Regulatory Analysis

Posted January 24, 2023 by chasehague
Iowa HSB 33; IA SSB 1055

Companion bills have been introduced in Iowa proposing to amend the banking provisions in Iowa’s Unclaimed Property law to include electronic messaging as an activity that constitutes contact. On January 17, 2023, Iowa House Study Bill 33 was introduced and on January 18, 2023, Senate Study Bill 1055 was introduced. The identical bills propose to […]

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Posted January 24, 2023 by chasehague
Oregon Senate Bill 311 Introduced

On January 17, 2023, Oregon Senate Bill 311 was introduced. The bill proposes to amend Oregon’s False Claims Act. Because False Claims Act violations are increasingly being alleged against holders regarding their unclaimed property reporting, it’s important to take note of states’ actions relating to their False Claims laws. Oregon is now proposing to increase […]

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Posted January 23, 2023 by Alec Webb
Massachusetts Releases Health Care Forms for Tax Year 2022

The Massachusetts Department of Revenue has released 2022 Schedule HC: Health Care Information form, Schedule HC Instructions, Schedule HC-CS: Health Care Information Continuation Sheet. These state forms report insurance offerings to Massachusetts residents as required by state law. They are parallel to and independent of similar federal reporting requirements The cap has been raised on […]

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Posted January 20, 2023 by Freda Pepper
Oregon House Bill 2160 Introduced

On January 17, 2023, Oregon House Bill 2160 was introduced.  The bill proposes to amend both the securities and wages provisions in Oregon’s unclaimed property law. Securities 1. Presumption of Abandonment – Under the current law, securities are presumed abandoned after a period of 3 years when:  (1) A dividend, distribution or other sum has […]

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Posted January 20, 2023 by Paul Ogawa
Louisiana Updates Reporting Requirements for Form 1099-NEC

The Louisiana Department of Revenue recently published Revenue Information Bulletin (RIB) 23-006, State Filing Requirements for IRS Form 1099-NEC. This guidance follows an administrative waiver of the filing requirement from tax year 2021 and outlines the filing requirements related to Form 1099-NEC to Louisiana. Beginning January 1, 2023 (for tax year 2022), all service recipients […]

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Posted January 20, 2023 by Alec Webb
Michigan Releases 2023 Income Tax Withholding Guide

Michigan has released its 2023 Income Tax Withholding Guide. The Michigan Income Tax Withholding Guide is a publication that offers comprehensive guidance for Michigan employers required to withhold income tax. Michigan has raised the Personal Exemption amount, the Pension Tax Exemption for those born before 1946 and the Personal Exemption Allowance from 1946 to 1952. […]

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Posted January 20, 2023 by Dilara İnal
Saudi Arabia: Voluntary participation in Phase 2 of e-invoicing

The Saudi Arabian Tax and Customs Authority, ZATCA, has recently changed its approach to voluntary participation in Phase 2 of e-invoicing. Previously it has not been allowed to voluntarily start the implementation of Phase 2, however, with the update of the guideline published in December 2022, taxpayers now have the option to start following Phase 2 […]

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Posted January 19, 2023 by Robert Pelletier
Botswana Temporary 12% VAT Rate Extended to 31 March 2023

On 18 January 2023, the Botswana Ministry of Finance issued a public notice that the temporary reduced standard VAT rate of 12% is extended to 31 March 2023. The public notice can be found here.

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Posted January 19, 2023 by Robert Pelletier
Canary Islands: Reduced VAT Rates on Face Masks and Gloves Extended to 30 June 2023

Pursuant to Decree Law 15/2022, the zero-rate VAT rate that temporarily applied to supplies of face masks and gloves in the Canary Islands is extended until June 30, 2023. The decree can be found here (in Spanish).

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Posted January 18, 2023 by Edit Buliczka
Poland: Changes to financing of the Financial Ombudsman and its office

From 1 January 2023, changes have been made to how the Financial Ombudsman and its office are financed. The Ombudsman Act (2015/1348) was revised by the Act of 2022/2640, which also abolished prior regulations. The new rules don’t specify advance payments, and both filing and payment are annual. The annual fee is based on the […]

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Posted January 17, 2023 by Stephanie Melhem
Ghana Removes VAT Exemption From Various Supplies Effective 1 January 2023

Effective 1 January 2023, Ghana has removed the VAT exemption from imported textbooks, imported newspapers, architectural plans and similar plans, drawings, scientific and technical works, periodicals, magazines, trade catalogues, price lists, greeting cards, almanacs, calendars, diaries and stationery and other printed matter. The Value Added Tax Amendment Act, 2022 can be found here.

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Posted January 17, 2023 by Stephanie Melhem
China Small-Scale Taxpayers Rate Reduced

China announced the 3% VAT rate normally applied for small-scale VAT taxpayers will be reduced to 1% from January 1, 2023 to December 31, 2023. This rate reduction is in addition to the announcement of the exemption for taxpayers with a monthly turnover of less than 100,000 yuan which was previously reported on by Sovos. […]

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Posted January 17, 2023 by Maria del Carmen
Mexico: RMF 2023

MEXICO: On December 27, 2022, SAT published the Miscelanea Fiscal 2023, that sets outs rules in CFDIS, granting a grace period for the issuing of the following documents: CFDI in V.3.3 Withholdings and payment supplement V.1.0 Payments for the concepts referred to in Title IV, Chapter I of the ISR Law and who are obliged […]

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Posted January 17, 2023 by Bradley Feimer
South Dakota Legislative Proposal: Revise Remote Seller Criteria to Remove 200 Transaction Threshold

1/16/2023 South Dakota Senate Bill 30, introduced in the 2023 legislative session, proposes to revise the criteria for remote sellers who must remit sales tax by removing the 200 transaction threshold for sales of tangible personal property or services delivered in the state. With this change, remote sellers with gross sales into South Dakota exceeding […]

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Posted January 16, 2023 by Bradley Feimer
Maryland Proposes Adjusting Sales and Use Tax Rate Based on Inflation

1/16/2023 Maryland House Bill 67 proposes to temporarily reduce the state sales and use tax rate by 1% for 12 months, if on or before June 1st each year the Comptroller determines that the inflation rate is at least 6%. Introduced in the January 2023 legislative session and as currently drafted, the bill would take […]

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Posted January 16, 2023 by Andrés Landerretche
Peru: Update of validation rules.

The National Tax Administration Superintendence has published an update of the validation rules CPEv20221111 for electronic payment receipts.

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Posted January 16, 2023 by Radhika Akhil
EPRA Announces Changes to Environmental Handling Fees on E-Waste Products Across Canada Effective February 1, 2023

1/16/2023 The Electronic Products Recycling Association (EPRA) recently announced that several provinces will be updating their environmental handling fees on e-waste products effective February 1, 2023. These provinces include British Columbia, Saskatchewan, Manitoba, Quebec, New Brunswick, Nova Scotia, Prince Edward Island, and Newfoundland & Labrador. There are a wide variety of products affected, such as […]

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Posted January 16, 2023 by Maria del Carmen
Guatemala: Mandatory Electronic Tax Documents for Small Taxpayers Regime

The Superintendence of Tax Administration of the Government of Guatemala published Resolution Number SAT-DSI-1350-2022, through which informs that no later than March 31, 2023, all legal entities and individuals that are registered in the Small Taxpayers Regime must start issuing their DTE (Electronic Tax Documents) and must apply the provisions established for that regime. It […]

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