Regulatory Analysis

Posted June 15, 2022 by Selin Adler Ring
Saudi Arabia: ZATCA to Subsidize E-invoicing Solutions

In an effort to ease compliance burden on taxpayers, the Zakat (the Saudi Arabian Customs and Tax Authority, ZATCA), has announced that it will offer to subsidize e-invoicing solutions acquired by taxpayers. For this purpose, ZATCA established a new electronic service through which taxpayers may request a subsidy after providing certain details and the invoice […]

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Posted June 14, 2022 by Victor Duarte
Ecuador: New resolution establishing e-invoicing obligations to taxpayers previously out of scope

The Internal Revenue Service (SRI) issued RESOLUTION No. NAC-DGERCGC22-00000024 on May 27, 2022, establishing the obligation to issue e-invoices to taxpayers required to issue invoices but not required to issue e-invoices and the obligation for these taxpayers, qualified as agents of withholding, to issue the Simplified Transactional Annex (ATS) version of withholding documents. These taxpayers […]

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Posted June 14, 2022 by Kelly Muniz
Colombia: Draft Resolution Implements Threshold for the Issuance of Cash Register Tickets Generated through P.O.S. Systems

DIAN, the Colombian tax authority, published on 9 June 2022, a Draft Resolution for the implementation of the threshold of five (5) tax value units (UVT – unidad de valor tributario) as the maximum amount allowed for the issuance of cash register tickets generated through P.O.S. systems (tickets de máquinas registradoras con sistemas P.O.S.). When […]

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Posted June 13, 2022 by Enis Gencer
Romania: E-Transport technical documentation has been published

The National Agency for Fiscal Administration (ANAF) published the technical documentation for the e-transport system. The technical documentation includes APIs, sample XML files, schema and validation rules. The documentation is available here.

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Posted June 10, 2022 by Jesse Rooney
IRS Releases 2022 Form 1099-INT

The IRS has revised Form 1099-INT to be a continual use form. This change will eliminate year-to-year revisions of the form, bar fundamental changes to the form or its reporting. There are no changes to the reporting obligation for the form. A number of editorial changes were made to the form and its instructions in […]

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Posted May 25, 2022 by Victor Duarte
MEXICO: Catalogs for the Complemento Carta Porte 2.0 updated

The SAT has released an update of the catalogs and the schema of the catalogs for the Complemento  Carta Porte 2.0. The scheme of the catalogs is available at the following link: The catalogs for the Complemento Carta Porte 2.0 are available at the following link:

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Posted May 25, 2022 by Kelly Muniz
Brazil: GTIN Consultation Becomes Available on the NF-e and NFC-e SVRS Portal

From 12 September 2022, the GTIN (Global Trade Item Number, formerly called EAN code) will be validated by the NF-e and NFC-e authorization systems. The NF-e and NFC-e that cover products with a GTIN must have the information corresponding to this code validated with the GTIN Centralized Registry (Cadastro centralizado de GTIN – CCG), in […]

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Posted May 19, 2022 by Kelly Muniz
Brazil: Deadline for the transmission of the ECD and ECF postponed

Normative Instruction (Instrução Normativa) n. 2082 of 18 May 2022, extends the deadlines for transmission of Digital Accounting Bookkeeping (Escrituração Contábil Digital) and Fiscal Accounting Bookkeeping (Escrituração Contábil Fiscal) for the 2021 calendar year. Transmission of the ECD is postponed until the last business day of June 2022. Transmission of the ECF is postponed until […]

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Posted May 19, 2022 by Kelly Muniz
Brazil: Scheduled Stop of the SVRS Authorization Environment for Fiscal Electronic Documents (DF-e)

On 22/05/22, a scheduled stop for the maintenance of the SVRS authorization environment of Fiscal Electronic Documents will be carried out, starting at 5 am, with a duration of up to 3 hours. During this time, the Virtual Sefaz Contingency of the National Environment (Sefaz Virtual de Contingência do Ambiente Nacional) will be activated, for […]

