So, who wants to read another article about unclaimed property audits and how burdensome they are? I mean sure, most of you have either heard, read about, or experienced firsthand how difficult the examinations are to navigate and how long they can be, but rarely do we hear any good news when it comes to […]
Following the January release of our annual Direct-to-Consumer Wine Shipping Report in partnership with Wines Vines Analytics, consumers continue to make changes in how they get their wine. With the economy still working to rebound in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic, ecommerce sales have remained important. On-premise locations, including bars, restaurants and tasting rooms, […]
Most states have direct-to-consumer (DtC) wine shipping laws, but you must follow the rules of the destination state when doing it. States can have varying requirements and limitations when it comes to licensing, product restrictions, dry communities or even volume limits for how much a given customer can receive. For example, Massachusetts restricts licensees from […]
In sales tax, ideas spread fast. In the new E-988 surcharge, we may be seeing the very beginning stages of what ultimately might become a new and expansive tax compliance requirement for sellers of prepaid wireless products and services. It all started in July 2020 when the Federal Communication Commission (FCC) adopted regulations designating the […]
This blog was updated on January 4, 2023. In virtually every market, your sales tax obligations will grow as your retail operations expand. When creating a brand, it’s crucial to have a flagship product or service that creates a sense of purpose in the market. Once a customer connects with your company, growth naturally can […]
Direct-to-consumer (DtC) shipping has numerous rules and regulations that shippers must adhere to in order to stay compliant. Customer aggregate volume limits (CAVL) discern how much of a certain type of alcohol a single licensee can ship in each period of time to select individuals within a state. CAVL can seem like a straightforward requirement for […]
As we pass the midpoint of the year, many companies are already looking toward year end, trying to ready themselves for various new reporting requirements. Among those is the expansion to statutory Schedule Y where newly adopted Part 3 will join the family and require disclosures on related party insurer members of a holding company […]
As we enter into the summer months, wine direct-to-consumer (DtC) shipments are still shifting in response to a tumultuous year. While the industry has largely righted itself, it remains essential to pay attention to marketplace data to keep pulse on that continued change. Nielsen is collaborating with Wines Vines Analytics and Sovos ShipCompliant to provide […]
Sovos is the industry leader in U.S. insurance accounting and reporting, education and software. From our expert level instructors, to our industry best-in-class software and support, to our customized high-quality training, Sovos helps you meet your organizational goals. Being the industry leader requires staying ahead of industry changes in insurance accounting and financial reporting. To […]
With ecommerce continuing to rise in popularity, businesses can face unexpected operational challenges when there are increases in sales. But when utilizing the state of Active/Active availability through Sovos, companies know that they are backed by a scalable technological option that provides unparalleled uptime. Competition occurs every day of the year and is no longer […]
By Milton Cornwell, COO, Copper Peak Logistics — a ShipCompliant Platinum Certified Partner Why should it matter if your direct-to-consumer (DtC) fulfillment partner has multiple shipping facilities? We at Copper Peak have found that the question of multiple shipping facilities is a very misunderstood concept in the wine fulfillment business, especially when it’s called many […]
In my previous two unclaimed property and cryptocurrency blogs posts titled, “Regulation and the Impact on Digital Assets” and “Due Diligence Requirements and Compliance,” we explored the impact of unclaimed property regulations in the virtual currency world and the what, why, when and how of due diligence compliance. Now that you have completed your due […]
Reciprocity in unclaimed property: why refrain from the practice of reciprocity when it seems so simple? Reciprocity or reciprocal filing came about in 1954 to keep holders from duplicate reporting liability. In other words, if a holder reported unclaimed property to one state (state A for example) and another state (state B) had a better […]
Last updated: November 19, 2024 When it comes to direct-to-consumer (DtC) liquor shipping laws by state, distilleries and other spirits producers must adhere to shipping laws of the destination state. It is also important to remember that just because a state allows DtC beer shipping or DtC wine shipping, it does not necessarily mean that […]
Preventing alcohol sales to minors is a fundamental responsibility for any business in the beverage alcohol industry. It is illegal in every state to sell alcohol to anyone under the age of 21, regardless of where or how the sale occurs. So, for direct-to-consumer (DtC) shipping of alcohol in the United States, implementing age verification […]
This blog was updated on April 6, 2023. In today’s rapidly evolving and technology-driven regulatory environment, businesses and governments have had to change their operations to stay profitable and compliant. Everything from cloud computing to machine learning and AI to the Internet of Things (IoT) are opening new revenue streams and altering supply chain models. […]
60-Day Response Period Extended for February VDA Recipients The deadline to respond to Delaware unclaimed property VDA invitations mailed in February 2021 was extended to July 31, 2021. Per an announcement posted to the DE Secretary of State’s website, reminder letters were sent the week of June 14, 2021 to holders that received, but have […]
Whether your business is looking to expand into more states (or countries), adding e-commerce options or exploring any number of other digital needs, integrating a tax engine with your ERP can be essential to ensuring positive growth. Organizations can see reduced maintenance costs and lessen the burden on internal teams, while also experiencing increased accuracy […]