
DtC alcohol shippers
3 Questionable Practices DtC Alcohol Shippers Should Be Wary About

It’s no secret that direct-to-consumer (DtC) shipping of alcohol is a valuable and growing market. Wineries, breweries, distilleries, and retailers alike have benefited from having direct access to consumers across the country. With consumer demand at an all-time high, it is understandable more alcohol sellers want to get into the DtC game as soon as […]

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wine e-commerce
Marketing Strategy 2022: Key Elements for Successful Wine e-Commerce

By Chloe Cristallini, Marketing Manager for Bloom Studio Recently, one of our webinar attendees asked, “What advice would you give someone who is first starting to sell alcohol DtC, or who wants to grow their DtC channel?” Buying a bottle of wine should be as easy for people as buying a pair of shoes. Other […]

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USPS alcohol
Why Can’t I Ship Alcohol Through the USPS?

Vino drinkers in 48 locales can get their favorite wines shipped direct-to-consumer (DtC) to their home, while beer and liquor aficionados only can have their top libations delivered in 12 and seven locations, respectively. These shipments must also be through a private carrier, as the United States Postal Service (USPS) is forbidden from delivering alcohol […]

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DtC spirits shipping
California and Maine Curtail Bills for DtC Spirits Shipping

Despite the broad interest among Americans for direct-to-consumer (DtC) shipping of beer and spirits, there is clear reluctance among state legislators to change laws to enable these sales. In California, the would-be DtC shipping expansion bill SB 620 was recently amended by the State Assembly in a way that will severely impair the ability of […]

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three-tier system distributor
Three-Tier System Essentials: Distributor Relationships

When it comes to the three-tier system of beverage alcohol sales, there is perhaps no more important relationship than that between a beverage supplier and their distributors (also known as wholesalers). The support provided by distributors is invaluable in accessing a state’s market, from handling complex logistical arrangements to guiding a supplier on state laws […]

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DtC liquor shipping
Why Can’t I Get Liquor Shipped to My Home?

Have you ever wanted to order your favorite out-of-state liquor and get it shipped right to your front steps? The COVID-19 pandemic pushed consumers to rethink how they obtain the necessities and conveniences, but ordering distiller spirits for home delivery is not that easy, with only eight locales nationally permitting the direct-to-consumer (DtC) shipping of […]

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DtC shipping myths
Three-Tier System Essentials: Tax Determination and Reporting

Tax compliance can easily become an overlooked area as alcohol producers work on numerous aspects of their three-tier distribution compliance, including state license forms and brand registration requirements. For alcohol producers distributing in the three-tier system, excise tax determination and reporting is especially critical. Businesses must ensure they stay compliant as they scale into new […]

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legally ship spirits
Understanding Delivery v. DtC Shipping in Beverage Alcohol

What’s the difference and why does it matter? Consumers may not care about the legal technicalities of how their favorite alcoholic beverages arrive at their front doors, but federal and state regulators absolutely do. Here’s a quick guide to what producers and retailers must know about direct-to-consumer (DtC) shipping versus local delivery of beverage alcohol. […]

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DtC wine shipping market
What’s in Store for the DtC Wine Shipping Market in 2022

In 2022, wine producers and wine consumers can enjoy unparalleled access to each other through the market for direct-to-consumer (DtC) shipping of wine. The current map for DtC wine shipping of 47 states and the District of Columbia, is thanks in no small part to vigorous lobbying and advocacy efforts over the past few decades, […]

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Bottling in a winery
Three-Tier System Essentials: Product Registrations

For suppliers of beverage alcohol, one of the most critical steps in getting to market is ensuring that their product labels comply with all applicable federal and state laws. An alcohol label contains critical information identifying the contents and producers, and as such it is highly regulated with rules at both the federal and state […]

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RTDs Vermont
Legislation Stalls but the Time is Right for DtC Spirits Shipping

Direct-to-consumer (DtC) shipping is increasingly becoming a hot topic in the craft beer and spirits worlds, with both producers and consumers pushing for greater access. However, while 47 states and the District of Columbia allow wine to be shipped DtC, just six states and D.C. do so for spirits. Several states have bills that could […]

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brown forman
Spirits New Product Registrations Jump 108% in Q1 2022

Brandy registrations see impressive 322% spike from Q4 2021  As spring and the warmer months inch closer, beverage alcohol brand registration patterns are also continuing to creep higher. The industry is perhaps gaining a better understanding of how to move forward in a marketplace working through a pandemic. There were increases in Product Registration Online […]

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The Three-Tier System: From Prohibition to Today

Sovos ShipCompliant’s Alex Koral, regulatory general counsel, invited Tom Wark, executive director of the National Association of Wine Retailers and author of the Fermentation Newsletter, for a conversation about the three-tier system’s role in the modern-day beverage alcohol regulatory landscape. Tom shares his take on how Prohibition may have initially shaped the approach to regulating […]

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three-tier self-distribution
Three-Tier System Essentials: Self-Distribution Permissions

The three-tier system, under which beverage alcohol is predominately sold in the United States, establishes a clear distinction between the different “tiers” of the market. As it is designed to work, alcohol suppliers sell solely to wholesalers, who in turn sell solely to retailers, who then are the entities that consumers purchase alcohol from. In […]

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updates DtC beer shipping
The Latest Updates on DtC Beer Shipping Regulations

We’ve previously discussed the details of direct-to-consumer (DtC) beer shipping, and what shippers must keep in mind to stay compliant. It’s also important to stay current on updates to DtC beer shipping regulations. That way shippers can make any necessary changes to remain compliant should more (or fewer) states allow beer to be shipped directly […]

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Top Takeaways from the 2022 Sovos ShipCompliant Beverage Alcohol Summit

The 2022 Sovos ShipCompliant Beverage Alcohol Summit virtual event included in-depth data analysis, discussions on the latest regulatory updates and insightful thought leadership. Here are some Summit highlights and quick facts from our sessions. Big picture industry updates Alex Koral, regulatory general counsel, Sovos ShipCompliant, shared some observations about the role of regulations in the […]

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alcohol product types
Three-Tier System Essentials: Control States

We’ve previously discussed the importance for producers to get licensed for the three-tier system when beginning to sell and distribute their alcoholic products. However, it’s also critical that when a supplier distributes into a new state, they first recognize if they will be selling into a “control system.” In the control state model, state agencies […]

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expanded DtC shipping
5 Highlights From the Second Annual DtC Beer Shipping Report

This March, Sovos ShipCompliant released the second annual Direct-to-Consumer (DtC) Beer Shipping Report in partnership with the Brewers Association. The report features exclusive insights and data on the state of the channel, an economist’s review of the marketplace opportunity and key findings from a consumer preferences survey. Fast facts from the 2022 DtC Beer Shipping […]

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