance, tax or the executive suite, if that strategy doesn’t include tax, you may be overlooking a huge source of risk – and strategic benefit. It’s time to consider launching a conversation about tax in a digitally transforming world. Which is why we’ve created […]

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“Trends” Report Excerpt: The Consequences of VAT Non-Compliance
“Trends” Report Excerpt: The Consequences of VAT Non-Compliance

The following is an excerpt from “Trends in Continuous Global VAT Compliance,” the 11th edition of the industry’s most comprehensive guide to e-invoicing, e-archiving and VAT reporting. The full report is available for download.  To reduce the VAT gap, countries are pushing taxable organizations to comply with VAT requirements and enforcing different types of legal […]

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