
Gondolas moored at the pier in Grand Canal with San Giorgio Maggiore in the background, Venice, Italy
Italy: Is a Last-Minute Moratorium on E-invoicing Fines on the Horizon?

There is no doubt that the roll out of the Italian clearance e-invoicing mandate has kept the e-invoicing market and local taxpayers on their toes. Compliance with the mandate’s legal and technical requirements is not an easy task to fulfil. Consequently, taxpayers of different sectors of the economy, as well as different stakeholders of the […]

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Small changes lead to big impact for Italian e-invoicing grace period

The Decree 119/2018, first published in draft in late October of this year in Italy, has now been converted into law, but with a number of changes to its content. The main changes to the previously published version of the e-invoicing rules of this decree are: Extension to the grace period for delays in the […]

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Possible Postponement in Sight for Italy e-Invoicing Mandate

The entrance into force of the mandatory e-invoicing regime in Italy as of 1 January 2019 has been widely debated this year. Many applaud the potential of the reform when it comes to closing or lowering the Italian VAT gap, but smaller companies have voiced concerns about the complexity of the new framework and are […]

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Italy’s E-invoicing Reform Is Far-Reaching and Affects All B2C Transactions

Few people will have failed to notice the extent of the ongoing VAT reform in Italy. From 1 January 2019, it will be mandatory for all domestic invoices to be issued in electronic form and to have been cleared through the state-operated SDI platform. From this date, any invoices that aren’t created in the regulated […]

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Italy Postpones Some Electronic Invoicing Penalties But Mandate Rollout Continues

Companies struggling to meet Italy’s electronic invoicing deadline of Jan. 1 will get some relief from financial penalties if they can’t immediately issue invoices at the moment of supply, but it seems the Italian Tax Authority will not delay rolling out the system. The government had stated that invoices that did not comply with the […]

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Mandatory e-invoicing in Italy: What to expect on 1 January 2019

Is a potential postponement in sight? With Italy’s e-invoicing mandate deadline drawing ever closer, there is growing speculation that a postponement may be in sight.  The rumours are mostly based on the fact that some commercial associations are doing their best to convince the government to extend the deadline arguing that small and medium sized […]

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Il countdown finale per la Fatturazione Elettronica obbilgatoria in Italia

Il 1 Settembre ha segnato il secondo passo in avanti per l’avviamento di massa  verso la Fatturazione Elettronica in Italia – in questo caso si e’ trattato di coinvolgere le aziende che si occupano delle Fatture relative agli acquisti al dettaglio da parte di cittadini non facenti parte la Comunita’ Europea. Con altrettanta enfasi e’ […]

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The Final Countdown to Mandatory eInvoicing in Italy

September 1 marked the second milestone of the entry into force of the Italian eInvoicing mandate – this time targeting certain B2C goods purchased by non-EU citizens over a certain amount. But crucially, it also marked the three month, or 122 day, countdown to the final deadline when eInvoicing will become mandatory for all domestic […]

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Four Critical SAP S/4 HANA Considerations for Italy’s eInvoicing Mandate

In 2014, Italy announced mandatory eInvoicing for certain business-to-government transactions, and the country has since progressed towards a full eInvoicing requirement. Now, the biggest deadline in Italy’s tax modernization is quickly approaching. On Jan. 1, 2019, all B2B and B2C Italian taxpayers with electronic invoices will be affected. Businesses must plan now to ensure a […]

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Infographic: Italy eInvoicing At a Glance

Italy’s VAT collection problemis driving innovation as it moves to adopt a ‘clearance’ model – a system which has been successful in reducing the VAT gap in Latin America.

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Italy Seeks to Clarify its E-Invoicing Mandate

With just 6 months until e-invoicing becomes mandatory for all domestic Italian supplies, there is still a lot of confusion over the timeline, scope and the steps Italian taxpayers have to take to ensure they are compliant. This lack of clarity, even though the mandate was originally introduced back in December 2017, and despite the […]

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Italy eInvoicing: What You Need to Know

Italy will soon join Hungary in requiring real-time, transaction-level reporting. With the launch of the first phase imminent (1 July 2018), Italy’s tax authority recently released new information on its eInvoicing requirement. In February, the European Commission backed Italy’s request to implement mandatory eInvoicing. This clearance is a game-changer for businesses operating in the European […]

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The Back and Forth of the Timeline to Mandatory E-Invoicing in Italy

Ever since the Legge di Bilancio, the law introducing the Italian e-invoicing obligation for all domestic supplies was passed on 27 December 2017, discontented voices have raised an objection to its ambitious timeline. The original plan phases in the clearance-style mandatory e-invoicing process across the following key dates: 1st July 2018: For supplies of petrol […]

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Italy Obtains EU Approval on Plan to Roll Out Mandatory E-Invoicing

On 27 September 2017, Italy submitted a formal request for derogation from two provisions in the European Union VAT Directive – a formal hurdle and legal necessity to be able to roll out the ambitious e-invoicing mandate for all domestic Italian invoices. While waiting for the decision from the EU Council, Italy proceeded with legal […]

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L’obbligo di fatturazione elettronica in Italia: l’arrivo del regime “Clearance” in Europa

In quest’ultimo anno, si è parlato molto, talvolta anche speculando, della situazione della fatturazione elettronica in Italia e, più precisamente, dell’ipotesi che l’Italia potesse o meno rendere obbligatorio l’interscambio di fatture elettroniche per tutte le forniture di beni e servizi. Dopo avere ripetutamente riferito di questi sviluppi man mano che si producevano, Sovos ritiene di […]

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Mandatory E-Invoicing in Italy: How Clearance Came to Europe

During the past year, much has been said and many rumors have flourished about the direction of e-invoicing in Italy – and more specifically about whether or not Italy would (and could!) make the exchange of e-invoices mandatory for all supplies. We have repeatedly reported about these developments as they have unfolded and now we […]

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Italy Finalizes Expanded eInvoicing Requirements

Businesses Selling in Italy Must Prepare Over the last few years, Italy has proposed a series of tax reforms intended to close their substantial “VAT Gap.” At the beginning of this year, Italy finalized their plans to impose a significant new compliance obligation on businesses selling in Italy, B2B eInvoicing. Businesses will need to deploy […]

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Italy Provides Clarification on Communication of Data on Invoices

The Italian Tax Authorities issued Resolution No. 87/E on July 5, 2017, confirming that a taxable person may amend a previously filed communication even after the 15th day following the day on which the deadline expires. The communication must include sales invoices issued and purchase invoices recorded in the VAT ledger during the period of […]

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