
A canal in Venice with a boat
Pre-filled Italian Annual VAT return – an innovative change

On 10 February 2023, the Italian Tax Authority introduced the possibility for 2.4 million professionals and companies to view and download the pre-filled Annual VAT declaration related to transactions carried out in 2022. This return must be submitted by 2 May 2023. Who does this impact? The service is available for taxpayers defined by the […]

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Italian Import Documents Become Electronic
Italian Import Documents Become Electronic

The Italian Customs Authorities recently updated their national import system by applying the new European Union Customs Data Model (EUCDM). These new changes came into effect on 9 June 2022. According to the new procedure, the old model of paper import declarations has been abolished. The import declarations are now transmitted to the Italian Customs […]

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In Focus Why is Italy’s IPT Regime so Challenging
Italy IPT: A quick guide

Insurance Premium Tax in Italy is complex. This blog helps insurers navigate challenges in Italy, from IPT rates to reporting requirements. You can find all recent updates on IPT in Italy below in the update section. Read our Insurance Premium Tax guide for an overview of IPT in general. Update: 16 August 2024 by James Brown IPT […]

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How Insurers Can Prepare for Annual Reporting Requirements in Italy
How Insurers Can Prepare for Annual Reporting Requirements in Italy

Annual reporting requirements vary from country to country, making it complex for cross-border insurers to collect the data required to ensure compliance. Italy has many unique reporting standards and is known for its bureaucracy across the international business community. Italy’s annual reporting is different due to the level of detail required. The additional reporting in […]

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Italy e-invoicing: Are More Requirements on the Horizon?

Italy first introduced its e-invoicing mandate in 2019 and in 2022 they are introducing a new continuous transaction control obligation for reporting cross-border invoice data. In this episode of the Sovos Expert Series, Harri Vivian sits down with Gabriel Pezzato, Senior Regulatory Counsel at Sovos to talk through the 2022 reporting changes coming in Italy. […]

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How Insurers can Prepare for Tax Authority Audits
How Insurers can Prepare for Tax Authority Audits

A tax authority audit can come in various forms, whether it be directly to the insurer itself or indirectly through a policyholder or broker. It can be targeted, for example, where an insurer has been specifically identified to be investigated due toa discrepancy on a tax return, or it can be indiscriminate in its nature […]

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G20 Ministers Agree to Move Forward with Global Tax Reform Deal
G20 Ministers Agree to Move Forward with Global Tax Reform Deal

In the “Statement on a Two-Pillar Solution to Address the Tax Challenges Arising From the Digitalization of the Economy” issued on 1 July 2021, members of the G20 Inclusive Framework on Base Erosion and Profit Shifting (“BEPS”) have agreed upon a framework to move forward with a global tax reform deal. This will address the […]

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Italian SDI
Italy and San Marino: Steps to Clearance Customs Regimes?

Since 1993, supplies performed between Italy and San Marino have been accompanied by a set of customs obligations. These include the submission of paperwork to both countries’ tax authorities. After the introduction of the Italian e-invoicing mandate in 2019, Italy and San Marino started negotiations to expand the use of e-invoices in cross-border transactions between […]

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How Insurers Can Prepare for Annual Reporting Requirements
How Insurers Can Prepare for Annual Reporting Requirements

Some European tax authorities require annual insurance premium tax (IPT) reports to be submitted for the calendar year in addition to regular monthly or quarterly reporting. Annual reports usually require significant detail, making the process time consuming and labour intensive for insurers. Annual reporting requirements vary from country to country, making it complex for cross-border […]

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Italy has postponed its e-document legislation until 1 January 2022. Metadata requirements have also been modified.
Italy Postpones E-Document Legislation

In September 2020, Italy introduced major changes to the country’s rules on the creation and preservation of electronic documents. These new requirements were expected to be enforced on 7 June 2021. However the Agency for Digital Italy (AGID) has now decided to postpone the introduction of the new e-document rules until 1 January 2022. The […]

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Italy A New Way to Report Cross-Border Invoices
Italy: A New Way to Report Cross-Border Invoices

When Italy introduced its mandatory e-invoicing system, cross-border invoices weren’t included in the scope of the reform. To introduce the mandate, Italy asked the European Council for a derogation from the VAT Directive and the country was granted permission for the introduction of a mandatory clearance system for domestic transactions performed between Italian taxpayers. It’s […]

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Italy Understanding the New E-Document Legislation Requirements
Italy: Understanding the New E-Document Legislation Requirements

In September 2020, the Agency for Digital Italy (AGID) introduced new requirements for the creation and preservation of electronic documents, which will be enforced from 7 June 2021. This blog discusses the requirements and how they affect the issuance and storage of e-invoices. Electronic Documents in Italy The AGID is responsible for the Italian digital […]

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EESPA Standard: E-Invoicing Compliance Definitions and Responsibility Allocation Framework

EESPA, the European E-invoicing Service Providers Association, recently published EESPA Standard Definitions for Legally Compliant Electronic Invoicing and their usage. This document aims to provide a basis for e-invoicing service providers and their customers to agree on allocation of responsibility of the legal compliance of processes supported by the services. These standard definitions will contribute […]

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Italian Tax Controls: Five Key Facts to Know Before the New Year

While Italy rolled out its continuous transaction controls (CTC) reform in 2019, 2020 has been a year of expansion. Italian authorities plan to leverage all potential benefits of the successful implementation of the country’s central e-invoicing platform. Many of the updates will either be launched or enforced in the upcoming year, or later in 2022. […]

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Italy: New E-Archiving Requirements in 2021
Italy: New E-Archiving Requirements in 2021

Italy has been at the forefront when it comes to the introduction of continuous transaction controls (CTC) in the EU, and it still leads the way as other European countries look to Italy for inspiration on their local CTC implementations. But even before the introduction of its clearance e-invoicing system in 2018, the country had […]

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Italian Parafiscal Complexities

Premium tax and parafiscal compliance for insurers authorised to operate under the Italian regime can be challenging. For the experienced, it may seem that each year brings a different obligation to be met with new requirements often being introduced. There are almost always links between an upcoming year’s reporting requirements and declarations made in previous […]

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Beyond Tax Reliefs: The Impact of Covid-19 on E-Archiving

The economic impact and consequences of coronavirus are unprecedented as it spreads across different countries. To protect their markets, many countries have reacted by loosening obligations and lowering rates. While most of these initiatives have an immediate impact on a business’s cashflow and are welcome they also, in many cases, have a long-term impact on […]

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B2B Transaction Automation Platforms: Quantifying the VAT Compliance Advantage

In the past five years, transaction automation platform vendors who embraced e-invoicing and e-archiving compliance as integral to their services grew on average approximately 2.5 to 5 times faster than the market. Two decades of EU e-invoicing: many options, different models Until 1 January 2019, when Italy became the first European country to mandate B2B […]

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