
How to Calculate Brazil Nota Fiscal Compliance Costs

We recently examined the complexities involved in calculating all of the costs associated with compliance in Latin America. It’s not just a matter of implementing a set-it-and-forget-it technology; avoiding the fines, penalties and operational disruptions that result from compliance errors requires changes to operational processes, continual updates and complex validations to avoid potential issues. When […]

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PATH Act: Crucial W-2, W-3, 1099-MISC Deadline Changes

Penalties increase. In fact, they have done so twice already in the last year for 1099-MISC and other 10-series reporting. Deadlines change. This is a common occurrence and not always helpful, even when deadlines are extended. Rules and forms are amended. Even changing one box on a form can trigger you to change your process […]

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Free Informational Webinar: Last Chance for ACA Reporting

Do you still have questions about the required 1094 transmittal part of ACA reporting and the corrections process that will follow? Keep in mind, the deadline to transmit the 1094 electronic file to the IRS is June 30th, which is right around the corner and failure to comply can result in steep penalties, which have […]

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Weekly FATCA Round-up: May 28-June 3, 2016

Another week has come and gone, here is your weekly FATCA round-up, including important changes made by the IRS. Peruse these updates, another Jersey CDOT set of changes as well as a CRS implementation compiled by our stellar research team.   IRS Has Released a Draft Version of the FATCA XML v2.0 and Will Update […]

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European Shared Services Outsourcing Week 2016: 5 Key Take-Aways

Last week, Sovos Compliance was a sponsor at the SSOW conference in Dublin, which focused on shared service centre settings (SSC) across Europe. As Eastern European shared services centres are still experiencing significant growth, organisations are closely watching the development of processes and technologies that are enabling their SSCs to become true Centres of Excellence. […]

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Unclaimed Property Reporting: Why Waiting Doesn’t Pay

Most companies only worry about unclaimed property reporting when it is time to report their dormant records to the state. While this might ensure that your company is being compliant, is it really the most economical way for your company to manage their escheatment liability? More and more companies are focusing on the due diligence/pre-escheat […]

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Indirect Tax Functions Under-Resourced, Inefficient

Virtually every business transaction results in an indirect tax consequence – i.e., an intermediary collects taxes that it then must report and pay to the government. In Latin America and other value-added tax based economies, in which tax accrues at every level of the supply chain and manufacturing process, efficient and accurate indirect tax processes […]

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Disposable Bag Fees Are Adding Up Across the US

Jurisdictions all across the country have instituted disposable carryout bag fees and bans. San Francisco passed its ban on single-use bags back in 2007, and greatly expanded the ordinance in 2012 to include all retail stores. The District of Columbia has a bag fee that dates back to January 1, 2010, entitled the “Anacostia River […]

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Recent VAT Compliance Updates: June 2016

At Sovos, we are committed to keeping current with VAT compliance changes from around the world. Check out these recent updates compiled by our dedicated research team: European Union EU Council Approves Minimum VAT Rate Extension On May 25, 2016, the Council of the European Union adopted a directive extending the minimum standard VAT rate of […]

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Weekly FATCA Updates: May 21-May 27, 2016

Here’s a full list of weekly FATCA updates compiled by the experts in our Tax Department to help you. The FATCA reporting deadline of May 31 is right around the corner and countries have kicked up efforts to issue guidance so financial institutions can comply on time or changes to systems and other important information that […]

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Breaking News: VAT Attempt Repealed in Puerto Rico

Dispatches from The Commonwealth of Puerto Rico: The Final Installment (For Now!) At last, the legislation repealing the VAT in Puerto Rico is official law and we can say with certainty that the existing sales tax will apply on transactions on and after June 1, 2016. The route to VAT repeal was circuitous and somewhat […]

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Vermont’s Tax on Soft Drinks

Did you know that sweetened iced tea is considered a soft drink in Vermont? The state of Vermont passed Legislation effective July 1, 2015, imposing its sales and use tax on soft drinks. House Bill 489 (H.489) revised the definition of food and food ingredients found in 32 V.S.A. § 9701(31) by indicating that “food […]

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Is Your Company Prepared for Mexico CFDI changes?

As the second largest exchanger of e-invoices in the world – behind only Brazil – Mexico is quickly becoming one of the most sophisticated financial compliance governments in the world. In some ways, it is even starting to supersede Brazil in terms of complexity – particularly in the way it can now link individual business […]

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Join Us: Complimentary VAT Automation Event in London

We would like to invite you to a special VAT automation event, “VAT in a Digital Age”, taking place on the 9th of June at the Brown’s Hotel in London, 1.30pm – 6.30pm. Are you part of the 80% of organisations that are still using manual labour for VAT compliance processes? Do you want to […]

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IRS Releases Helpful ACA Corrections Webinar?

At this point, you’re likely preparing to send your transmittal for ACA reporting if you haven’t already, which means you may be anxious about any corrections you’ll need to perform. Generally, transmitting correction files are required to correct errors found on original filings, replacement filings, or other corrections filings. As a filer, you may discover […]

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Visit Sovos at the Internet Retailer Conference & Exhibition (IRCE)

Stop by the Sovos Compliance booth (#1573) during the Internet Retailer Conference & Exhibition (IRCE) from June 7-10 at McCormick Place West in Chicago. We welcome the chance to update you on the exciting ways we can help your company improve operational efficiency and reduce compliance risk, including the benefits of automating your process using our robust and […]

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Weekly Global Update: May 8-May 20, 2016

This week’s global update covers FATCA, CDOT, and CRS modifications as we near the first-ever reporting deadline for CDOT and a critical deadline for FATCA. Check out all the different types of changes compiled by our expert research team, including countries that are shifting their FATCA due date late in the game.   Liechtenstein Extends due date […]

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New Peru Mandates Expand Beyond VAT to Withholding and Perception Taxes

Two new mandates announced by the SUNAT, the Peruvian tax authority, are set to take effect starting July 1, 2016. The companies mandated to comply with these measures – Comprobantes de Retencion (CRE) and Comprobantes de Perceptcion (CPE) – can expect cash flow repercussions as the SUNAT seeks to keep tax payments from foreign invoices […]

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