Regulatory Analysis

Posted December 31, 2020 by Joanna Hysi
Today the Greek government announced the postponement of the go-live date of myDATA to 1.4.2021

Following requests from market participants and also due to COVID-19 pandemic, it was deemed necessary that the first quarter of 2021 is offered as additional time for training and adaptation of companies to myDATA. Data issued in the 1st quarter of 2021 should also be transmitted to the myDATA platform with a different deadline and […]

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Posted December 28, 2020 by Ramón Frias
SPAIN: Three day postponement of the SII 2021 changes announced

The Spanish tax administration (AEAT) has informed that due to some technical difficulties, the 2021 changes to the SII mandate will be delayed from January 1, 2021, to January 4, 2021. This means that all the changes related to consignment goods in the Ledger of Intra-Community transactions, as well as those related to the Ledgers […]

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Posted December 23, 2020 by Selin Adler Ring
Saudi Arabia Mandates E-invoicing from 4 December 2021

The initial Saudi E-invoicing Regulation (Regulation) was enacted on 4 December 2020, but the details of the framework are yet to be published. The new framework is set to go live a year from now, on 4 December 2021, and will apply to all resident taxable persons, as well as any third party who issues […]

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Posted December 18, 2020 by Gabriel Pezzato
Poland to introduce e-invoicing via a centralized platform in 2021

The Polish Ministry of Finance yesterday announced a timeline for its plans to introduce a Continuous Transaction Controls (CTC) scheme, with a roll-out to start at the end of 2021.  By the end of 2021, e-invoicing via a centralized platform will be made available, but still remains optional for companies; from 2023 it will be mandatory for […]

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Posted December 11, 2020 by Russell Hughes
Ireland to Introduce Postponed VAT Accounting on Imports

The Irish Government have released their proposed Brexit Omnibus Bill 2020 which sets out several tax measures to assist in dealing with the effects of Brexit. One of the proposed measures is introducing postponed accounting for import VAT. The proposed measure means that importers would be able to record the import VAT in the VAT […]

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Posted December 11, 2020 by Russell Hughes
EU Council Adopts Rules on Introduction of Special VAT Number for Businesses in Northern Ireland

The EU Council have now adopted the rules in relation to the introduction of a special VAT identification number that is to be provided to businesses in Northern Ireland at the end of the transitional period on 31 December 2020. The new VAT number will be the same numerical digits as their exiting UK VAT […]

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Posted December 9, 2020 by Joanna Hysi
Greece myDATA – Schema changes, version 1.02

The Greek tax authority published new schema changes (version 1.02) and updated technical documentation for myDATA eBooks. The new schema includes, inter alia: a) new fields, e.g., to allow for reporting of taxes other than VAT, b) new business errors, c) as well as updates regarding, e.g., the API method for cancelling document types. Find the […]

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Posted November 24, 2020 by Russell Hughes
Irish government to give power to tax authorities to order non-Irish traders to appoint fiscal representative

The Irish government has recently set out its Finance Bill for 2020 which includes an amendment to the Irish VAT Act giving tax authorities the power to issue a notice to a non-Irish trader requiring them to appoint a fiscal representative. Many EU Member States already make it a mandatory requirement for non-EU businesses to […]

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Posted November 24, 2020 by Elliot Shulver
Tax Alert: Germany IPT Law Changes

The German Tax Authority (Bundestag) approved the “Law on the Modernisation of Insurance Tax Law and Amendment of Employment Law Regulations” at the end of last month. The law limits the IPT exemption currently available on personal insurance such as Health and Disability insurance. Going forward the tax exemption should only apply to insurance policies […]

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Posted November 10, 2020 by Elliot Shulver
HMRC Issues IPT Consultation on Admin & Unfair Outcomes

HMRC has issued an insurance premium tax (IPT) consultation on Administration and Unfair Outcomes which follows the previous IPT call for evidence in 2019. This consultation focuses on improving IPT administration and preventing IPT avoidance and evasion such as value shifting and unregistered insurers. The deadline for responses is 5 February 2021. More information can […]

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Posted November 9, 2020 by Bradley Feimer
European Commission Seeks Consultation on Proposal of VAT Reforms for Financial and Insurance Services

The European Commission (“EC”) recently opened a feedback period on an initiative to reform the VAT exemptions applied to financial and insurance services. This period is open for four weeks, ending November 19th, 2020. The initiative aims to address the lack of VAT neutrality and the regulatory complexity and uncertainty in delineating the scope of […]

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Posted November 9, 2020 by Denise Hatem
EU VAT Rate Database Updated

The European Commission recently updated its “Taxes in Europe” database, a free online resource for EU VAT information, to enable product/service categories and CN code chapters as search criteria. The database provides an overview of VAT rates applied in Member States, including the application of reduced and zero rates.

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Posted November 9, 2020 by Joanna Hysi
Greece: Amendment to myDATA law following previous press release

The changes related to the myDATA scheme announced through a recent press release are now established in law. The scheme remains voluntary for 2020 and mandatory from 1 January 2021, but a new phased timeline has been published and new historical data are in scope. Data issued between October – December 2020 can be reported until […]

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Posted October 30, 2020 by Joanna Hysi
Greece: Amendment to myDATA law following previous press release

The changes related to the myDATA scheme announced through a recent press release are now established in law. The scheme remains voluntary for 2020 and mandatory from 1 January 2021, but a new phased timeline has been published and new historical data are in scope. Data issued between October – December 2020 can be reported until […]

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Posted October 29, 2020 by Christophe Bourdaire
Spain – Plan to Increase the IPT Rate From 6% to 8% in 2021

The Spanish Government presented its Budget Law project for 2021 on 28 October 2020. The project includes a plan to increase the insurance premium tax (IPT) rate from 6% to 8%.  This move would increase the revenue generated by IPT in Spain by one third. The Budget Law project will now be debated and votes […]

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Posted October 24, 2020 by Gabriel Pezzato
Portugal: Foreign companies have more time to comply with the obligation to use certified software

Portugal has postponed the obligation for taxable persons that are not established but are VAT registered in Portugal to issue invoices through certified software from 1 January to 1 July 2021.  The tax authority’s decision is available in Portuguese on the tax authority’s website.

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Posted October 14, 2020 by Selin Adler Ring
Oman announces the introduction of VAT in 2021

Important steps have recently been taken towards the long awaited adoption of VAT in Oman, making it the fourth Gulf State to introduce VAT as part of Gulf Union agreement. The Sultan of Oman has issued a Royal Decree (Decree) in relation to VAT implementation. According to the Decree, a 5% VAT rate will be […]

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Posted October 2, 2020 by Joanna Hysi
Greece introduces last-minute changes: myDATA live as pilot for 2020

Yesterday, on the actual go-live date of the myDATA reporting framework, the Greek authorities recategorised the roll-out from mandatory to a voluntary pilot program for 2020. The mandatory phase, which should have started yesterday, has instead been deferred to 1 January 2021. For more information about the announced changes, read our blog.  

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