Regulatory Analysis

Posted August 18, 2022 by juliaolienyk
Publication 1179 was Recently Updated for 2022

Publication 1179 was updated for 2022. Publication 1179 is the general rules and specifications for substitute Forms 1096-1098-1099, 5498, and certain other information returns. In addition to updates in year, bulletin number, and slight wording changes, the Publication also incorporates changes made to individual forms for 2022. There were no substantial updates to the publication […]

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Posted August 11, 2022 by Kelly Muniz
Uruguay: Formato CFE version 23.2 has been Published

The Uruguayan tax authority (DGI) has published new technical documentation regarding version 23.2 of the Formato Comprobantes Fiscales Electrónicos – CFE (electronic invoice) document. In this new version, the text of the validation of indicator 16 for elements B-C4 and D-C7 are modified. The new document version is available for download at:

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Posted August 11, 2022 by Kelly Muniz
Mexico: SAT Releases New Versions of the Catalogs for CFDI 3.3 and 4.0

A new version of the catalogs for the CFDI 3.3 and 4.0 has been released by the Mexican tax authority (SAT), on Aug 10, 2022. The new catalog version updates sub catalog c_NumPedimentoAduana for which 1 record is added, and is highlighted in yellow in the files for quick identification. No modification was made to […]

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Posted August 10, 2022 by Robert Beck
North Carolina Announces Temporary Reduction to Late Payment Penalties

North Carolina recently released a notice which details a temporary reduction in the penalties for late tax payments to the state. According to the notice which was officially released June 30, 2022, the 2021 General Assembly enacted legislation to change the calculation of the penalty from the flat rate of ten percent (10%) to a […]

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Posted August 10, 2022 by Bradley Feimer
Denver Exempts Incontinence and Diaper Products Effective October 1, 2022

Effective October 1, 2022, Denver, Colorado ordinance 22-0577 provides an exemption for incontinence products and diapers from sales and use tax. The ordinance defines, “incontinence products and diapers” to mean an adsorbent cloth or disposable product worn by humans. Further legislative details may be found here.

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Posted August 10, 2022 by Bradley Feimer
Indiana Exempts Children’s Diapers from Gross Receipts Tax Effective August 5, 2022

On August 5, 2022, Indiana Governor Holcomb signed Senate Bill 2 providing upon passage an exemption for children’s diapers from the state’s gross receipts tax. “Children’s Diapers” is defined as disposable or reusable diapers marketed to be worn by children. Further information concerning the bill can be found here.

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Posted August 10, 2022 by Robert Beck
Illinois Releases Updates to Publications 130 and 131

Illinois recently released updates to both Publication 130 and Publication 131. Respectively, these publications are “Who is Required to Withhold Illinois Income Tax” and “Withholding Income Tax Payment and Filing Requirements,” the two primary withholding tax publications for Illinois. Both publications had several minor stylistic updates. Both Publications have a revision date of 6/22 and […]

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Posted August 10, 2022 by Victor Duarte
Chile: New regulation establishing requirements for DTE used for purchase and sales of foreign currency

The Tax authority in Chile (SII) published Resolución Exenta N° 66 requiring taxpayers performing purchasing and sales of foreign currency to follow the technical instructions on how to register these operations in their DTE’s issued for these operations. The resolution includes in its annex the rules that must be implemented by taxpayers carrying out these […]

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Posted August 10, 2022 by Victor Duarte
Chile: New regulation establishing to certain taxpayers filling requirements for invoices used for sales of cigarettes

The Tax authority in Chile (SII) published a Resolución Exenta 65 requiring certain taxpayers to populate the field “sale transaction type” with 6 (Tipo Transacción de Compra <TpoTranCompra>: “6”) for the issuance of invoices used on sales of cigarettes under substitution of taxable person regime only. The resolution will be effective from 1 September 2022. […]

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Posted August 10, 2022 by Robert Beck
IRS Releases Cosmetic Update for Publication 5165

The IRS recently released an update to the 2022 Publication 5165. This publication contains the specifications for electronic filing of Federal Affordable Care Act forms in the AIR system. This update for the 2022 filing season is purely cosmetic in nature and contains no actual changes to the substantive information contained within the publication itself. […]

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Posted August 8, 2022 by Kelly Muniz
Italy: New FatturaPA B2G Technical Specifications and Schemas Released for 1 October 2022

The Italian Tax Agency, Agenzia delle Entrate, has published updates to its documentation regarding B2G electronic invoicing, which will enter into force on 1 October 2022. The update includes a change in the XSD schema of the ordinary invoice for the introduction of a new Type of Document TD28 for purchases from San Marino with […]

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Posted August 8, 2022 by Kelly Muniz
Uruguay: DGI Releases Formato de los CFE version 23.1

Version 23.1 of the Formato de los CFE technical documentation and its corresponding XSD have been published by the Uruguayan tax administration (DGI). This version includes the changes published in version 23 and is adjusted with new updates. The changes entail the update of several validation codes. The schedule for such updates follows as previously […]

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Posted August 8, 2022 by Kelly Muniz
Italy: New FatturaPA B2B Technical Specifications and Schemas Released for 1 Oct 2022

The Italian Tax Agency, Agenzia delle Entrate, has published new technical documentation regarding B2B electronic invoices, which includes an updated version of Annex A – Technical Specifications (version 1.7.1) and of the tabular representation of the ordinary invoice and simplified invoice layouts, as well as the related XSD schemas. The new specifications introduce to the […]

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Posted August 8, 2022 by Kelly Muniz
Brazil: Scheduled Maintenance Stop of the Authorization Environment of SVRS and SEFAZ-RS

A scheduled stop for maintenance of the authorization environment of the electronic fiscal documents (DF-e) of SVRS (Sefaz Virtual Rio Grande do Sul) and SEFAZ-RS, will be carried out on 7 August 2022, starting at 6 am, with a duration of up to 3 hours. During the maintenance, the Virtual Sefaz National Contingency Environment will […]

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Posted August 4, 2022 by Victor Duarte
Mexico: SAT Releases New Versions of the Catalogs for CFDI 3.3 and 4.0

A new version of the catalogs for the CFDI 3.3 and 4.0 has been released by the SAT. The updated version of these catalogs is available at the following links: Catalog for CFDI 3.3: Catalog for CFDI 4.0:

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Posted August 3, 2022 by Selin Adler Ring
India: New Taxpayers to Comply with E-invoicing Rules

As previously predicted by Sovos, the threshold for implementing mandatory e-invoicing has been lowered by the Indian authorities. According to the Central Board of Indirect Taxes and Customs Notification No. 17/2022 – Central Tax, from 1 October 2022 compliance with the e-invoicing rules will be mandatory for taxpayers with an annual threshold of 10 Cr. […]

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Posted August 3, 2022 by Robert Pelletier
Romania – SAF-T Filing 2022 – Grace Period Extended

On 1 August 2022, the Romanian National Agency of Fiscal Administration (ANAF) issued a draft order indicating plans to extend the SAF-T filing grace period. The ANAF previously granted a six month grace period to 31 July 2022 for SAF-T filings. The grace period is set to be extended by an additional six months to […]

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Posted August 2, 2022 by Victor Duarte
Mexico: CFDI 4.0 Complemento Comercio Exterior documentation updated

The SAT updated the Error Matrix and the Standard of the Revision E of the Complemento de Comercio Exterior v 1.1 that must be integrated with the CFDI 4.0.  The documentation for the Revision C of this complemento that must be integrated with the CFDI 3.3 was not updated this time. The updated document Estandar […]

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