
India’s E-invoicing Mandate Deadline of October is Looming

Renowned for its diversity, India is taking the same approach to its e-invoicing framework.  There have been several changes and new possibilities included in the required processes and technical (“JSON”) invoice schema since e-invoicing was introduced. Such changes are unsurprising as many of the existing Continuous Transaction Controls (CTC) systems regularly bring new elements to […]

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Turkey: Which Documents Can Replace E-Delivery Notes?

From 1 July 2020, all taxpayers with revenue above 25 million TL in 2018 or subsequent years must switch to the e-delivery note system. E-invoice instead of e-delivery note With the deadline fast approaching, one of the questions on taxpayers’ minds is whether e-invoices can be used to replace e-delivery notes as paper invoices can […]

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Remember, COVID-19 Isn’t the Only Challenge Facing Insurers

The coronavirus pandemic’s full effect on insurance is yet to be revealed, however one thing is for certain, the shockwaves will be felt for years to come. Looking at the numbers, Lloyds of London have recently forecast that COVID-19 will cost the insurance industry £167bn globally this year resulting from claims related to the pandemic […]

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European Court Rules Against UK on VAT Treatment of Futures Trading

In the midst of ongoing negotiations following the UK’s exit from the European Union (EU), the Court of Justice of the European Union (CJEU) has ruled that the UK has impermissibly expanded the scope of its 0% VAT rate on futures trading.  And, that this has been occurring over a period spanning more than forty […]

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Italian Parafiscal Complexities

Premium tax and parafiscal compliance for insurers authorised to operate under the Italian regime can be challenging. For the experienced, it may seem that each year brings a different obligation to be met with new requirements often being introduced. There are almost always links between an upcoming year’s reporting requirements and declarations made in previous […]

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Turkey’s Transition Conditions for E-ledger

On October 19, 2019, the Turkish Revenue Administration (TRA) published a communique making the e-ledger application mandatory for e-invoice users, companies subject to an independent audit, and companies identified by the Presidency to have poor tax compliance.  The e-ledger application enables businesses to create the legally mandated general journals and ledgers and submit e-ledger summary […]

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Why IPT Reporting is so Complex for Insurers

Accurately calculating insurance premium tax (IPT) for reporting can be complex.  And the ramifications of getting it wrong can be far reaching from impacting profit margins to unwelcome audits, fines and damage to your company’s reputation in the market and with customers. Calculation methods When I speak to customers about how they calculate insurance premium […]

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The Future of VAT in Northern Ireland

As negotiations to determine the future relationship between the EU and UK beyond the end of the transition period resume, after a COVID-19 initiated pause, it’s worth taking a moment to review some of the anticipated VAT implications of Brexit, and in particular the impact on Northern Ireland. Prior to the UK leaving the EU, […]

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Albania’s New Tax Reform: Fiscalization

Following the trailblazing efforts by countries such as Italy, Hungary and Spain, this past year has seen an increase in European countries announcing digital tax control reforms. Earlier this year, Albania joined the ranks of France and Poland by announcing the introduction of a continuous transaction controls (CTC) system, called fiscalization. This scheme requires clearance […]

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Is COVID-19 Rewriting the Rules for How Insurers Cover Epidemics?

Coronavirus has already immeasurably changed how we live, work, travel and socialise, and the insurance industry is certainly no exception. Looking back, policies agreed at the beginning of this year could never have reasonably taken into account the scale of this pandemic because nothing like this situation has graced the world in living memory. Furthermore, […]

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In Focus: Easing the Pain of Negatives for Insurers

Anyone involved in insurance premium tax (IPT) compliance will be only too aware of negatives.  Sadly, they almost always cause a headache and not only for financial reasons but also from a tax compliance perspective as well. What are negatives? Negatives for IPT purposes mean negative policy lines in documentation created to support the premium […]

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Deadline Looming for Turkey’s E-delivery Note Mandate – Are You Ready?

Following the successful implementation of the e-invoicing mandate that has gradually expanded its scope, Turkey introduced a new mandate to track the movement of goods in a more technology-efficient way. Like many other countries, Turkey has already been able to retroactively track the movement of goods by obliging taxpayers to issue delivery notes. Having seen […]

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European Commission Proposes Delay of Six Months for E-commerce VAT Package

On Friday 8 May, the European Commission (EC) published a legislative proposal to delay implementation of the e-Commerce VAT Package by six months due to the impact of the COVID-19 crisis. The implementation of the new measures, which were set to come into force on 1 January 2021, have been delayed until 1 July 2021. […]

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Navigating IPT Regimes Across the French Overseas Territories

As we all know, insurance premium tax (IPT) differs country to country and if your company writes insurance cross border, tracking every jurisdiction’s IPT rate can be challenging. We’re often asked by insurers about IPT regimes in overseas France because they vary island to island. Not only does each territory maintain its own IPT regime, […]

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E-Archiving for VAT: Compliance in a Digital World

Compliant archiving of original invoices and similar tax-relevant documents has long been overlooked. As companies gradually made the move to digitize existing paper processes, invoicing became a prime area for transformation into e-invoicing. However, requirements for long-term electronic archiving in traditional tax law were not always adapted in time to reflect the specific challenges of […]

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Preparing for Poland’s New JPK_VAT Structure

We recently reported the Polish government’s decision to delay introduction of the new JPK_VAT  with a declaration structure until 1 July 2020. This move is part of the country’s Tarcza antykryzysowa (“Anti-Crisis Shield”) initiative to support business during the coronavirus pandemic and gives welcome extra preparation time especially as the Ministry of Finance only recently […]

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Portugal – New Stamp Duty Filing Requirements Delayed

The global tax landscape is rapidly changing as more tax jurisdictions require detailed electronic transactional reporting. This trend also applies to premium taxes, with Spain leading the way having introduced a new digitised reporting system and requesting Consorcio surcharges be declared on a transactional line-by-line basis. Greece shortly followed with detailed IPT reporting and most […]

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Finland Expands Adoption of E-Invoicing

Finland’s government already receives over 90% of invoices electronically. Aiming to expand the use of e-invoices in B2B transactions, the country has granted B2B buyers the right to receive a structured electronic invoice from their suppliers if requested. The scheme applies to all Finnish companies with a turnover above €10,000 and came into force on […]

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