
Making the Case: Seven Benefits of Automating Your Tax Exemption Certificate Management Process

Tax exemption certificate management might not be the topic at the forefront of every executives mind, but if your organization is serious about reducing the risk of adverse audit assessments (including penalties and interest), it’s a process you absolutely have to get right. Manual processes have proven time and time again that they are no […]

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7 Signs that Your Exemption Certificate Management Process is Putting You at Risk

Maintaining valid tax exemption certificates is one of the more difficult and labor intensive, yet critical, compliance requirements. Doing it correctly and completely is essential to protecting your business from audit exposure. As the tax landscape continues to evolve and grow more complex, managing this process is becoming increasingly difficult and time consuming. Many companies […]

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Albania’s New Tax Reform: Fiscalization

Following the trailblazing efforts by countries such as Italy, Hungary and Spain, this past year has seen an increase in European countries announcing digital tax control reforms. Earlier this year, Albania joined the ranks of France and Poland by announcing the introduction of a continuous transaction controls (CTC) system, called fiscalization. This scheme requires clearance […]

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Sovos Acquires Taxweb, Extends Tax Determination Capabilities in World’s Most Challenging Compliance Landscape

Earlier this month Sovos announced its second acquisition of 2020, completing our solution for Brazil with an unparalleled offering that solves tax compliance in the place where it is most challenging to do so.  Too many companies doing business in Brazil have been burdened by managing multiple point solutions for continuous transaction controls (CTCs), tax […]

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Is COVID-19 Rewriting the Rules for How Insurers Cover Epidemics?

Coronavirus has already immeasurably changed how we live, work, travel and socialise, and the insurance industry is certainly no exception. Looking back, policies agreed at the beginning of this year could never have reasonably taken into account the scale of this pandemic because nothing like this situation has graced the world in living memory. Furthermore, […]

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Be Wary of the Tax Implications of the COVID-19 Surcharge

As businesses begin to re-open as lockdown orders and advisories are lifted, accounting for the increased cost of doing business is top of mind. The reality is that supply chain costs are generally higher, safety and sanitation expenses are significant, and, in many cases, governmental orders are requiring businesses to operate at substantially decreased occupancy. […]

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Washington NFT
The Top 4 Tips for Insurers Issuing Form 1099-SB

In February, some of the largest U.S. insurers came together for a Sovos-sponsored virtual forum. The forum focused on how these insurers managed their reporting obligations for the new IRS Forms 1099-LS and 1099-SB. Below you will find important background information on Forms 1099-LS and SB and four tips for issuing Form 1099-SB gathered from […]

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India e-invoicing
Prepare for New 1099-K Reporting Requirements Across the U.S.

A trend is emerging across the country. In the last year, Illinois, Virginia, Florida and Maryland changed their reporting requirements for the 1099-K. Below are the new requirements, by state: Illinois: Beginning with tax year (TY) 2019, issuers of Form 1099-K will be required to submit those reports to Illinois electronically if required by the […]

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In Focus: Easing the Pain of Negatives for Insurers

Anyone involved in insurance premium tax (IPT) compliance will be only too aware of negatives.  Sadly, they almost always cause a headache and not only for financial reasons but also from a tax compliance perspective as well. What are negatives? Negatives for IPT purposes mean negative policy lines in documentation created to support the premium […]

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Answered: Most-Asked Questions from the Sovos ShipCompliant–WineDirect–Enolytics Webinar, Post-Pandemic Planning: Customer Engagement for the Road Ahead

Our recent webinar with WineDirect and Enolytics, Post-Pandemic Planning: Customer Engagement for the Road Ahead, was a timely topic that drew lively Q&A—too many to address in our allotted hour! Here are our panelists’ take on the most-surfaced themes in your questions. (Missed the live webinar? You can still access the recording and slides on […]

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Deadline Looming for Turkey’s E-delivery Note Mandate – Are You Ready?

Following the successful implementation of the e-invoicing mandate that has gradually expanded its scope, Turkey introduced a new mandate to track the movement of goods in a more technology-efficient way. Like many other countries, Turkey has already been able to retroactively track the movement of goods by obliging taxpayers to issue delivery notes. Having seen […]

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European Commission Proposes Delay of Six Months for E-commerce VAT Package

On Friday 8 May, the European Commission (EC) published a legislative proposal to delay implementation of the e-Commerce VAT Package by six months due to the impact of the COVID-19 crisis. The implementation of the new measures, which were set to come into force on 1 January 2021, have been delayed until 1 July 2021. […]

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Infographic | 5 Reasons to Invest in Real-Time Software for Your DtC Wine Business
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Navigating IPT Regimes Across the French Overseas Territories

As we all know, insurance premium tax (IPT) differs country to country and if your company writes insurance cross border, tracking every jurisdiction’s IPT rate can be challenging. We’re often asked by insurers about IPT regimes in overseas France because they vary island to island. Not only does each territory maintain its own IPT regime, […]

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DtC Shipments Continue to Increase as Buying Channels Shift

The direct-to-consumer wine shipping channel continues to grow each year, with a 7.4 percent increase in value and 4.7 percent increase in volume in 2019. But starting mid-March 2020, as the pandemic progressed, and buying patterns shifted to rely heavily on ecommerce, we’ve seen a significant spike in growth over last year’s numbers. The DtC […]

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E-Archiving for VAT: Compliance in a Digital World

Compliant archiving of original invoices and similar tax-relevant documents has long been overlooked. As companies gradually made the move to digitize existing paper processes, invoicing became a prime area for transformation into e-invoicing. However, requirements for long-term electronic archiving in traditional tax law were not always adapted in time to reflect the specific challenges of […]

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Preparing for Poland’s New JPK_VAT Structure

We recently reported the Polish government’s decision to delay introduction of the new JPK_VAT  with a declaration structure until 1 July 2020. This move is part of the country’s Tarcza antykryzysowa (“Anti-Crisis Shield”) initiative to support business during the coronavirus pandemic and gives welcome extra preparation time especially as the Ministry of Finance only recently […]

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Portugal – New Stamp Duty Filing Requirements Delayed

The global tax landscape is rapidly changing as more tax jurisdictions require detailed electronic transactional reporting. This trend also applies to premium taxes, with Spain leading the way having introduced a new digitised reporting system and requesting Consorcio surcharges be declared on a transactional line-by-line basis. Greece shortly followed with detailed IPT reporting and most […]

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