Regulatory Analysis

Posted November 12, 2019 by Elliot Shulver
IVASS Sets Italian Management Charge for Year 2020

The Institute for Insurance Supervision (IVASS) in Italy has published the management charge rate for the year 2020. It set the rate for 2020 at 4.12%. The management charge reduces the taxable basis applied to the Road Accident Victims Fund (RAVF) and Hunting Accident Victims Fund (HAVF) and is published annually in November.

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Posted November 7, 2019 by Paul Ogawa
West Virginia Releases W-2 and 1099 Electronic Specifications for TY 2019

The West Virginia State Tax Department recently released Publications IT-105 and IT 105.1, Electronic Media Specifications for Forms W-2 and 1099/W-2G, respectively. These specifications are published and provided to taxpayers in order to format and transmit electronic reports for these form types to West Virginia. There are a few updates to each publication, as outlined […]

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Posted November 7, 2019 by Tom Hospod
Kentucky Publishes 2019 Specifications for Electronic Submission of Annual Wage and Tax Information

Kentucky has published its Specifications for Electronic Submission of Annual Wage and Tax Information via Electronic Media or Web for Year 2019. Kentucky follows the IRS EFW2 format; however, there are some state-specific instructions contained herein that should be followed. This publication has not changed from the previous year’s version.

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Posted November 7, 2019 by Tom Hospod
Kansas Publishes Tax Year 2019 Electronic Specifications

Kansas has released the following publications for tax year 2019/reporting year 2020: Form K-2MT (Kansas W-2 Specifications for Electronic Filing – EFW2 Format) Form K-99CSV (Kansas 1099 Specifications for Electronic Filing – CSV Format) Form K-99MT (Kansas 1099 specifications for Electronic Filing – Pub. 1220 Format) Form KW-2CSV (Kansas W-2 Specifications for Electronic Filing – CSV Format) […]

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Posted November 7, 2019 by Tom Hospod
Arizona Releases 2019 Optical Media Reporting Publication

Arizona has released its 2019 Publication 701, Optical Media Reporting. This publication contains information about reporting by optical media of Arizona withholding on federal Forms W-2, W-2c, W2-G and 1099-R (or any other Form 1099 equivalent), if reporting Arizona withholding. There are some revisions to this publication of which filers should take note: The publication now […]

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Posted November 7, 2019 by Paul Ogawa
IRS Releases Final Regulations Regarding Information Reporting of Certain Life Insurance Contract Transactions and Modifications to the Transfer for Valuable Consideration Rules

The IRS is set to officially release final regulations related to information reporting obligations under Section 6050Y related to reportable policy sales of life insurance contracts and payments of reportable death benefits. The rules codified in these new final regulations will affect the filing responsibilities of those affected with regard to Forms 1099-LS and 1099-SB, […]

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Posted November 7, 2019 by Tom Hospod
Kentucky Publishes 2019 1099 and W-2G Specifications for Electronic Submission

Kentucky has released its 2019 electronic specifications for submitting Forms W-2G, 1099-B, 1099-DIV, 1099-G, 1099-INT, 1099-K, 1099-MISC, 1099-OID, and 1099-R. There are some changes to this publication and the specifications of which filers should take note: • The Amount Type for Code 5 for Reporting Payments on Form 1099-DIV changed from “REIT Dividends” to “Section 199A […]

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Posted November 7, 2019 by Tom Hospod
Maine Revises Application for Tax Registration

Maine has issued a revised version of its Application for Tax Registration, used to establish a new tax account for income tax withholding, among other tax types, or for Electronic Funds Transfer. The application is largely the same as the previous version, with some minor changes: • The Maine Revenue Services Central Registration Section is now […]

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Posted November 7, 2019 by Kelsey O'Gorman
Italy to Introduce Pre-Completed VAT Returns by July 2020

