
Rose being poured into a wine glass.
Compliance Basics for Wholesale Distribution of Alcohol

The wholesale market remains one of the more fruitful and effective ways for beverage alcohol suppliers to get their products into the hands of consumers. And in many cases, selling wholesale through what is called the three-tier system is the only way for a winery, brewery, distillery or cidery to enter a state’s marketplaces. As […]

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direct state reporting process
4 Ways to Elevate Your Direct State Reporting Process

Direct state reporting obligations have gotten increasingly difficult for some businesses over the past few years. With more states requiring direct reporting of form series 1099, more companies are subject to penalties if they do not comply with those obligations. As state reporting evolves, ensuring your process is efficient is critical. Strengthening your reporting process […]

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The Value of SAP S/4HANA Add-On Software Certification

Many companies utilise SAP for their tax processes, but limitations in native software functionality add a layer of complexity. Custom coding is often required for businesses to achieve their desired results, producing the need for ongoing customisation and optimisation – this creates a hefty burden for companies, in addition to their tax compliance obligations. SAP-certified […]

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Misconceptions 1099 State Reporting
Sovos Onboarding: 6 Departments Dedicated to Customer Success

If you are evaluating Sovos, we want you to understand expectations for the customer experience and what teams are there to support you. At Sovos, we have a range of teams ready to support you from the day you sign a contract. Whether it be a customer success representative to review the value you are […]

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sales tax notice
3 Things to Remember if You Get a Sales Tax Notice

Have you ever received a sales tax notice from a state department of revenue? Whether you answered yes or no, there are important things to keep top of mind to help keep your business prepared. Finding out that you have failed to comply with one or more of your sales tax obligations can be startling. […]

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Old town of Bilbao in Spain
Bizkaia: What is Batuz LROE?

The Ledger of Economic Operations (Libro Registro de Operaciones Económicas), also known as LROE, is a main compliance element of the Batuz tax control system. This system is under implementation in the province of Bizkaia, located in the autonomous Basque community in Spain. Taxpayers under the Batuz mandate must comply with both TicketBAI and LROE […]

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unclaimed property program
How to Set Up a Successful Unclaimed Property Program

Unclaimed property compliance can be difficult and overwhelming. Clients often ask what they should be doing to ensure they are compliant with the various laws and regulations. It isn’t easy, especially if you have multiple property types such as checks, credits or customer accounts that have the potential to become unclaimed property in multiple states. […]

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How Hold At Locations Improve Your Customers’ Wine Delivery Experience

Direct-to-consumer shipping wine lovers enjoy the convenience of having their favorite vinos shipped to their front door. But what happens when, for whatever reason, they aren’t available to accept their wine deliveries? Whether they aren’t available during the day or they don’t have someone 21 or older available to sign for their package, these challenges […]

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insurance statutory reporting
Identifying Sales Tax Liabilities and Why They Matter

By Steve Claflin, CLA It’s incredible that it has now been five years since the landmark Wayfair decision. It seems like just yesterday we were reading the case, alerting clients and tracking the ever-developing state guidance. Unfortunately, many companies still are not familiar with their sales tax filing obligations caused by economic nexus, or they […]

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breweries DtC Oregon
Out-of-State Breweries Gain Self Distribution, DtC Rights in Oregon

Under a settlement agreement, breweries located outside of Oregon now have more options for selling into the Beaver State, including direct-to-consumer (DtC) shipping and self-distribution to retailers. The settlement arose out of a lawsuit filed by a group of Washington breweries last year challenging Oregon laws that limited beer self-distribution to in-state breweries and DtC […]

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Woman painting a picture and creating art in an atelier
VAT and Art: What you need to know

Significant inflation increases have impacted most of the world’s economies, with the UK still above 10% in 2023. This increase means a reduction in the purchasing power of consumers. Together with increases in the cost of raw materials, this has created uncertainty regarding growth of entire industrial departments and reduced profit margins for companies. The […]

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Florida HR 583
Top 5 Myths Surrounding Retailer Direct-to-Consumer Wine Shipping

By Tom Wark, Executive Director, National Association of Wine Retailers Politics breed myths. This has always been the case as politics is, at its most fundamental, a form of storytelling. So it should be no surprise that myths have arisen as various elements of the wine industry have fought against consumers and specialty wine retailer seeking […]

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Locations marked with pins on world map, global communication network, closeup. It shows location of risk and territoriality
IPT: Location of Risk and Territoriality

Much of the discussion on the Location of Risk triggering a country’s entitlement to levy insurance premium tax (IPT) and parafiscal charges focuses on the rules for different types of insurance. European Union (EU) Directive 2009/138/EC (Solvency II) set out these rules. However, a related topic of growing importance in this area concerns territoriality, i.e. […]

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Female Asian traveler exploring nightlive in Okinawa, Japan
Japan: New e-Invoice Retention Requirements

Japan’s new e-invoice retention requirements are part of the country’s latest Electronic Record Retention Law (ERRL) reform. Along with measures such as the Qualified Invoice System (QIS) and the possibility to issue and send invoices electronically via PEPPOL, Japan is implementing different indirect tax control measures, seeking to reduce tax evasion and promote digital transformation. […]

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Colorado retail delivery fee
Relief from Colorado Retail Delivery Fee for DtC Wine Shippers

Colorado enacted changes to the state’s Retail Delivery Fee (RDF) effective in May, which should provide some relief to wineries engaged in direct-to-consumer (DtC) wine shipping in the state. The RDF was adopted by Colorado in 2022 as a 27-cent fee that applied to all retail sales that involved the delivery of goods using motorized […]

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California unclaimed property
Breaking Down the California Unclaimed Property Reporting Process

The chorus to “California, Here I come,” a popular showtune from the Great American Songbook, starts with the lyrics, “California Here I come, right back where I started from.” For holders trying to stay on top of their California unclaimed property reports, it sometimes feels like a piece of musical déjà vu. Wait, didn’t we […]

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2023 Comply & Connect Reporting
5 Benefits to Attending 2023 Comply & Connect: Reporting

In-person conferences are back in full force for Sovos in 2023. It’s likely that you, or your employees, have been invited to several industry conferences that offer high-impact keynote speakers and a great depth of potential insights into our industry. How do you evaluate the true value in terms of return on investment for you, […]

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Alabama direct-to-consumer wine shipping
Alabama Sales Tax Compliance Post-Wayfair

For fully remote sellers, sales tax compliance in Alabama can feel daunting. However, just prior to Wayfair, Alabama created the Simplified Sellers Use Tax system. Today, remote sellers with economic nexus in Alabama can apply to participate. Once accepted, their transactions become subject to a special flat rate (currently 8%), which represents an amalgam of […]

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