Regulatory Analysis

Posted July 23, 2024 by Jesse Rooney
California Announces Available Extensions for Payroll Taxes for those Affected by Disasters

California’s Employment Development Department (EDD) has announced available extensions for filing state payroll records and depositing state payroll taxes for counties affected by disasters. Following Gov. Newsom’s proclamation ending several states of emergency, the EDD has announced those in affected counties may request two-month extensions for filing and payment. The affected counties include Butte, Los […]

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Posted July 23, 2024 by Kellianne Munichiello
SSA Releases 2024 EFW2 / EFW2C: New Fields for Box 12, Code II Payments

The Social Security Administration (SSA) recently released the 2024 versions of the EFW2 (Specifications for Filing Forms W-2 Electronically) and EFW2C (Specifications for Filing Forms W-2c Electronically). Most notably, both specifications include new fields for reporting Medicaid waiver payments that are excluded from gross income. These payments are reported in Box 12 under Code II […]

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Posted July 23, 2024 by Robert Beck
South Carolina Updates Batch Filing Program For Withholding Quarterly Tax Returns Specifications

South Carolina recently updated publication WH-405, its specifications for the state’s batch filing program for quarterly tax returns. This is the first update to the publication since August of 2021. While the specifications themselves remain unchanged, the document contains added information about how to file using the MyDORWAY system rather than the GoAnywhere system which […]

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Posted April 26, 2024 by Robert Beck
IRS Releases Draft of New Form 1099-DA

The IRS recently released a draft version of the long and highly anticipated Form 1099-DA, Digital Asset Proceeds From Broker Transactions. The form will be used for reporting proceeds from (and in some cases, basis for) digital asset dispositions to the IRS and recipients. The form treats digital assets such as cryptocurrency, similarly to stocks, […]

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Posted April 26, 2024 by Kellianne Munichiello
Oregon Releases Additional Independent Contractor Reporting Guidance

On January 1, 2024, Oregon law began requiring reporting of newly hired or reengaged independent contractors. From January to March 2024, the Oregon Child Support Program rolled out a ‘Soft Launch’ of the reporting requirements. In April 2024, the Oregon Child Support Program ended the soft launch and officially began requiring employers and payers who engage or reengage independent contractors […]

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Posted April 26, 2024 by Kellianne Munichiello
IRS Updates Instructions for Form 1098-Q

The IRS recently updated the Instructions for Form 1098-Q. The updated instructions include a note to use them with the December 2019 revision of the form. There have been several significant updates. First, the dollar limitation on premiums increased to $200,000 and is no longer limited to 25% of the individual’s retirement account balance. The dollar […]

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Posted April 26, 2024 by Robert Beck
IRS Releases 2024 Instructions for Forms 1099-SA and 5498-SA

The IRS recently released its 2024 Instructions for Forms 1099-SA and 5498-SA. These instructions cover reporting of distributions from an HSA, Archer MSA, or Medicare Advantage MSA, and HSA, Archer MSA, or Medicare Advantage MSA Information. Both forms and the instructions are part of the IRS Continuous Use set, which means that these forms and […]

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Posted April 3, 2024 by Robert Beck
IRS Releases 2024 Instructions for Form 1099-B

The IRS recently released its 2024 Instructions for Form 1099-B, the form for reporting proceeds from broker and barter exchange transactions. The updates to the instructions were primarily editorial in nature, including removing references to the yearly General Instructions for Certain Information Returns and replacing them with references to the “current” year, and replacing some […]

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Posted April 3, 2024 by Kellianne Munichiello
Oregon Conducting ‘Soft Launch’ of Independent Contractor Reporting

Beginning January 1, 2024, Oregon requires individuals to report the hiring of independent contractors. Although the law is effective January 1, 2024, reporting is not required until Oregon releases additional guidance. Oregon plans to release additional guidance in Spring 2024. Until then, Oregon is conducting a soft launch of the independent contractor reporting requirements. Employers and payers who wish to […]

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Posted April 3, 2024 by Robert Beck
IRS Releases 2024 Form 1099-B

The IRS recently released its 2024 Form 1099-B. The 1099-B is for the reporting of proceeds from broker and broker exchange transactions to the IRS. Brokers or barter exchanges must file Form 1099-B for a variety of transactions including sale of stocks and commodities, receipt of stock or property from a corporation that the broker […]

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Posted March 22, 2024 by Paul Ogawa
IRS Publishes Updated Form for Extension of Time to Furnish Recipient Statements

The IRS recently published an updated version of Form 15397, Application for Extension of Time to Furnish Recipient Statements. This form replaces the previous process for requesting an extension of time to furnish recipient statements as outlined in the General Instructions for Certain Information Returns, and was recently introduced with little fanfare for tax year […]

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Posted March 14, 2024 by Robert Beck
IRS Releases 2024 Form 1098-E

The IRS recently released its 2024 update to Form 1098-E, the form used to report student loan interest to the IRS. Year to year, this form changes very little generally. This year, the changes follow much the same pattern that most updates for 2024 have seen. For the copies of the Form itself, the only […]

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Posted March 14, 2024 by Paul Ogawa
IRS Releases New Application for Extension of Time to Furnish Recipient Statements

The IRS recently published Form 15397, Application for Extension of Time to Furnish Recipient Statements. This is the first iteration of the form and is meant to replace the previous procedure for requesting an extension of time to furnish recipient statements. That process is detailed in the General Instructions for Certain Information Returns and involves […]

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Posted March 14, 2024 by Robert Beck
IRS Releases Updated Form 1099-K

The IRS recently released an updated version of Form 1099-K, the form used to report payment card and third-party network transactions, and its accompanying instructions. Changes to the form itself were minimal, falling in line with changes made to several other forms in the 1099 series. These include adding a notice about the 10 form […]

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Posted February 29, 2024 by Jesse Rooney
IRS Waives Electronic Filing Requirement for Form 1042

Under the recently published Notice 2024-26, “Administrative Exemption from Requirement to Electronically File Form 1042”, the IRS has effectively waived the electronic filing requirement via administrative exemption for Form 1042 for calendar year 2024, and for withholding agents that are foreign persons continuing into calendar year 2025.   Notice 2024-26 cites a number of reasons for […]

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Posted February 29, 2024 by Jesse Rooney
IRS Releases 2024 1099-R and 5498 Instructions

The IRS has released its 2024 instructions for form 1099-R and 5498.  The revised instructions incorporate a variety of changes, including the following. The age for required minimum distributions (RMDs) has raised to 73 for tax year 2024 and the automatic rollover amount has increased from $5,000 to $7,000..  Thie is incorporated in the instructions. Direction […]

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Posted February 20, 2024 by Jesse Rooney
IRS Releases 2024 1099-R Form

The IRS has released its 1099-R form for tax year 2024. Form 1099-R reports payments from pensions and annuities. For 2024, the revised form now notes that parties filing ten or more tax-information records must do so electronically; removes recipient instruction to include for Copy B with their own tax returns; makes reference to form […]

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Posted February 19, 2024 by Robert Beck
IRS Updates Continuous Use Form 1099-DIV for Tax Year 2024

The IRS recently updated its continuous use Form 1099-DIV. The 1099-DIV is the IRS’s form for reporting dividends and distributions as income. This year the IRS has updated the form following the same pattern of updates that most of the continuous use format forms have followed. A notice regarding the 10-or-more-form electronic filing requirement has […]

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