
From Tax-Free to VAT: A Look at the Current Status of VAT Implementation in the Gulf States

The efforts involved in planning and executing the introduction of VAT is a big task for any one country, let alone for a group of neighboring countries to attempt at the same time. Nonetheless, the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC), currently Saudi Arabia, UAE, Oman, Qatar, Bahrain and Kuwait, have during the last couple of years […]

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Point vs Scalable VAT Compliance and Reporting Solution Comparison

As businesses consider technology to support compliance, there are two primary types of solutions they can choose: point or scalable. In a recent infographic, we examined how point solutions (which are deployed locally and support a minimal number of regulations) stack up against scalable solutions (which are available globally or regionally for a variety of […]

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Tax Analyst Skills Needed for the Future of Indirect Tax

What are the skills today’s tax analyst needs to prepare for the future of indirect tax? You may have gone into the profession thinking, “I’m better at math than language, and being a tax analyst sounds like a good career choice. It could get boring, but I’ll manage.” You may have been right on the […]

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VAT Compliance and Reporting Technology: A “Nice to Have” or “Must Have?”

New and evolving VAT compliance and audit mandates are putting a lot of pressure on businesses, making them reevaluate how they internally manage indirect tax determination and reporting. Nearly one-third of CFOs told Grant Thornton that keeping up with the volume and complexity of compliance changes is one of their biggest challenges. Traditional compliance approaches […]

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“Recurso de Amparo” or Writs of Amparo filed against eContabilidad requirement in Mexico no longer a viable strategy to delay obligations

When the Miscellaneous Resolution for 2015 entered into force requiring the report of the Electronic Accounting (“eContabilidad” or eAccounting), a great number of taxpayers that considered that their constitutional rights were violated filed Amparos against this new mandate. The immediate result was that thousands of businesses received a suspension of the obligation of: Submitting or […]

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Paraguay Set to Join Mandatory E-Invoicing Club

It is not new that mandatory e-invoicing has flourished with notable strength in the recent history of taxation in Latin America. Ten or so years ago, the Latin American countries understood how technology could be of much assistance in fighting tax evasion, a well-known historical problem in that region, while also driving standardisation to support […]

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Procure-to-Pay Tax Compliance Practices – Sovos L.A. Event Recap

Sovos was on the road for one of our local Global Compliance Series (GCS) events at The Palm in Los Angeles last week. Our experts — Matt Walsh, Principal of Indirect Tax at Sovos, and Tim Kirkpatrick, Director at PwC — presented to tax leaders from primarily retail and manufacturing businesses on the challenges of […]

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1099 Compass Regulatory Update: Week of Nov. 6, 2017

Changes to tax compliance requirements and legislation happen frequently at the state and IRS levels.  In order to provide customers with the updated and accurate information they need, Sovos documents each of these changes in its Compass portal. Here are some notable changes in 1099 reporting from this week. South Carolina Publishes 2017 Instructions & […]

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3 months later Spain’s SII Real-Time Reporting Rollout continues

Several modifications to the Spain’s SII Real-Time Reporting mandate are expected to go into effect during 2018 and beyond. We already announced that SII will expand to Basque Country and Navarra on January 1, and now we’re anticipating additional changes to launch simultaneously   Annual Reports due by January 30, 2018. SII reporting obligations for 2017 […]

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1099-Krazy: Why Tax Reporting in the Sharing Economy Is about to Get a Lot More Difficult

Two trends have converged to create a nightmare for tax information reporting. First, the sharing economy has redefined work and taxation of wages. Second, the IRS has decided that it needs to bridge the gap between revenues and taxes paid—a divide that the sharing economy has only made wider. The result is a nightmare scenario […]

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Unlucky 7: New IRS Guidance Reveals Why 1099-MISC Forms Could Be at Risk

IRS Publication 1220 contained a potentially nasty little surprise for 1099-MISC filers. The trouble centers on Box 7, the area of the form where filers signify non-employee compensation. For tax year 2016, forms with information in Box 7 are due Jan. 31, 2018, although the IRS will extend the deadline to March 2 upon request. […]

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VAT and B2G Reporting Newsletter: October 2017

International News European Commission Proposes VAT Overhaul On October 4, 2017, the European Commission published a set of proposals aimed at simplifying and modernizing the current VAT system. The “cornerstone” principles of the Commission’s approach are: • Combating VAT fraud and reducing the €150 billion VAT Gap • Establishing a “One Stop Shop” for cross-border […]

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Brazil Eliminating Access to Free E-Invoicing Software

These states are making the move away from free e-invoicing software for several reasons, including the sheer difficulty involved in managing technology capable of meeting Brazil’s compliance requirements. As they do for companies, compliance measures have been forcing these governments into the business of change management, constantly updating and maintaining software, but now they are […]

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AEOI Compass Update: Week of Oct. 30, 2017

Changes to global FATCA and CRS compliance requirements happen frequently.  In order to provide customers with the updated and accurate information they need, Sovos documents each of these changes in its Compass portal. Here are some notable recent developments in AEOI reporting. Singapore Releases Updated CRS FAQ Singapore has updated its CRS FAQ.  The updated […]

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Italy Leading the Charge Against EU E-Invoicing Inertia

Back in June, we wrote about how Italy has declared its intention to make e-invoicing fully mandatory – not only for B2G but also now for B2B transactions. This isn’t a bad thing. Adoption in Europe is lagging embarrassingly far behind many countries such as Mexico, Chile, and Turkey who all introduced e-invoicing much later. […]

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State Exemptions: Wahoo! Free Money…Right?

Many people hear about the exemptions that states allow for unclaimed property reporting, and they get very excited. Free money, right? What could go wrong? I will share what I know about exemptions and let you decide. Let’s start with a simple kind of exemption. Some states exempt reporting of gift cards or gift certificates […]

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Exemption Certificate Management – The Need for Automation

Congratulations! Your business is expanding. Sales are up and in order to meet the client demand, you’ve opened new facilities and distribution centers in new locations. You are starting to enter different product lines and offer implementation services. You’ve even started a reseller program so you can reach new markets.  The downside is that now […]

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Hungary’s Real-Time VAT Reporting Begins July 2018

Indirect taxes contribute to almost half of Hungary’s total tax revenues, making accurate, efficient VAT collection critical to keeping the government running. With a VAT Gap (the difference between the amount of VAT actually collected and total VAT owed) of 13.7%, well above the E.U. median of 10.9%, Hungary’s tax authority has implemented several efforts […]

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