Regulatory Analysis

Posted July 26, 2024 by Carolina Silva
Malaysia: CTC Mandate Flexibilization

The Inland Revenue Board of Malaysia (IRBM) released a press note today introducing a set of measures for the flexibilization of the upcoming e-invoicing obligation, as listed below. Please note, however, that there has been no postponement of the mandatory go-live date, which remains as 1 August 2024. 1. Issuance of consolidated e-invoice for all […]

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Posted July 24, 2024 by Dilara İnal
Israel: New Invoicing Documentation Published

The Israeli Tax Authority (ITA) has released a new version of its documentation on invoicing services. The updated document introduces enhanced services and explains alternative methods to follow in case of a delay after the submission of invoice data. Israel implemented its Continuous Transaction Control (CTC) clearance mandate in May 2024. Under this new system, […]

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Posted July 22, 2024 by Marta Sowińska
Slovenia: Proposal to Introduce Mandatory B2B e-Invoicing Published

Slovenia has released a draft proposal for the Act on the Exchange of Electronic Invoices and Other Electronic Documents, aiming to implement mandatory Continuous Transaction Controls (CTC) e-invoicing in the B2B sector. Initially, the proposal doesn’t cover B2C transactions, where consumers could choose between e-invoices and paper invoices. In either case, e-invoices will be reported […]

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Posted July 19, 2024 by Marta Sowińska
Poland: News on KSeF from MoF Pre-Consultation

Yesterday, 18 July 2024, the Polish Ministry of Finance (MoF) held a pre-consultation with businesses and other stakeholders regarding potential changes to the upcoming e-invoicing system, KSeF. The main consultations are going to take place from September 2024. The discussions covered 3 topic areas: 1) B2C e-invoices 2) additional postponements and sanctions 3) issuance of […]

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Posted July 15, 2024 by Marta Sowińska
Belgium: Guidelines Issued for Mandatory B2B e-Invoicing Starting 1 January 2026

The Belgian Federal Public Service Finance has published the official guidelines for mandatory B2B e-invoicing, which will take effect on January 1, 2026. Here are some of the key points covered in the guidelines: Format of E-Invoices: The guidelines explain what constitutes a structured invoice and how alternative formats can comply with the EN standard. […]

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Posted July 15, 2024 by Kelly Muniz
Greece: myDATA Technical Specifications Update v.1.0.9

The Greek Tax Authority’s (AADE) has published an updated version of the Greek technical specifications for the myDATA e-accounting system. This is version 1.0.9 of July 2024 and contains the following changes: New fields, operational error codes, VAT Category values, and classification codes have been added, as follows: Added field POS tid Code under payment […]

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Posted July 15, 2024 by Dilara İnal
Saudi Arabia: New Taxpayer Group in Scope of Phase 2 of e-Invoicing Announced

The Saudi Arabian Tax and Customs Authority, ZATCA, announced the 13th wave of Phase 2 of e-invoicing. The 13th wave covers taxpayers with at least SAR 7 million (app. USD 1.8 million) revenue subject to VAT for 2022 or 2023. Taxpayers within this group are expected to integrate as of 1 January 2025. Phase 2 of e-invoicing introduces additional requirements for […]

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Posted July 3, 2024 by Inês Carvalho
Romania: E-transport Extended Grace Period for Authorized Economic Operators

On June 28, 2024, the Romanian government issued a new Government Emergency Order postponing the grace period for the e-transport mandate for international transport of goods until January 2025. The extended grace period, during which no penalties will be imposed, applies only to entities with Authorized Economic Operators status under Article 38 of Regulation (EU) […]

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Posted July 2, 2024 by Edit Buliczka
Finland: Insurance Premium Tax Rate Change

On 28 June 2024, the Finnish Parliament approved the amendments to the Insurance Premium Tax (IPT) according to the government proposal (HE 61/2024). With the change (article 3) in the law, the IPT will rise from 24 percent to 25.5 percent. This change is in line with the Value Added Tax (VAT) rate change. The […]

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Posted July 1, 2024 by Robert Pelletier
Cyprus: Temporary Zero Rate on Basic Items Extended Until September 30, 2024

Pursuant to the Council of Ministers Decree KDP 231/2024, the zero VAT rate that temporarily applies to basic food and consumer items such as bread, milk, eggs, baby foods, baby and adult diapers, female hygiene products, coffee, and sugar has been extended until September 30, 2024. The Decree can be found here (in Greek).

