Regulatory Analysis

Posted December 29, 2022 by Paul Ogawa
IRS Releases Update to Publication 1220 for Tax Year 2022

The IRS recently made several updates to Publication 1220. The most impactful change is the addition of District of Columbia and Pennsylvania to the list of states participating in the CFS program. Each has been assigned a code (DC Code 11 PA Code 42). Neither state has released guidance about participating in the IRS program. The guide […]

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Posted December 29, 2022 by Gabriel Pezzato
Portugal: Postponement of accounting SAF-T file

The Portuguese government published Decree-law no. 85/2022, in December 21st 2022, which determines the postponement of the mandatory submission of the accounting SAF-T file regarding the year 2023 among other things. Instead, this obligation will only be applicable from tax year 2024 onwards. Considering that the accounting information is only reported in the following year, […]

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Posted December 29, 2022 by Carolina Silva
Czech Republic: Cancellation of the Electronic Cash Register System (EET)

On the 28th December 2022, Act no. 458/2022 Coll. was published in the Collection of Laws, which repeals the Sales Registration Act, which would come into force on 1 January 2023. Czech Republic had previously enacted the Sales Registration Act, which made mandatory to report in real-time to the Czech Tax Authorities electronic invoices from […]

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Posted December 27, 2022 by Gabriel Pezzato
Portugal: Changes concerning self-billed invoices

The Portuguese government published Decree-law no. 85/2022 amending Decree-law no. 198/2012 to change provisions concerning the communication of self-billed invoice elements to the tax authority (TA) via the E-Fatura Portal. The amendments were made to article 3 of the above-mentioned decree-law to clarify and include reporting obligations in case of self-billing. The following measures were […]

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Posted December 27, 2022 by Alec Webb
Illinois Releases 1099 Electronic Transmission Program Guide

Illinois has released its 2022 Forms W-2G and 1099 Electronic Transmission Program Guide FIRE Format. Starting January 1, 2022 you are only required to submit forms 1099-K issued to a payee with an Illinois address electronically, if you are required by the IRS to electronically file forms 1099-K. For reporting periods starting January 1, 2022 […]

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Posted December 27, 2022 by Alec Webb
North Carolina Releases 2022 W-2 File Layout Specifications

North Carolina has released its 2022 W-2 Electronic Specifications. There were no changes from last year’s publication. Penalty for failure to file reconciliation form NC-3 with each W-2, 1099 statement in electronic format via DOR eNC3 platform continues from last year. The informational return penalty is $200. Please see W-2 Specifications here.

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Posted December 27, 2022 by Alec Webb
Missouri Releases 2022 W-2 and 1099 Electronic Filing Specifications for Tax Year 2022

Missouri recently released its W-2 Specifications and 1099 Specifications for tax year 2022. Besides date and minor grammar changes, there were no changes to the specifications. Please see W-2 Specifications here. Please see 1099 Specifications here.

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Posted December 27, 2022 by Alec Webb
District of Columbia Releases W-2 & 1099 Electronic Filing Specifications

The District of Columbia Department of Revenue has released its 2022 W-2 & 1099 Specifications. A procedure for validating all W-2 & 1099 bulk file electronic submissions has been updated by the District of Columbia. This is designed to detect errors before submitting bulk files. District of Columbia has specified the threshold for Manual Online […]

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Posted December 27, 2022 by Alec Webb
Maryland Releases 2022 1099 Electronic Filing Specifications

The Maryland Department of Revenue has released its 2022 1099 Electronic Filing Specifications. Maryland has established the electronic filing threshold for 1099s is 25 or greater submissions. Further, Maryland encourages electronic filing of all 1099s. All 1099 electronic filings through Maryland’s Secure File Transfer Protocol server must the follow format as set in Federal Publication […]

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Posted December 27, 2022 by Alec Webb
Montana Releases 2022 Employer Withholding Guide

The Montana Department of Revenue has released their 2022 Employer Withholding Guide. As of Tax Year 2023, Montana will not mail paper MW-1 Withholding Tax Vouchers. Copies of the forms must be downloaded online. Significantly, Montana has added Form 1042-S forms that must be reported to Montana with Form MW-3. The reporting due date is […]

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Posted December 27, 2022 by Paul Ogawa
IRS Publishes Updated Guidance for 1099-K Reporting

In a late breaking release, the IRS published Notice 2023-10 which provides updated guidance for 1099-K reporting. Addressing concerns about the timeline of implementing the changes to Section 6050W through the American Rescue Plan Act and noting the potential for personal transactions to be unintentionally included, the IRS states in Notice 2023-10 that calendar year […]

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Posted December 14, 2022 by Alec Webb
Oregon Releases 2022 W-2 and 1099 Electronic Filing Specifications for Tax Year 2022

Oregon recently released its W-2 Specifications and 1099 Specifications for tax year 2022. Besides date and minor grammar changes, there were no changes to the specifications. Please see W-2 Specifications here. Please see 1099 Specifications here.

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Posted December 14, 2022 by Alec Webb
Indiana Makes Significant Updates to SFTP Bulk Upload Guide

Indiana has released its SFTP Bulk Upload Guide for forms WH-1 and WH-3. Indiana recently passed legislation to transform their Bulk Filing process. Indiana is also transitioning from the old “INtax” system to a new, modernized “INTIME” Tax portal. Please note the guidance explicitly states that if you are a third-party provider, you do not […]

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Posted December 14, 2022 by Alec Webb
Indiana Releases New W-2 and WH-3 Electronic Filing Requirements

Indiana has published updated W2 and WH3 electronic filing requirements. There have been no changes to W2 filing specifications Indiana has made some additions to W2 and WH3 electronic filing requirements. An extension request to file for WH3 must be made by Jan 31 by submitting Form 8809. All extension requests must be made through […]

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Posted December 14, 2022 by juliaolienyk
Illinois Publishes 2022 W-2 and W-2C Electronic Transmission Program Guide

Illinois Published 2022 W-2 and W-2C Electronic Transmission Program Guide. Besides year updates and formatting changes, error code descriptions have been updated. There are no other changes. To view the specifications, click here.

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Posted December 14, 2022 by Alec Webb
Minnesota Updates B Record Layout for Municipal Bond Payment Reporting

Minnesota has updated Fact Sheet 19: Form 1099-B Municipal Bond Payment Reporting Information There have been instruction updates for “B” Record Position 448-487 “Payee City” and Position 488-489 “Payee State”. You can view Minnesota Fact Sheet 19 here for reference.

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Posted December 14, 2022 by Alec Webb
Minnesota Limits Electronic Submission of 1099 Forms through Manual Method or Simple File to the 1099-MISC

As of 2023, file submission by Manual Method or Simple File is only available for 1099-MISC forms. Submission by Manual Method or Simple File not available for all other 1099 forms. Last Year all 1099 forms could be submitted using Manual Method or Simple File. All 1099 forms can be submitted following 1220 format. Only […]

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Posted December 14, 2022 by Alec Webb
Minnesota Releases 2023 Employer Withholding Guide

Minnesota has released its 2023 Employer Withholding Guide. If you employ a Minnesota resident who works outside the United States, you are required to withhold Minnesota tax on wages subject to U.S. federal income tax withholding. All wages earned by Minnesota residents (no matter where the work was physically performed, including outside of the United […]

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