From July 1, 2020, on an experimental basis, Italian taxpayers (i.e. businesses resident and established in Italy) may submit pre-completed VAT returns. Specifically, Article 16 of recently enacted Decree n. 124/2019 provides that data gleaned from transactional information supplied from electronic invoices via SDI, cross-border transactions, as well as data collected on fees electronically will […]

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Posted October 31, 2019 by Jeff Gambold
Poland: From 1 November 2019 Taxpayers Can Apply to the Ministry Of Finance For Binding Rate Information

From 1 November 2019, the Polish Ministry of Finance (“MoF”) will implement the Binding Rate Information scheme (“WIS”), a facility enabling taxpayers to apply to the MoF for a legally binding agreement on the VAT rate pertaining to a specific good or service (or combination of goods and services).  Most WIS agreements will only become […]

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Posted October 30, 2019 by Andrew Decker
Brexit Delayed

The European Council and the United Kingdom have agreed to defer the latter’s departure date from the European Union until January 31, 2020. The agreement has been labeled a “flextension,” because it leaves open the possibility of an earlier departure date, should the two sides successfully negotiate a Withdrawal Agreement. Prime Minister Boris Johnson, in […]

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Posted October 24, 2019 by Jeff Gambold
Poland: Ministry Of Finance Publishes New Regulation For The Incoming JPK_VAT

The Polish Ministry of Finance has published a regulation in the Journal of Laws detailing the structure of the new JPK_VAT standard audit file (labelled up to now with the title “JPK_VDEK”), filing of which will become mandatory for large taxpayers from 1 April 2020 and for small and medium taxpayers from 1 July 2020. Taxpayers […]

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Posted October 24, 2019 by Muazzam Malik
UK: Requirement To File Intrastat Declarations To Continue After Brexit

HMRC’s trade statistics portal uktradeinfo has announced that businesses presently required to file periodic Intrastat declarations reporting the movement of goods between the UK and EU Member States will have a continuing obligation to do so after the UK leaves the EU.  HMRC has cited the reasoning for this as that the information provided remains […]

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Posted October 24, 2019 by Ramón Frias
EFD-Reinf Version 2.0 Delayed

On October 14, 2019, the General Coordinator of Audits for the Federal Tax Administration in Brazil (Receita Federal), published Executive Ruling 55 revoking Version 2.0 of the EFD-Reinf layout. In so doing, it restores the Executive Ruling 65 (September 2018) Establishing Reinf Layout Version 1.4 as the required format. As a result, the planned expanded […]

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Posted October 24, 2019 by Tom Hospod
Kansas Revises Publication 1216

Kansas has published a revision of its Publication 1216, Business Tax Application. It is the same as the original version, published in August 2019, except the Electronic Services email address has been changed to

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Posted October 24, 2019 by Paul Ogawa
Massachusetts Publishes Interest Rates for Q4 2019

The Massachusetts Department of Revenue issued Technical Information Release (TIR) 19-12, publishing the interest rate for overpayments and underpayments of taxes. This page is continually updated, most recently with the fourth quarter rates for 2019. These rates remain unchanged from the third quarter of 2019, at 4% for overpayments and 6% for underpayments. To review […]

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Posted October 24, 2019 by Paul Ogawa
Virginia Publishes Interest Rates for Q4 2019

The Virginia Department of Taxation recently published Tax Bulletin 19-6, which includes state interest rates for the fourth quarter of 2019. Virginia Code §58.1-15 provides that overpayment and underpayment rates will be 2% higher than the corresponding federal rates. For the fourth quarter of 2019, these rates will remain unchanged from the prior quarter: 7% […]

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Posted October 24, 2019 by Jeff Gambold
United Kingdom: HMRC introduces ‘advanced notification’ scheme for VAT registration to EU businesses in the event of a ‘No Deal’ Brexit

Businesses operating in the EU currently not required to register for UK VAT because of cross-border simplifications (e.g. zero-rating of intra-community acquisitions, or call-off stock arrangements) may need to do so if the UK leaves the EU on 31 October without a withdrawal deal.  In order to support supply chains for UK businesses with UK […]

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