
eInvoicing – Local Government Compliance Affects a Global SAP Deployment

With Latin America constantly evolving their tax and electronic invoicing policies, corporate SAP teams are left with huge support costs and constant change management requests. With Brazil changing their requirements and mandating the adjustment to version 3.1 by the end of 2014, now is the time to look at the true cost of supporting Nota […]

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2014 Changes to Brazil Nota Fiscal – Challenge or Opportunity?

Should you evaluate an alternative to your current NF-e solution with the new legislation in Brazil? Many companies when first faced with the electronic requirements for electronic invoicing in Brazil turned to their ERP providers. This included SAP, Oracle, Microsega and others. But the lesson learned over the past few years is that the real […]

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Brazil Nota Fiscal needs a Hybrid Architecture – So Do You

There is a definite trend for companies using SAP to move away frommanaging in housesoftware solutions because of the maintenance difficulties imposed by the changing legislation in Brazil. Many companies looked at Brazil Nota Fiscal over the past few years as just another invoice process and compliance solution that could be managed by internal staff. […]

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Don’t Forget the Largest Cost – Mexico CFDI PAC Strategies (Part 5 of 5)

In the 5thpart of our series on the dangers of working only with a PAC in Mexico, I wanted to cover support and change management. These are the real cost drivers over the long term but are often not reviewed in the decision process. Why does this get overlooked? Two reasons:

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Where is my Money? DSO Alert – Mexico CFDI PAC Strategies (Part 4 of 5)

It should not be forgotten in this discussion around government XML standards and compliance mandates that the purpose of an invoice (electronic or paper) is to get PAID.

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Printers, what do you mean I have to manage Printers? – Mexico CFDI PAC Strategies (Part 3 of 5)


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Brazil Alert – Nota Fiscal Version 3.1 Announced

The Brazilian SEFAZ, tax authority, in combination with the ENCAT, the technical arm of the SEFAZ, has just published the latest version of Nota Fiscal as of July. In future blogs, we will be discussing the impact to the current processes; however, these are the key items your teams should be aware of concerning the […]

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Don’t Forget the SAP Configuration – Mexico CFDI PAC Strategies (Part 2 of 5)

In my previous article concerning Mexico CFDI electronic invoicing, we focused on the logistics and shipping aspects of the CFDI legislation. The lesson learned from that article was: the new laws affect your ability to ship, so make sure you don’t just contract with a single point of failure. Instead, ensure you have built-in contingency […]

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Did you just implement a Single Point of Failure – Mexico CFDI PAC Strategies (Part 1 of 5)

In my previous article, we discussed the common issues that are starting to make their way to the operational and finance teams. Many companies are setting themselves up for customer service issues, delayed payments, and most importantly delayed or lost revenue recognition as they implement their Mexico CFDI electronic invoicing strategy. In this document, we […]

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Reciprocal Filing – Proceed with Extreme Caution

This isn’t the first time I’ve blogged about the dangers of reciprocal filing, but I feel like it is a topic worth covering again for those who may have missed it. Reciprocal or exchange filing means reporting records to a state even though the last known addresses for the records are not in that state. […]

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Mexico e-invoicing: 5 Questions to Ask a PAC

There is a lot of confusion in the marketplace for solutions for Mexico CFDI. To make matters worse, the timeline for implementing CFDI is looming just around the corner on December 31, 2013. In conversations with many companies, we are seeing a wide variety of solutions. Here are the five mission critical questions you need […]

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Brazil Nota Fiscal – Key Support Costs that Go Undetected

The biggest challenge with Nota Fiscal in Brazil is not the selection of a solution for compliance, it is the ongoing support costs.

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Brazil Nota Fiscal – The Cost of Change Management when Running SAP GRC or External 3rd Party Solutions

I have written a lot on the cost of implementing Brazil Nota Fiscal, especially the hidden costs. However, in this blog, I wanted to discuss the often overlooked cost of change management. Remember that the Brazil Nota Fiscal legislation is a living and constantly evolving mandate. This means that someone has to

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The Real Cost of e-invoicing in Latin America

There is a distinct change in the mindset of multinationals happening. The trend is becoming a reality now, and management – specifically the SAP teams – are realizing the true cost of operating electronic invoicing in Latin America. It’s not a selection of a better local tool. In fact, local solutions in each country are […]

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Latin America Shared Services – Top 5 Issues when evaluating AP einvoicing

To successfully implement Account Payable E-invoicing or Shared Services in Latin America, you will need a regional solution approach that is addressing the issues, culture and technical requirements. There are a lot of companies that will claim electronic invoicing compliance through some signing partners, but it is important to understand the real issues to successfully […]

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Mexico CFDI eInvoicing – Red Flags to Avoid

So. . . you have received the news by now. And, most likely the Mexico change is starting to make waves through the organization. Well, hopefully it is making waves because if it’s not, cancel your plans for New Years. We estimate that over 20% of multinationals will struggle to meet the deadline because they […]

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Mexico eInvoicing – NO CFD Grandfather clause, You Must Move to CFDI by December 31, 2013 – Link to Mexican SAT Tax Authority

With the announcement on May 31, 2013 of the updates to einvoicing in Mexico, there is a huge amount of interest – yet one potential misunderstanding of many companies. There are no old CFD paper “grandfather” clauses in the updates. Many organizations have been lulled into a peaceful sleep with the older knowledge that the […]

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The Changes in Mexico are OFFICIAL – Deadline set for December 2013

On May 31, 2013, the Mexico SAT, their governmental tax agency, announced the mandatory transition of all invoices, for companies generating more than 250,000 pesos in revenue annually, to an electronic process known as CFDI. With nearly 500,000 organizations potentially having to switch by the end of 2013, there will be a mad rush to […]

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