
E-commerce Retailers Step up Cyber Monday Preparations

Retailers with e-commerce channels have a lot to gain during Cyber Monday or Cyber Week. According to, Cyber Monday spending is anticipated to grow 20% this year, with consumers spending nearly $9.5 billion online. Cyber Monday also falls on December 2 this year, one week later than last, giving consumers fewer weeks before Christmas […]

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Location Location Location

EU and local legislation Location of risk is one of the key criteria an insurer must identify and consider before thinking about insurance premium taxes. It’s important to understand the location of risk rules and apply them correctly to be able to settle insurance premium taxes compliantly and to the correct tax authority. Whilst location […]

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Don’t Judge a Book by its Form: The Downward Global Trend in VAT Rates of E-Publications

Using reduced VAT rates to influence consumer buying choices Charging VAT and other consumption taxes rarely has a significant effect on a nation’s economy. The impact is felt at a specific industry sector level and more acutely when applied to goods and services in the B2C environment where any additional tax burden can impact price […]

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Electronic Reporting – Welcoming Unclaimed Property to the 21st Century

Almost every state has moved away from paper reporting in favor of electronic reporting, welcoming the unclaimed property reporting process into the digital age. Many of the slow-moving processes can be easily streamlined and brought up to date with simple, intuitive technology. First, let’s describe the difference between the two types of filings as many […]

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IMF Study Demonstrates Peru E-invoicing Works for Business and Government

Far from being a burden, Peru’s electronic invoicing mandate has helped medium-size businesses embark on digital transformation while also catalyzing a broadening of the country’s tax base. The International Monetary Fund (IMF) will release this fall a study detailing the impact mandatory e-invoicing in Peru, which began in 2014 and has since moved to a […]

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New Argentina E-invoicing Mandate Focuses on Improving SMB Financing Options

As a result of an e-invoicing mandate currently rolling out in Argentina, small and medium-size businesses (SMBs) are or will soon be required to use a specific form of invoice when billing larger companies.  Companies classified as SMBs (or PyMEs in Spanish) by AFIP, the Argentine tax administration, are required to use the Facturas de […]

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Benefits of Sales Tax Automation Software and Deployment Options

You operate a lean tax compliance and reporting team. Maybe your company has reduced staff over the past 5-10 years while continuing to grow its business through organic means as well as merger and acquisition.  But now your staff of 10 is down to four or five. What was once a manageable manual process of […]

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Negative Reporting – What If I Have No Records to Report?

If you have no new unclaimed property records for a particular state this filing year, does that mean you are off the hook? Well, not necessarily.   Most states want you to file with them each year. If you’ve reported in the past, they want to hear from you even in the years when you […]

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To Aggregate or Not to Aggregate – There Is No Question – Not

Article written By Bill Dadmun, Records and Receipts Manager, State of Virginia   How many of you use the aggregate function when reporting?  Does it make your life easier?  Listen to this scenario and tell me if it sounds familiar.   You get a call from someone that is due $49.95 from a credit balance.  […]

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Reciprocal Filing – Why You Should Proceed with Extreme Caution

This isn’t the first time I’ve blogged about the dangers of reciprocal filing, but I feel like it is a topic worth covering again for those who may have missed it. Reciprocal or exchange filing means reporting records to a state even though the last known addresses for the records are not in that state. […]

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Demystifying Codes for Unclaimed Property Compliance

Have you ever been confused about which property code to use for a certain type of property? We have all been there. NAUPA, the National Association of Unclaimed Property Administrators, has a list of standard codes that you can view here starting at the bottom of page 17.   Property Types   There are many types […]

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Benefit Your Business Through Due Diligence

Due Diligence is the act of sending letters to lost owners or publishing their names in newspapers. Almost every state and every jurisdiction within a state requires companies to perform due diligence. Benefits Due diligence not only benefits owners of unclaimed property, it can also benefit your business. Many of your lost owners are customers […]

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Retroactive Repeal of Illinois Business to Business Exemption

Many of you know Illinois is now operating under new legislation. If you haven’t had a chance to review the legislation, you’ll want to do so before filing this year’s unclaimed property report. One change to take note of is the repeal of the general business-to-business exemption. Not only is the exemption no longer allowed, holders […]

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What Could a Yield Curve Inversion Mean for IRS Tax Reporting Enforcement?

With unemployment low and productivity high, the US economy appears to be steaming along. But one key metric suggests otherwise: the yield curve is inverted, historically a sign that a recession is on the way. A downturn in the economy could have a major impact on how the IRS enforces tax reporting compliance.  A yield […]

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The Rising Tide of Digital Tax: Are You Surfer or Shark Bait?

Anyone familiar with the Discovery Channel’s Shark Week and the portrayal of hungry sharks setting their sights on surfers may be surprised to learn that tax and IT professionals may be feeling every bit as wary as those surfers as they enter their own version of shark-infested waters. The reason: IT and tax pros are […]

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Why Your Company Needs a Reporting Manual for Unclaimed Property

Many times in my twelve years of providing customer support, I’ve heard, “This is my first time reporting and I don’t know what to do. Can you help me?” My heart goes out to those people because I know how daunting it can be to figure out how to get a report to the state. […]

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5 Best Practices for Unclaimed Property Reporting

Finding the best way to manage unclaimed property risk is very challenging, especially if you are filing for the first time and not under state audit. If you find your company is in an initial compliance situation you need to immediately initiate an outreach program and make every effort to contact the owners of the […]

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Moving the Goalposts or Tweaking the Boundaries? Recent Updates to Intrastat Reporting

For those currently in the midst of preparing monthly Intrastat returns, the recent increase in reporting thresholds by a number of countries across the European Union (EU) will be of limited comfort. For those companies where the volume of goods being moved between EU countries are close to the current reporting thresholds however, the updates […]

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