
China Adopts Pilot Programme for B2B E-Invoices

In September, the Ningbo Municipal Taxation Bureau (NMTB) of the State Taxation Administration (STA) announced a pilot programme enabling selected taxpayers operating in China to issue VAT special electronic invoices on a voluntary basis. China’s VAT invoices China has two types of VAT invoices:  VAT special invoices and VAT general invoices. The first type may […]

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India e-invoicing deadlines
India E-Invoicing Deadlines Announced

After a roller-coaster period, full of changes and updates, India’s e-invoicing deadlines went live on 1 October this year. This e-invoicing reform is considered to be the second biggest tax development in the country after the introduction of Goods and Services Tax (GTS) in 2017. The Indian authorities chose to go ahead with implementing the […]

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VAT Retail Export Scheme – Tax Free Shopping is Returning
UK Border Controls Post-Brexit – What You Need to Know About Importing Goods

In our Brexit and VAT series, we delve into some of the most important issues of the day to bring you clarity and advice. Last week we looked at goods, services, and VAT. This week, we address UK border controls post-Brexit and importing goods.  Movement of goods post-Brexit Currently, the concept of dispatches and acquisitions […]

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Who Bears the Cost of Insurance Taxes – the Insurer, or the Insured?

In most cases, the primary responsibility of calculating, reporting and settling insurance premium tax (IPT) remains with the insurance company. But similar to VAT and other indirect taxes, although the insurer acts as the collector and administrator, the economic cost is ultimately borne by the policyholder as the purchaser of the insurance. The cost can’t […]

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Developments in India’s GST Reporting

It’s now over two years since goods and services tax (GST) was implemented in India. And yet GST reporting continues to present challenges for businesses. With the unveiling by the GST Network of new filing enhancements and considering the increased focus on GST compliance with the advent of e-invoicing, a review of periodic GST filing […]

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Goods, Services, and VAT Recovery Post Brexit – What do Businesses Need to Know?

The sands of transition period time are draining away. As we edge ever closer to the final Brexit deadline, there are a raft of VAT related considerations for businesses to attend to. Though uncertainty reigns about the shape of the trading relationship, most of the Brexit scenarios up for debate would render the UK a […]

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A Managed Approach to IPT Compliance

For cross-border insurers, navigating the complex tax landscape across multiple jurisdictions can feel overwhelming. Tax authorities continue to take measures to boost revenues, increase efficiency and reduce fraud.  There is a notable shift towards digital insurance premium tax (IPT) reporting, which places an additional burden on insurers. Ensuring that taxes are filed correctly and are […]

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Greece Last-Minute Change: myDATA Now Live as Pilot for 2020

On the actual go-live date of the Greece Tax Authority AADE myDATA (my Digital Accounting and Tax Application) reporting framework, the Greek authorities published a decision introducing last-minute changes. After having evaluated the preparedness of businesses as a result of Covid-19 they decided to provide taxpayers in scope with additional relief by recategorizing the roll-out […]

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India e-invoicing mandate
India’s E-invoicing Mandate Now Live With Last-Minute Relief From Government

The Indian e-invoicing mandate is live. Even though there was significant public pressure to postpone the 1 October deadline, the set date remains the same and the initial phase has started for taxpayers with an annual aggregate revenue of 500cr. rupees or more during any financial year after 2017. Even though the mandate has formally […]

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In Focus: Europe’s Diverse Declaration Methods

There’s no harmonisation across Europe for how tax declarations are submitted. And methods vary tax by tax, country by country, and even region by region. This can be challenging for many insurers in not only meeting current requirements but in also keeping up with the ever changing insurance premium tax (IPT) landscape. Frequency Although there […]

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Oman to Introduce VAT

Oman is on its way to introduce VAT. After the approval of the State Council and the Shura Council the draft law was sent for final approval to Sultan Haitham Bin Tariq Al Said. If the draft law is approved, VAT is expected to be implemented in 2022. Background Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) member states […]

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Three Key Reasons to Appoint a VAT Compliance Managed Service Provider

With a VAT gap across EU countries estimated at €140 billion in 2018, tax authorities are continuing to take steps to boost revenues, increase efficiency and reduce fraud.  As a result, VAT compliance obligations are becoming more demanding. Failure to comply can not only result in significant fines but also reputational damage. Many multinational companies […]

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The Benefits of Insurtech to Captive Insurers

Tax filing, wherever you are in the world, is becoming increasingly complex, with regular rate updates and governments eager to close tax gaps via new mandates that demand real-time reporting. Despite this, many captive insurers still rely on resource-heavy, manual procedures to capture, validate and process large volumes of data. As well as taking significant […]

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Navigating Insurance’s Digital Highway

From underwriting to reporting, the insurance industry is having to adjust and by choice or imposed, is embracing the digital evolution of its practices. On the reporting front, more tax authorities are forcing insurance companies to tailor their internal processes by jurisdiction, directly impacting the collection of information at the underwriting stage. Digitized services continue […]

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crypto 1099 reporting
India’s E-Invoicing Reform Updates: The Clock is Ticking

Taxpayers are only two weeks away from the initial start of India’s e-invoicing reform. Even though the continuous transaction controls (CTC) invoicing system was officially first introduced in December 2019, there have been many changes and updates from the GSTN. In addition to changes announced in July which affected the schema and scope for India’s […]

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Mexico: Changes to VAT Obligations, E-Signature and E-Invoicing

Part 2: Main Aspects of the 2nd Modification of the Miscellaneous Fiscal Resolution for 2020 In addition to the provisions related to digital services explained in Part I of this blog, the second Modification to the Miscellaneous Fiscal Resolution for 2020 (RMF2020) also introduced the following changes related to VAT obligations, the use of electronic […]

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Turkey Amends the General Communique

The Turkish Revenue Authority (TRA) continues to innovate digital tax controls, most recently by introducing a new document type among other changes. They recently published a Draft Communique including several amendments to existing regulations which were opened up for public consultation. The General Communique on the Tax Procedural Law (General Communique), which this recent draft […]

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Frequently Asked Questions: Calculating Insurance Premium Tax Liabilities

Accurately calculating Insurance Premium Taxes (IPT) across Europe can be a challenge, especially when there are inconsistent methods of calculations and a vast array of taxes to understand. Our webinar ‘How to accurately calculate IPT liabilities’ sheds light on the challenges insurers face in ensuring accurate calculations, the various calculation methods different territories use for […]

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