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Posted June 28, 2024 by Robert Pelletier
Greece: Reduced VAT Rates on Various Goods and Services Made Permanent

Pursuant to the Greek Ministry of Finance announcement on June 20, 2024, the temporary 13% reduced VAT rate in Greece that applied to the supply of coffee, cocoa, tea, chamomile, and similar beverages has been made permanent for such supplies provided as take away or delivery effective from July 1, 2024. The same supplies of […]

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Posted June 27, 2024 by Inês Carvalho
Romania: Clarifications Regarding the e-Transport Mandate

On June 27th, a new Joint Order from ANAF and AVR, on the Romanian e-transport system, was published. The new Order clarifies previously unregulated aspects of the broader mandate, applicable to the international transport of goods, as well some features of the domestic high fiscal risk mandate. Key amendments resulting from the new Order are: […]

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Posted June 24, 2024 by Dilara İnal
Germany: B2B E-Invoicing Draft Guideline Released

The German Ministry of Finance (MoF) released a draft guideline on June 13, 2024, detailing the upcoming B2B e-invoicing mandate. The highlights from the guidelines are that: The MoF plans to introduce an e-reporting system for invoice details at a later stage, with no set date. E-invoicing exemptions include tax-free services, invoices under 250 euros, […]

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Posted June 24, 2024 by Marta Sowińska
Lithuania: Updated Transition Plan Announced for B2G e-Invoicing Via New SABIS Platform

As announced earlier this month, the Lithuanian National Centre for General Functions (NBFC) is launching a new platform for the submission of B2G e-invoices. The platform called SABIS, is going to replace the pervious E-sąskaita. The transition from the E-sąskaita to SABIS platform was initially set to begin on 1 July 2024, yet now the […]

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Posted June 20, 2024 by Inês Carvalho
France: Updated External Specifications for e-Invoicing and e-Reporting

The French authorities published the updated version of the ‘External specifications file for electronic invoicing’. After an extensive process of consultation with interested stakeholders, the DGFiP recently published a new version of the French e-invoicing mandate External Specifications file. This latest version constitutes the ‘source of truth’ for describing the functional principles of the central […]

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Posted June 20, 2024 by Inês Carvalho
Romania: Draft Legislation Proposes a New B2C e-Invoicing Mandate

On June 18th, The Romanian Ministry of Finance published a Draft Order intended to expand the scope of the electronic invoicing mandate in the country to include B2C transactions. In the context of electronic invoicing, B2C transactions are defined as occurring between a taxable entity established in Romania and a non-taxable person. The implementation of […]

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Posted June 6, 2024 by Marta Sowińska
Latvia: Mandatory B2B and B2G e-Invoicing

Following the plans announced earlier this year, Latvian Ministry of Finance (MoF) published the draft amendments to the Accounting Law, aiming to implement mandatory B2B and B2G e-invoicing. Taxpayers registered in Latvia will be obliged to issue e-invoices, following the EN 16931 standard, if the goods or services are supplied to a recipient in the […]

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Posted June 4, 2024 by Marta Sowińska
Poland: JPK_VAT and KSeF Timeline Changes

The new draft regulation amending JPK_VAT with a declaration (VAT return) has been published on 31st May 2024 by the Polish Minister of Finance (MoF). The draft amends the data included in the JPK_V7M and JPK_V7K returns and provides a new timeline, as follows: 1 Feb. 2026 to 1 Jul. 2026- no obligation to include […]

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