Regulatory Analysis

Posted October 16, 2019 by Jeff Gambold
Bulgaria Changes Intrastat Reporting Thresholds for 2020

The National Statistical Institute of Bulgaria has announced the following Intrastat thresholds starting on January 1, 2020: For Intrastat reporting dispatches, the threshold will increase from BGN 280,000 to BGN 290,000.  For Intrastat reporting arrivals, the threshold will increase from BGN 460,000 to BGN 470,000.   Thresholds for declaring statistical value are also increasing.  For dispatches, […]

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Posted October 16, 2019 by Jeff Gambold
Austria to increase VAT registration threshold from 1 January 2020

In its recently published Tax Reform Act 2020, Austria has announced its intention to increase the VAT registration threshold for Austria-established businesses from EUR 30,000 to EUR 35,000 with effect from 1 January 2020. The Act has passed the lower house of Parliament (Nationalrat) and is currently being debated in the upper house (Bundesrat).   The […]

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Posted October 16, 2019 by Katherine Mullen
To Collect or Not to Collect, That is the Question in Kansas

While the Kansas Department of Revenue announced that remote sellers would be required to collect tax on sales made into Kansas beginning on October 1, 2019, the Attorney General issued an opinion stating that the requirement was not lawfully passed and was of no effect. However, the Department maintains that the requirement is valid, leaving […]

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Posted October 16, 2019 by Ramón Frias
Colombia Extends Deadline for Compliance with Pre-Validated E-Invoice

The Colombian tax administration (DIAN) has issued a new Resolution 0000064/2019 that basically extends by 2 to 3 months the deadline for complying with the new pre-validation system established by Resolution 000020/2019. Originally, Resolution 0000020 established two schedules of compliance: The first one classified the taxpayers into 14 groups, and established deadlines according to the […]

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Posted October 11, 2019 by Christophe Bourdaire
France, Luxembourg & Portugal: Changes to IPT Tax Filings

Online filing is becoming more popular in the European Union and three new territories look set to modernise how Insurance Premium Tax (IPT) should be filed going forward. France has introduced an article in its 2020 Budget Law that will make the online filing and payment of IPT compulsory by 1 January 2022 at the […]

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Posted October 8, 2019 by Christophe Bourdaire
Greece: New Annual Reporting Obligation

Insurance companies covering risks in Greece must now report their insurance policies annually to meet new obligations introduced by the Greek tax authorities.  A report is due by 31 March each year listing all the invoices declared each quarter during the previous calendar year. Approving the law back in 2016, the Greek tax authorities have only recently […]

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Posted October 4, 2019 by Paul Ogawa
Federal E-Filing Thresholds Reduced For Upcoming Calendar Years

As a part of the Taxpayers First Act of 2019, the thresholds for filing information returns electronically will see a reduction in the years approaching and after 2021. Per Section 2301 of the Act, electronic filing will be required for filers submitting 250 or more forms prior to calendar year 2021. That threshold will be […]

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Posted October 4, 2019 by Tom Hospod
Nebraska Publishes Electronic Reporting Information Guide for W-2 and W-2G

Nebraska has released a guide – Nebraska Computer Reporting Procedure for 1099’s, 21EFW2 – which covers state electronic reporting specifications for Forms W-2 and W-2G. Any filer with more than 50 Nebraska Forms W-2, 1099-MISC, 1099-R, and W-2G must e-file them, using DOR’s NebFile for Business program on DOR’s website, on or before January 31. Nebraska follows […]

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Posted October 4, 2019 by Jesse Rooney
2020 Draft 1099-MISC and NEC Instructions Released

The IRS has released 2020 draft joint 1099-MISC and NEC instructions.  Changes to instructions are highlighted below: 1099-NEC due January 31, 1099-MISC due March 31 (electronic); Specified changes to the 1099-MISC as noted in the instructions’ preamble: There is a checkbox in box 7 to indicate direct sales of $5,000 or more; Crop insurance proceeds […]

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Posted October 4, 2019 by Denise Hatem
Poland: Reminder of ‘MPP’ Split Payments regime from 1st November, with payments into a specified recipient bank account to follow

The Polish Ministry of Finance (“MoF”) has issued a reminder regarding the introduction of a mandatory split payments regime (known as “MPP”) for certain VAT-bearing transactions for selected categories of goods and services, commencing 1 November 2019. If a transaction falls within the scope of MPP, whilst the net or taxable amount of the payment […]

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Posted October 4, 2019 by Tom Hospod
New Jersey Releases New Business Registration Application Forms and Information

New Jersey has published a 2019 version of its Form NJ-REG, Business Registration Application, as well as the Business Registration Forms and Information publication. NJ-REG is used to apply for a new business, move a previously registered business to a new location, amend an application for an existing business, apply for an additional location of an existing […]

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Posted October 4, 2019 by Jesse Rooney
Iowa Revises W-2, 1099, and W-2G Filing Requirements

Iowa recently revised its regulations for the annual filing of W-2s, 1099s, and W-2Gs with the Department of Revenue.  Per recently codified Iowa Administrative Code r.701.46.3(3)(g), W-2s, 1099s, and W-2Gs containing Iowa withholding for the prior tax year must be electronically filed with the Department by February 15. For tax year 2018, Iowa required all […]

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Posted October 3, 2019 by Kelsey O'Gorman
Uzbekistan Reduces Standard VAT Rate from 20% to 15%

On 26 September 2019, Uzbekistan’s Presidential Decree #5837 “On measures for further improvement of the tax policy of the Republic of Uzbekistan” was adopted.  This decree lowers the standard VAT rate from 20% to 15%, effective October 1, 2019. For more information, please find the decree here.

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Posted September 27, 2019 by Paul Ogawa
Colorado Publishes Updated Claim for Refund Form

The Colorado Department of Revenue recently published an updated version of Form DR-0137, Claim for Refund. This form is used by taxpayers to request a refund from a variety of tax account types, including Withholding Tax. The most significant change to the form is the addition of comprehensive instructions for use of the form with […]

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Posted September 27, 2019 by Tom Hospod
Nebraska Publishes Electronic Reporting Information Guide

Nebraska has released a guide – Nebraska Computer Reporting Procedure for 1099’s, 21CM – which covers state electronic reporting specifications for Forms 1099-MISC, 1099-R, and W-2G. Any filer with more than 50 Nebraska Forms 1099-MISC, 1099-R, and W-2G must e-file them using DOR’s NebFile for Business program on DOR’s website on or before January 31. Nebraska follows […]

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Posted September 27, 2019 by Tom Hospod
Hawaii Announces Electronic Filing Mandate

Hawaii has published an Announcement regarding its electronic filing mandate for withholding tax returns. For taxable periods beginning on or after January 1, 2020, employers whose withholding tax liability exceeds $40,000 annually will be required to file returns electronically. Forms HW-3, HW-14, and HW-26 are all available on Hawaii Tax Online for electronic filing. Filers will be […]

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Posted September 27, 2019 by Tom Hospod

Washington DC enacted a health insurance individual mandate, to go into effect for Tax Year 2019. Reporting will begin in 2020, with the first reports due on June 30, 2020 for Tax Year 2019. The Office of Taxation and Revenue (OTR) has published a notice explaining details regarding its implementation. Under the mandate, most District taxpayers must […]

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Posted September 27, 2019 by Tom Hospod
New Mexico Revises Business Tax Registration Form

New Mexico has revised its Form ACD-31015, Business Tax Registration. There are some noteworthy changes to the format and instructions: Businesses that will be operating in New Mexico solely for a “special event” now must register. Registrant must now indicate if it will have three or more employees in New Mexico. Registrant must now provide […]

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