
Age Verification Reminders for DtC Shippers

States have recently announced an uptick in age verification checks, including Massachusetts, which will be focusing on direct-to-consumer (DtC) wine shippers through the end of the year. At the same time, wine, beer and spirits drinkers are more willing than ever to receive their favorite beverages via DtC  shipping, which makes now a great time to […]

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5 Highlights from the First Annual DtC Spirits Shipping Report

Sovos ShipCompliant recently released the first annual Direct-to-Consumer Spirits Shipping Report, in partnership with the American Craft Spirits Association (ACSA). The report features in-depth analysis of the craft spirits direct-to-consumer (DtC) channel through a consumer poll, as well as ACSA’s perspective on how the market can continue to make strides. Quick hits from the 2022 […]

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Proposition 125 Passes in Colorado

The results are in—Coloradoans will soon be able to purchase wine in more stores than ever before. Proposition 125 allows for “grocery stores, convenience stores and other businesses currently licensed to sell beer to also sell wine.” This follows the expansion of full-strength beer sales in grocery stores, which took effect January 1, 2019. Any […]

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Is Delaware DtC Wine Shipping Right Around the Corner?

Delaware State Rep. Mike Smith (R-Pike Creek Valley) plans to introduce legislation that will open up direct-to-consumer (DtC) wine shipping to Delawareans. Currently, state residents can legally purchase wine through the three-tier system but are not able to purchase directly from a winery and have the product shipped to their front door. Smith’s bill would […]

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Beverage Alcohol Regulation in 2022 – A Year in Review

As 2022 draws to a close, it’s time to look back and reflect on the year that was. For beverage alcohol regulation, 2022 saw an interesting mix of big changes on one hand and stagnation on the other. On the direct-to-consumer (DtC) shipping front, there was little overall change, at least compared to the admittedly […]

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How Can Direct-to-Consumer and Three-Tier Complement One Another?

Historically, the three-tier and direct-to-consumer (DtC) channels for beverage alcohol have operated independently, sometimes even viewing the other as competition. But in reality, there are many opportunities for a symbiotic relationship between these business units. For beverage alcohol producers that depend on both, a collaborative approach is imperative. DtC and three-tier—what’s the difference? First, some […]

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QR Code Regulations in the Beverage Alcohol Industry

By Robert M. Tobiassen, President of the National Association of Beverage Importers, Inc. (NABI)  QR codes are not new to beverage alcohol labeling, but they’re seeing a rise in popularity as consumers become savvier to the technology. Once bars are restaurants reopened in the summer of 2022, QR codes became the virtual menu tool of […]

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RTD Cocktails and the Law

Everywhere you look these days, it feels like there’s a new ready-to-drink (RTD) cocktail on the market. These products have taken the beverage alcohol market by storm over the last few years, with seemingly everyone and their brewer now making their own margarita in a can. Consumers are clearly happy about this—RTD cocktails are now […]

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Beer Label Fundamentals

While beer brand labels are a great way to set your product apart with clever marketing and design, there are rules brewers must follow while designing them. Beer labels, whether on a bottle, can or keg, have lots of information that is highly regulated, both at the federal level and by individual states. We’ve compiled […]

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Spirits New Product Registrations Spike 20% in Q3 2022

Wine has strong quarter, with 28% increase from Q2 and 8% year-over-year increase in registrations  The temperatures may be starting to dip with the outset of autumn, but beverage alcohol new product registrations are seeing increases across spirits, wine and beer. Similar to this time last year, wine new product registrations had a strong showing. […]

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Louisiana Latest State to Regulate Fulfillment Houses for DtC Wine Shippers

The Louisiana Office of Alcohol and Tobacco Control (ATC) recently adopted new regulations governing the use of fulfillment houses by licensed direct-to-consumer (DtC) shippers of wine. Fulfillment houses have become a central, and invaluable, part of the DtC wine shipping market by offering wineries with critical storage and logistical services. They provide climate-controlled warehouses to […]

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4 Marketing Strategies all DtC Wine Shippers Should Be Using

By Brandon Harvie, Product Marketing Coordinator at WineDirect   Just as the direct-to-consumer(DtC) wine industry is constantly evolving, so should the marketing strategies for your winery. Whether you are a small, family-owned winery or a massive multiple-brand enterprise, every winery needs to review how they are highlighting their business. Marketing can be an exciting part of […]

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Understand Trademarks to Protect Your Beverage Alcohol Brand

One of the most important assets that a successful beverage alcohol producer has is their brand. A clear, readily identifiable brand is critical for bringing consumers in and making sure they will become repeat purchasers. But as the number of producers has exploded over the last few decades, the likelihood of consumer confusion around a […]

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A Better Way to Define Alcohol Product Types

All alcohol is divided into three parts—beer, wine and spirits. At least, those are the primary product types of beverage alcohol recognized by popular perception and defined by state and federal statutes. Determining what is in a bottle (or can or keg or firkin) is vital for anyone who manufactures, distributes or sells the product, […]

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5 Essential Questions to Ask When Searching for a Compliance Partner

Managing beverage alcohol compliance and tax in a rapidly evolving regulatory environment takes expertise and a relentless attention to detail. Odds are, you didn’t get into the industry to spend countless hours each week pouring over mandate changes, tax laws and regulatory updates. Partnering with a compliance software company is an easy way to mitigate […]

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Ohio Court Rejects DtC Shipping from Illinois Retailers

In another blow to proponents of expanded direct-to-consumer (DtC) shipping of wine, a court in the Southern District of Ohio earlier this week ruled in favor of the state, rejecting plaintiff’s claims that Ohio’s DtC shipping laws for retailers were discriminatory and harmful to consumers. What happened in this case? The case, Block v. Capera […]

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Top Things to Know About Alcohol Advertising Rules and the Internet

Among the numerous rules and regulations that suppliers of beverage alcohol have to deal with, those governing the advertising and marketing of their products may not always be top of mind. However, both federal and various state regulators have signaled their intent to ramp up policing of this area of alcohol regulation, particularly when it […]

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Dispelling the Top 5 DtC Shipping Myths

Direct-to-consumer (DtC) alcohol shipping can at times seem convoluted and increasingly complicated. States continue to evolve their DtC shipping requirements, which can understandably create some confusion over what is and is not allowed. However, working with the right partner can help to clear up some of that confusion. Here are some of the top misconceptions […]

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