Regulatory Analysis

Posted July 21, 2020 by Ramón Frias
COSTA RICA: Government Announces Postponement of VAT on Foreign Supplies of Digital Services

The Minister of Finance of Costa Rica has announced that the implementation of VAT on supplies of digital services by foreign providers, which was scheduled to be effective on August 1, 2020, will be postponed until September 15 of this year. According to the Ministry, the change is being made in order to give enough time […]

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Posted July 21, 2020 by Ramón Frias
URUGUAY: DGI Introduces Several Changes to the Electronic Invoicing System of the Country

The tax administration of Uruguay (DGI) has announced several changes to the electronic invoicing system of the country, by releasing a new version of the technical documentation required to comply with that mandate. These new changes include the modification of existing fields and new fields that will be required for validation of the electronic invoices […]

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Posted July 14, 2020 by Ramón Frias
MEXICO: SAT Publishes the List of Foreign Suppliers of Digital Services

Foreign suppliers of digital services to customers located in Mexico are required by law to register at the tax administration of Mexico (SAT), charge VAT for the services that they provide to final consumers and issue the corresponding invoice to their customers. Taxpayers that do not comply with this mandate may be subject to sanctions […]

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Posted July 14, 2020 by Ramón Frias
CHILE: The SII Issues a New Resolution about the eReceipt Mandate

The Chilean tax administration (SII) issued a new Resolution 74/2020 that regulates the issuance and delivery of electronic receipts, locally known as Boletas Electronicas. This regulation expands the mandate to issue electronic tickets in two phases: 1) September 1, 2020 for taxpayers that already are mandated to issue electronic invoices in Chile, and 2) March […]

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Posted July 14, 2020 by Ramón Frias
PERU: SUNAT Postpones the Mandatory Use of OSE For Certain Taxpayers

The Peruvian tax administration (SUNAT) released Resolution 105-2020 by which it postpones the effective dates of several requirements related to the electronic invoice mandate of that country. This Resolution postpones until December 31, 2020, the mandatory use of OSE or the SEE-SOL portal of the SUNAT, for electronic issuers that as of December 31 of 2018 were […]

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Posted July 14, 2020 by Ramón Frias
PERU: SUNAT Issues Resolution 108/2020

The Peruvian SUNAT has issued Resolution 108/2020. This resolution is intended to postpone several obligations that otherwise would become effective July 1, 2020. As a result, the mandatory use of the United Nations Standard Products and Services Code (UNSPSC) or the Global Trade Item Number (GTIN) as identifiers of fixed assets in the Ledgers of […]

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Posted July 14, 2020 by Ramón Frias
CHILE: New Regulation Extends Permission to Use of Paper Invoices

The Chilean tax administration (SII) has issued a new resolution extending until December 31, 2020 the use of Invoices, Purchase Invoices, Liquidation Invoices, Dispatch guides, credit and debit notes in paper format that had previously been authorized until June 30, 2020. Resolution 70/2020 of the SII applies only to those specific taxpayers that by law, […]

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Posted June 19, 2020 by Ramón Frias
Colombia Sets the days for the VAT Holiday

The Colombian tax administration (DIAN) has announced that the VAT Holiday established by the Law 2010/2019 and the Legislative Decree 682/2020 will be held on the following three days: June 19, July 3, and July 19 of 2020. Participation in the VAT Holiday is not mandatory. Businesses opting to participate in the VAT Holiday should […]

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Posted May 29, 2020 by Ramón Frias
Paraguay Delays the Application of VAT to Foreign Suppliers of Digital Services

The tax administration of Paraguay (Secretaria de Estado de Tributacion or SET) has announced that the country will be delaying for six months the application of VAT on digital services supplied by foreign non-established providers. According to the recent tax reform, a new withholding system would start to apply on July 1, 2020 to all […]

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Posted May 29, 2020 by Ramón Frias
DIAN issues New Resolution to Regulate the Electronic Invoicing

The Colombian tax administration (DIAN) has released Resolution 00042/2020, intended to establish new deadlines for complying with Colombia’s electronic invoicing mandate, and to consolidate in a single provision multiple regulations in matters of electronic invoicing. An important feature of this new resolution is that it also includes Technical Annex 1.7-2020, required to implement the mandate. […]

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Posted May 29, 2020 by Victor Duarte
Bolivia: Adoption of electronic invoicing system postponed

The Resolution N° 101800000026 establishing the electronic invoicing system (SFE) in Bolivia has been repealed, as the relevant authorities have recognized that taxable persons will not be able to adapt to the new rules and conditions set in the Resolution this year as envisaged. The Government has not yet announced a new date for the […]

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Posted April 3, 2020 by Ramón Frias
Panamanian Government Enacts eInvoicing Mandate

The government of Panama has enacted Decree 115/2020 by which it mandates that all taxpayers excluded from the obligation of using electronic fiscal machines attached to their POS systems will be required to issue pre-validated electronic invoices. The decree also establishes that this mandate will be effective on August 1, 2020 but the tax administration […]

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Posted March 23, 2020 by Ramón Frias
Chile starts taxing foreign digital platforms

The Chilean congress enacted law 21.210, a tax reform bill that will have several implications for VAT compliance. Among the enacted changes, the supply of digital goods and services by foreign suppliers not established in Chile will be subject to VAT. When supplies are made to VAT registered taxpayers, these taxpayers will be responsible for […]

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Posted March 23, 2020 by Ramón Frias
DIAN Proposes Regulation on Timing of Version 1.8 of UBL 2.1

The DIAN has released a new proposed resolution clarifying the timing surrounding the implementation of version 1.8 of the Technical Annex of the Electronic Invoice under UBL 2.1. The implementation deadline will begin on April 2020 for large taxpayers and extend to October 2020 for all others. This new resolution will also consolidate in a […]

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Posted March 23, 2020 by Ramón Frias
Colombia Enacts VAT Holiday

Colombia enacted a new tax reform that, among other things, establishing a future 3 day VAT Holiday. According to the provisions of Law 2010/2019, the government will allow retailers to sell clothes, electronics, sports equipment, toys and school supplies VAT free when purchased by final consumers using a credit card and where the sale is […]

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Posted March 23, 2020 by Ramón Frias
EL SALVADOR: Ministry of Finance Announces New e-Invoicing Pilot Program

The Ministry of Finance of El Salvador has announced that the country is about to start an e-Invoicing Pilot program sponsored by the Inter-American Development Bank.  The exact day when the program will begin has not been released yet by the tax authorities, but the tax administration has informed that they are selecting the roughly 50 largest taxpayers to […]

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Posted February 10, 2020 by Jesse Rooney
Puerto Rico Extends 2019 Informative Due Dates

Puerto Rico’s revenue department, la Hacienda, has announced that its SURI system for electronic payment and filing of taxes will undergo a system upgrade from February 20 to February 24.  The system will be unavailable at that time.  As a consideration for this upgrade, la Hacienda is extending the due dates for 2019 informatives due […]

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Posted December 18, 2019 by Ramón Frias
Costa Rica to Issue Regulation Listing Foreign Suppliers Subject to VAT Withholding

Back in July 2019 Costa Rica enacted a new VAT law that, among other things, taxed digital goods and services. The law provided that in the cases of trans-national supplies of digital goods and services where the supplier was not established in Costa Rica, VAT would be withheld by the financial entities/credit card companies used […]

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