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Posted May 13, 2022 by Kelly Muniz
BRAZIL: Complementing Information on the Scheduled Stop of the NF-e National Environment

The Brazilian tax authority informed that the maintenance previously disclosed regarding the stop of the National Environment of the NF-e, from 13 May, 2022 (at 10 pm) to 16 May, 2022 (00:00), will NOT impact the authorization of fiscal documents (NF-e, NFC-e, CT-e, MDF-e and BP-e), whether for internal or interstate operations. Thus, it will […]

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Posted May 11, 2022 by Ramón Frias
PERU: Two Days Deadline for Remittance of the CPE Postponed

Emergency Decree No. 113-2021, issued by the Peruvian government, postpones until June 30, 2022 the deadline of four days (counted from the day of issuance of the voucher) for the remittance of the electronic invoice and the fee vouchers issued by professionals. According to the previous regulations, starting January 1, 2022, the taxpayers had a […]

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Posted May 11, 2022 by Marta Sowińska
Slovakia CTC implementation phase postponed

On the 5th of May 2022, the Slovakian Ministry of Finance presented a technical solution for the new IS EFA system, an e-invoicing platform for sending invoice data to the financial administration. Moreover, the Ministry of Finance has also communicated a new timeline for the implementation of e-invoicing framework: June 2022- the voluntary public testing […]

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Posted May 11, 2022 by Kelly Muniz
BRAZIL: Scheduled Stop of the NF-e National Environment

The Brazilian tax authority informed on 09/05/2022 that the National Environment of the NF-e (Ambiente Nacional da NF-e) will be stopped for maintenance on 13/05/2022 at 22:00 (Friday) until the 16/05/2022th at 0:00 (Monday). As a result, several services will be unavailable, such as: a) those of the National NF-e Portal; b) in the case […]

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Posted May 11, 2022 by Kelly Muniz
Italy: Electronic Invoicing Scope Officially Expanded

The Italian government has officially expanded its e-invoicing mandate, by means of the Law-Decree for the implementation of the National Recovery and Resilience Plan – PNRR-2 (Decreto-Legge de 30 aprile 2022, n. 36), published in the Official Gazette (Gazzetta Ufficiale) on 30 April 2022. Among the many measures brought forth by the Decree, article 18 […]

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Posted May 11, 2022 by Ramón Frias
MEXICO: Mandatory use of CFDI 4.0 from July 1, 2022

On February 18, 2022, the Tax Administration Service (SAT) enacted the Second Resolution of Modifications to the Miscellaneous Fiscal Resolution for 2022. According to this Resolution, the period of use of the CFDI version 3.3, is extended until June 30, 2022. After that, the CFDI in its version 4.0 would be mandatory. The mentioned Resolution […]

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Posted May 11, 2022 by Ramón Frias
ECUADOR: New Version 2.21 of Technical Document for the Electronic Invoice:

The tax administration of Ecuador (SRI) has released a new version 2.21 of the guide containing User Manual, Catalog and Technical Specifications of the electronic invoicing system of Ecuador. This new version incorporates several important changes that are worth to underline: New Annex 22: This new annex is intended to define the additional requisites with […]

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Posted May 11, 2022 by Ramón Frias
PARAGUAY: New Schedule of Implementation of Electronic Invoice

Resolution 105/2021 was issued by the tax administration of Paraguay (SET) with the purpose of establishing the new schedule of implementation of the electronic invoice in that country. This new resolution substitutes the provisions of previous resolution 95/2021 and basically establishes a new calendar for the deployment of the e-Invoicing mandate using the SIFEN platform […]

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Posted May 10, 2022 by Enis Gencer
Romania: More Details on E-Transport System

The National Agency for Fiscal Administration (ANAF) published a draft order introducing further details about the RO e-Transport system. According to Article 1 para. 3 of the draft order, categories of road vehicles that are monitored in the RO e-Transport system are those that; a. Have a maximum authorized mass (MAM) of at least 3.5 tons, […]

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