Regulatory Analysis

Posted December 22, 2022 by Robert Pelletier
Norway Extends VAT Obligation to Sales of Remotely Delivered Services effective 1 January 2023

Norway has approved amendments to the Norwegian VAT law regarding cross-border business to consumer sales of remotely delivered services. Effective 1 January 2023, non-resident suppliers of remote services (non-digital) to Norway who make supplies to non-registered persons are required to collect and remit VAT. This law change is an extension of Norway’s current VAT compliance […]

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Posted December 21, 2022 by Edit Buliczka
France: Mandatory IPT Online Submission – Further Delays to 2025

The French Parliament approved the Finance Bill for 2023 (“2023 Bill”) on 17 December 2022. It includes an amendment to Article 166 of Finance law no. 2019-1479 of 28 December 2019 for 2020. Whilst only the date has changed from 2023 to 2025, this has a huge impact on the settlement of French insurance premium […]

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Posted December 20, 2022 by David Armas
Kentucky Imposes New Excise Tax on Motor Vehicle Rentals

Kentucky recently enacted House Bill 8 which imposes a new excise tax on certain types of motor vehicle rentals. This excise tax is 6% in addition to the existing 6% motor vehicle usage tax. More information on the new excise tax may be found here.

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Posted December 20, 2022 by Bradley Feimer
Colorado Local Sales and Use Tax Changes Effective January 1, 2023

The Colorado Department of Revenue recently published local jurisdiction sales and use tax changes. Such changes include rate changes, new taxing jurisdictions, and newly adopted exemptions. Several state-administered locals have opted into the state’s exemption for period products or incontinence products. All changes, as well as the Colorado exemption for period products and incontinence products, […]

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Posted December 20, 2022 by Hector Fernandez
Spain: New Modelo 480 Published

On the 19 December 2022, the Agencia Estatal de Administración Tributaria (AEAT) published the new Modelo 480 for future submissions, including 2022, in the Spanish Gazette. Alongside this, an extension for the annual tax submission has been confirmed, with submissions allowed up to 31 January. This is a positive change as it allows for more […]

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Posted December 19, 2022 by Oliver Mavor-Parker
California Imposes New 988 Surcharge

Starting January 1, 2023, California will impose a 988 Surcharge on telecommunications access lines and prepaid mobile telephony services. The 988 Surcharge will apply in addition to the existing 911 Surcharge. For more information, please consult this Special Notice.

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Posted December 19, 2022 by Andrew Decker
Ireland Extends Zero VAT Rate to Newspapers among other VAT Changes

Ireland’s Finance Act of 2022 introduces several important VAT changes for the new year. The Act imposes a zero-rate of VAT on newspapers, which were previously subject to a reduced rate of 9%, provided the papers are not predominantly devoted to advertising. This rate reduction includes electronic newspapers as well as physical newspapers. The Act […]

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Posted December 19, 2022 by Robert Pelletier
Mozambique Standard VAT Rate Decrease Effective 1 January 2023

As approved by the Mozambique parliament on 30 November 2022, the standard VAT rate will be reduced from 17% to 16% with effect from 1 January 2023.

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Posted December 19, 2022 by Stephanie Melhem
Belgium Immovable Property Reverse Charge effective 1 January 2023

On November 10, 2022, Belgium published amendments to its reverse charge mechanism for immoveable property. Previously, the reverse charge mechanism applied only when the foreign taxable customer was identified for VAT purposes in Belgium via a fiscal representative. From 1 January 2023, when a Belgian established company performs construction supplies on immovable property, reverse charge […]

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Posted December 19, 2022 by Robert Pelletier
Finland: Zero Rated Passenger Transport Services effective 1 January 2023

Effective 1 January 2023 and until 30 April 2023, the domestic supply of passenger transport services are temporarily zero-rated under Law No. 870/2022. The law can be found here (in Finnish).

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Posted December 16, 2022 by Stephanie Melhem
Slovakia: Temporary VAT Reduction for Certain Facilities and Restaurant and Catering Services effective 1 January 2023

The Parliament of Slovak Republic approved an amendment of the VAT law temporarily reducing the VAT rate on the transportation of people by ski lifts, sports facilities, swimming pools, and for restaurant and catering services. These supplies will apply a reduced VAT rate of 10% effective 1 January 2023. This is a temporary rate reduction […]

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Posted December 16, 2022 by Carolina Silva
Portugal: New Order Establishes Grace Period for Invoice Reporting Obligation and Postpones QES Requirement for E-Invoices

The Portuguese State Secretary of Fiscal Affairs issued Order 8/2022 XXIII which, among others things, establishes a grace period for invoice reporting obligations, as well as another postponement of the requirement of application of a qualified electronic signature or seal on electronic invoices. The Order establishes a grace period during which penalties that concern the […]

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Posted December 14, 2022 by Alec Webb
Oregon Releases 2022 W-2 and 1099 Electronic Filing Specifications for Tax Year 2022

Oregon recently released its W-2 Specifications and 1099 Specifications for tax year 2022. Besides date and minor grammar changes, there were no changes to the specifications. Please see W-2 Specifications here. Please see 1099 Specifications here.

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Posted December 14, 2022 by Alec Webb
Indiana Makes Significant Updates to SFTP Bulk Upload Guide

Indiana has released its SFTP Bulk Upload Guide for forms WH-1 and WH-3. Indiana recently passed legislation to transform their Bulk Filing process. Indiana is also transitioning from the old “INtax” system to a new, modernized “INTIME” Tax portal. Please note the guidance explicitly states that if you are a third-party provider, you do not […]

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Posted December 14, 2022 by Alec Webb
Indiana Releases New W-2 and WH-3 Electronic Filing Requirements

Indiana has published updated W2 and WH3 electronic filing requirements. There have been no changes to W2 filing specifications Indiana has made some additions to W2 and WH3 electronic filing requirements. An extension request to file for WH3 must be made by Jan 31 by submitting Form 8809. All extension requests must be made through […]

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Posted December 14, 2022 by juliaolienyk
Illinois Publishes 2022 W-2 and W-2C Electronic Transmission Program Guide

Illinois Published 2022 W-2 and W-2C Electronic Transmission Program Guide. Besides year updates and formatting changes, error code descriptions have been updated. There are no other changes. To view the specifications, click here.

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Posted December 14, 2022 by Alec Webb
Minnesota Updates B Record Layout for Municipal Bond Payment Reporting

Minnesota has updated Fact Sheet 19: Form 1099-B Municipal Bond Payment Reporting Information There have been instruction updates for “B” Record Position 448-487 “Payee City” and Position 488-489 “Payee State”. You can view Minnesota Fact Sheet 19 here for reference.

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Posted December 14, 2022 by Alec Webb
Minnesota Limits Electronic Submission of 1099 Forms through Manual Method or Simple File to the 1099-MISC

As of 2023, file submission by Manual Method or Simple File is only available for 1099-MISC forms. Submission by Manual Method or Simple File not available for all other 1099 forms. Last Year all 1099 forms could be submitted using Manual Method or Simple File. All 1099 forms can be submitted following 1220 format. Only […]

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