Regulatory Analysis

Posted May 24, 2017 by Lee Pender
Netherlands: Public Consultation on Proposed VAT Adjustment Rules

The Dutch government has initiated public consultations on new VAT rules that would allow adjustments, similar to those which currently apply to capital goods, to apply to “valuable” services, i.e., services which are capitalized and depreciated by companies over a period of time. These rules, if approved, would take effect in January of 2018. Comments […]

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Posted May 23, 2017 by Lee Pender
Egypt Scheduled VAT Rate Increase

Egypt’s VAT rate is scheduled to increase form 13% to 14% on July 1, 2017, as dictated by Article 3 of the Egyptian VAT Act. Egypt introduced VAT at the current 13% rate just last year, overhauling its previous sales tax law. In addition to the July rate increase, VAT liable persons should also note that […]

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Posted May 23, 2017 by Lee Pender
United Kingdom Continues Brexit Preparations

The first Brexit negotiations between the United Kingdom and the European Union have officially been scheduled for June 19. In preparation, the 27 remaining Member States have unanimously agreed on a set of guidelines that prioritize safeguarding the rights of EU citizens within the UK and obtaining a ‘single financial settlement’ for outstanding British contributions to common […]

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Posted May 23, 2017 by Lee Pender
Germany Implements Simplified VAT Deduction for Low-Value Invoices

Germany has passed a new law, retroactively effective to January 1, 2017, to simplify input VAT deduction procedures for low-value purchases (“invoices for small amounts”). Under Section 15 of the German VAT Act, input VAT deductions can only be claimed by recipients of invoices that meet standardized requirements – for instance, recipient information must be […]

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Posted May 23, 2017 by Lee Pender
France Issues Decree on VAT Representatives

France has recently published a decree on the obligations of foreign taxpayers to appoint a VAT representative. The decree amends a list of countries that have signed tax recovery assistance treaties with France. Foreign taxpayers established in the listed countries are not required to appoint a VAT representative to manage their VAT obligations in France. […]

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Posted May 23, 2017 by Lee Pender
United Kingdom: Publication of VAT Notes 2017

Her Majesty’s Revenue and Customs (HMRC) has published Issue 1 of VAT Notes 2017, a newsletter providing VAT guidance to tax professionals. The current issue contains links to recently-published or revised HMRC notices, information on special schemes for alcohol and tobacco transactions, and a link to HMRC’s online VAT services. Four issues of “VAT Notes” […]

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Posted May 23, 2017 by Lee Pender
France Outlines New Requirements for Accounting Software

Under a new measure that enters into force on January 1, 2018, VAT taxpayers will be required to use only “secured and certified ” software accounting systems when recording customer payments. To be “secured and certified,” accounting systems must meet specified requirements of inalterability, security, retention, and archival prowess. The French tax administration is authorized […]

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Posted May 23, 2017 by Lee Pender
United Kingdom Removes Three CRS Reportable Jurisdictions

The UK HMRC has updated its list of CRS Reportable Jurisdictions in order to remove three countries from the list: Barbados, Curacao, and Niue. HMRC has decided that it will not be sharing financial account information with these three jurisdictions at this time. Financial Institutions may still send reports to HMRC containing data for […]

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Posted May 23, 2017 by Lee Pender
Turks and Caicos Publishes CRS Guidance Notes – Includes Due Date Change

The Turks and Caicos Islands Exchange of Information Unit has published a set of guidance notes for the implementation of the Common Reporting Standard and related domestic legislation. The guidance addresses a wide range of AEOI topics, including the following: Operation of CRS in Turks and Caicos Treatment of investment manager/adviser financial accounts […]

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Posted May 22, 2017 by Lee Pender
New Jersey Releases Updated Form NJ-W-4P

The New Jersey Division of Taxation has released an updated version of its Form NJ-W-4P, Certificate of Voluntary Withholding of New Jersey Gross Income Tax from Pension and Annuity Payments. Pensioners and annuitants may use this form to instruct the payer withholding New Jersey Income Tax rather than making estimated tax payments. The form […]

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Posted May 22, 2017 by Lee Pender
Pennsylvania Updates Specifications for Electronic File Imports

Pennsylvania recently updated the file imports for their W-2 Employee Wage Records and 1099-MISC Distribution. These file imports are used by employers to report W-2 and 1099-MISC data to the Pennsylvania Department of Revenue. The changes made are as follows: Employer W-2 Employee Wage Records: For the Fields “PA Income Tax Withheld”, “Taxable Compensation”, […]

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Posted May 19, 2017 by Lee Pender
Washington Exempts Construction Materials for Disabled Veterans

The State of Washington has passed new legislation which provides an exemption for materials incorporated into and services rendered in respect to adapted housing for disabled veterans from retail sales tax. The exemption only applies to construction projects for disabled veterans approved by the United States Department of Veteran Affairs. The exemption will be in […]

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Posted May 19, 2017 by Lee Pender
Guernsey Publishes CRS Bulletin on Reporting Trustee Documented Trusts

Guernsey recently published Bulletin 2017/3, detailing how Trustee Documented Trusts (“TDT”) must report under the Common Reporting Standard (“CRS”). This bulletin provides guidance on the format for electronic reporting through the Information Gateway Online Reporter (IGOR), the Guernsey electronic reporting portal. While trusts would ordinarily be considered Reporting Financial Institutions (RFIs) under Schedule 2 […]

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Posted May 19, 2017 by Lee Pender
Costa Rica Releases FATCA 2.0 Guidance

On May 15, Costa Rica released additional documentation for reporting under FATCA 2.0.  The documentation include Client Configuration Guide v 2.0, a user guide for the FATCA reporting site, and example XML files according to the 2.0 standard.  These documents provide essential guidance for parties needing to file FATCA returns with Costa Rica. To […]

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Posted May 19, 2017 by Lee Pender
Cayman Islands Opens Portal & Releases User Guide

The Cayman Islands has opened its AEOI Portal for CRS and FATCA notification and reporting.  In addition, a new portal user guide has been released.  The guide provides assistance with both the notification and reporting requirements.  Reporting Financial Institutions should keep in mind that there will be no CDOT functionality on the portal for this […]

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Posted May 12, 2017 by Lee Pender
North Dakota Increases Prepaid E911 Fee

North Dakota recently enacted legislation which will increase the Prepaid Wireless Emergency 911 Fee from 2.0% to 2.5% effective July 1, 2017. Retailers are required to collect this fee on all sales of prepaid wireless services and minutes. Retailers must remit the collection of such fees to the State Tax Commissioner. Revenue generated from this increase […]

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Posted May 12, 2017 by Lee Pender
North Dakota Exempts Internet Access Services from Sales and Use Tax

Effective July 1, 2017, North Dakota will begin to provide an exemption from sales tax for sales of “internet access services.” Since 1998, the Internet Tax Freedom Act has prohibited federal, state and local governments from levying a tax on internet access however, seven states which previously had imposed taxes on internet access, including North Dakota, were […]

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Posted May 12, 2017 by Lee Pender
North Dakota Expands Exemption for Farm Machinery to Include Dairy Farm Equipment

Effective July 1, 2017, North Dakota will expand the definition of “Farm Machinery” to include machinery, equipment and materials used exclusively in a milking operation of a dairy farm. In North Dakota, sales of new farm machinery sold exclusively for agricultural purposes are taxed at a lower tax rate of 3% compared to the general […]

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