Regulatory Analysis

Posted June 18, 2021 by Gabriel Pezzato
Brazil NFe: Schema of the NT 2021.001 published

The schema of version 1.00 of the NT 2021.001 has been published. The NT 2021.001 introduces the new NFe event “proof of delivery of the NFe”. The event registers a proof of delivery of the supply to its recipient, and can be used from 22 June 2021.The schema of version 1.00 of the NT 2021.001 […]

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Posted June 17, 2021 by Selin Adler Ring
Turkey: New Requirement to Notify the TRA about Objection Requests

The Turkish Revenue Administration (TRA) has published updated guidelines on the cancellation and objection of e-fatura and e-arsiv invoices. Two different guidelines are updated: the guidelines on the notification of cancellation and objection of e-fatura, and the guidelines on the notification of cancellation and objection of e-arsiv. The updated guidelines aim to inform taxable persons […]

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Posted May 12, 2021 by Selin Adler Ring
Russia is introducing partially mandatory e-invoicing from 1 July 2021

Russia is introducing a new system for traceability of certain goods that will come into effect on 1 July 2021. Federal Law No. 371-FZ will amend the Russian Tax Code to introduce the new procedure for the traceability system, which will bring with it the introduction of mandatory e-invoicing for taxpayers dealing with traceable goods. […]

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Posted April 8, 2021 by Selin Adler Ring
INDIA: Deferral of QR code requirement for B2C invoices and technical changes in the e-invoicing system

The Indian authorities have recently announced two significant changes related to its e-invoicing framework: While invoices relating to B2C transactions are not within the scope of mandatory e-invoicing in India, it is mandatory to include a self-generated QR code on B2C invoices. The Central Board of Indirect Taxes and Customs (CBIC) has now extended the […]

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Posted March 16, 2021 by Joanna Hysi
Bulgaria is considering the introduction of mandatory e-invoicing

The National Revenue Agency (NRA) with industry stakeholders are discussing the idea of introducing mandatory e-invoicing. By the end of 2021 a decision will be reached. ​ In parallel, changes for till reporting are proposed and are subject to public consultation. The changes will allow online retailers to not use cash registers but report their […]

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Posted December 23, 2020 by Selin Adler Ring
Saudi Arabia Mandates E-invoicing from 4 December 2021

The initial Saudi E-invoicing Regulation (Regulation) was enacted on 4 December 2020, but the details of the framework are yet to be published. The new framework is set to go live a year from now, on 4 December 2021, and will apply to all resident taxable persons, as well as any third party who issues […]

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Posted December 18, 2020 by Gabriel Pezzato
Poland to introduce e-invoicing via a centralized platform in 2021

The Polish Ministry of Finance yesterday announced a timeline for its plans to introduce a Continuous Transaction Controls (CTC) scheme, with a roll-out to start at the end of 2021.  By the end of 2021, e-invoicing via a centralized platform will be made available, but still remains optional for companies; from 2023 it will be mandatory for […]

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Posted October 24, 2020 by Victor Duarte
Vietnam: New Decree officially delays the e-invoicing mandate to 1 July 2022

Several months after a draft Decree on invoicing was published, the Vietnamese Government approved on 19 October 2020 the Decree 123/2020/ND-CP regulating invoices and documents. This Decree postpones the e-invoicing mandate until July 1, 2022. The new deadline is in line with the date of implementation of the rules concerning the e-invoicing system envisaged in […]

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Posted October 2, 2020 by Selin Adler Ring
Indian E-invoicing System is Live with a 30 Day Grace Period

India’s e-invoicing mandate is live as of yesterday with a last minute 30 day grace period granted for taxpayers in scope to obtain invoice reference numbers. The grace period ends in November and as of November the requirement to include the IRN and the QR code on the invoices will be enforced, meaning that invoices […]

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Posted August 5, 2020 by Selin Adler Ring
India: Last Minute Changes to the E-invoicing System

There have been regulatory changes related to the Indian e-invoicing system. The Central Board of Indirect Taxes and Customs (CBIC) issued two new Notifications on 30 July 2020: One of the Notifications is related to the technical aspect of the reform, and the second is related to the taxpayer scope of the mandate. After this […]

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Posted July 29, 2020 by Ramón Frias
URUGUAY: DGI Authorizes New Cases Where Paper Versions of eInvoices will not be Required

The Uruguayan tax administration (DGI) issued a new resolution (Resolution 1184/2020) to facilitate the registration of new taxpayers in the electronic invoicing system of the country. The new resolution also revokes the requirement to issue printed fiscal documents (transportation authorizations, invoices or tickets) in cases where the purchaser is registered as an electronic issuer of […]

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Posted July 14, 2020 by Ramón Frias
CHILE: The SII Issues a New Resolution about the eReceipt Mandate

The Chilean tax administration (SII) issued a new Resolution 74/2020 that regulates the issuance and delivery of electronic receipts, locally known as Boletas Electronicas. This regulation expands the mandate to issue electronic tickets in two phases: 1) September 1, 2020 for taxpayers that already are mandated to issue electronic invoices in Chile, and 2) March […]

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Posted July 14, 2020 by Ramón Frias
PERU: SUNAT Postpones the Mandatory Use of OSE For Certain Taxpayers

The Peruvian tax administration (SUNAT) released Resolution 105-2020 by which it postpones the effective dates of several requirements related to the electronic invoice mandate of that country. This Resolution postpones until December 31, 2020, the mandatory use of OSE or the SEE-SOL portal of the SUNAT, for electronic issuers that as of December 31 of 2018 were […]

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Posted June 18, 2020 by Joanna Hysi
Greece places focus on CTC e-invoicing as myDATA bill is signed

The IAPR and the Ministry of Finance have signed the long-awaited bill, which once turned into law will enforce the myDATA system within Greece. According to the IAPR’s announcement, the bill will specify: the scope of application, any exceptions, the data to be submitted, the time, methods of transmission and the specific obligations of businesses. […]

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Posted May 29, 2020 by Ramón Frias
DIAN issues New Resolution to Regulate the Electronic Invoicing

The Colombian tax administration (DIAN) has released Resolution 00042/2020, intended to establish new deadlines for complying with Colombia’s electronic invoicing mandate, and to consolidate in a single provision multiple regulations in matters of electronic invoicing. An important feature of this new resolution is that it also includes Technical Annex 1.7-2020, required to implement the mandate. […]

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Posted May 29, 2020 by Victor Duarte
Bolivia: Adoption of electronic invoicing system postponed

The Resolution N° 101800000026 establishing the electronic invoicing system (SFE) in Bolivia has been repealed, as the relevant authorities have recognized that taxable persons will not be able to adapt to the new rules and conditions set in the Resolution this year as envisaged. The Government has not yet announced a new date for the […]

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Posted May 15, 2020 by Filippa Jörnstedt
India: updates to the JSON e-invoice schema published

A new JSON e-Invoice schema (v1.02) has been released by the Indian Tax Authority. The update includes only minor changes and no new fields. While version 1.02 is now available for testing, version 1.01 will continue as is for some time prior to being phased out.

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Posted April 15, 2020 by Victor Duarte
Vietnam: Draft Decree extends the deadline for mandatory e-invoicing to July 2022

The Ministry of Finance in Vietnam presented a draft Decree to postpone the mandatory adoption of e-invoicing in the country from November 1, 2020, to July 1, 2022, due to the difficulties encountered by local companies to implement on time a compliant e-invoice solution to meet the previous deadline. However, agencies, organizations, and individuals are encouraged […]

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