Regulatory Analysis

Posted May 5, 2022 by Kelly Muniz
URUGUAY: New Resolution n. 531/2022 on Electronic Fiscal Documents (CFE)

By means of Resolution n. 531/2022, the Ministry of Economy and Finance in Uruguay made an adjustment to the regime of electronic fiscal documents (comprobantes fiscales electrónicos – CFE) in order to establish regulatory conditions, thus modifying Resolution n. 798/2012 of May 8, 2012, which provides the regulatory basis on this matter. The changes introduced […]

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Posted May 3, 2022 by Victor Duarte
DOMINICAN REPUBLIC: XSD update for the Comprobantes Fiscales electrónicos (e-CF v1.0)

The Tax Authority in the Country published an XSD update for the following documents: e-CF 31 v1.0 (Factura de Crédito Fiscal Electrónica) e-CF 32 v1.0 (Factura de Consumo Electrónica) e-CF 33 v1.0 (Nota de Débito Electrónica) e-CF 34 v1.0 (Nota de Crédito Electrónica) e-CF 41 v1.0 (Comprobante Electrónico de Compras) e-CF 43 v1.0 (Comprobante Electrónico […]

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Posted May 3, 2022 by Kelly Muniz
COLOMBIA: Support Document Implementation Date Postponed

The Colombian tax authority (DIAN) published, on April 29, 2022, Resolution 000488, which modifies article 6 of Resolution n. 000167 of December 30, 2021, postponing the date for the implementation of the Purchase Support Document (Documento Soporte para no obligados a expedir factura de venta y/o documento equivalente) to August 1, 2022. The previous date […]

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Posted April 28, 2022 by Kelly Muniz
PERU: SUNAT Issues New Resolution to Establish the Module for Keeping Electronic Records of Purchases (RCE)

The Peruvian tax administration has released a new Resolution n. 00040-2022/SUNAT intended to expand the process of change to the System of Electronic Ledgers established in the country. This new module is closely related to the changes introduced in August 2021, by means of Resolution n. 000112-2021/SUNAT, when a similar module was first introduced for […]

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Posted April 26, 2022 by Kelly Muniz
Italy Expands its E-invoicing Mandate

The Draft-law Decree PNRR 2, the National Recovery and Resilience Plan, approved by the Council of Ministers on 13 April 2022, is bringing a new group of taxpayers into the scope of the Italian e-invoicing obligation, starting 1 July 2022: ·       Taxpayers who adopt the flat-rate tax regime (regime forfettario) ·       Amateur sports associations and […]

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Posted April 22, 2022 by Enis Gencer
Greece: Abolition of periodic invoice reporting requirement

The Independent Authority for Public Revenue (IAPR) issued a decision on 28 March 2022 and abolished the requirement to file consolidated statements of customers and suppliers according to Law 4174/2013. Taxpayers must submit the consolidated statements until 27 May 2022 for the calendar year 2021. Considering that the tax authority receives the invoice data through the MyDATA […]

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Posted April 21, 2022 by Enis Gencer
Romania: Draft amendments to E-Factura regulation

The Romanian Chamber of Deputies published a Draft Law on the approval of the Government Emergency Ordinance no. 120/2021 on the administration, operation and implementation of the national e-invoicing system (Draft Law) on 20 April 2022. The Draft Law includes important amendments to GEO no. 120/2021. The changes proposed in the Draft Law are as […]

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Posted April 12, 2022 by Enis Gencer
Romania: Draft Law establishing the details of the e-transport system published in the official gazette

Romania introduced an e-Transport system, which will be used to monitor the transport of goods on the national territory. After minor revisions, the draft Emergency Ordinance was published in the Official Gazette on 11 April 2022 (GEO no. 41). The revisions made in the ordinance are: Addition of a provision regarding personal data protection The […]

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Posted April 8, 2022 by Enis Gencer
Romania: High-risk products are defined as part of the new e-transport framework

The National Agency For Fiscal Administration (ANAF) has issued a draft order on April 8, 2022 to clarify products that are considered high fiscal risk products as part of the new e-transport framework. The order establishes five high-risk product categories as follows: Vegetables, plants, roots and tubers, foodstuffs falling within CN codes 0701 to 0714 inclusive […]

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Posted April 1, 2022 by Marta Sowińska
Poland: one step closer to the mandatory e-invoicing

On the 30th of March 2022 EU Commission has published a derogatory decision, exempting Poland from Article 218 and Article 232 of Directive 2006/112/EC, which were hindering Poland from developing mandatory e-invoicing. The decision will apply from 1 April 2023 until 31 March 2026, after receiving the last approval from the EU Council. The mandatory […]

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Posted March 22, 2022 by Enis Gencer
The details about the Romanian e-Transport System come to light

Romania introduced an e-Transport system, which will be used to monitor the transport of goods on the national territory. The Ministry of Finance has recently prepared a draft Emergency Ordinance (Ordinance) to clarify the details about the nature of the system, i.e., who would be impacted by it, when and how the system will work. […]

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Posted February 23, 2022 by Victor Duarte
Spain: Draft Regulation establishing new invoicing requirements

The Spanish Tax Authority AEAT has published a draft resolution establishing the requirements that must be adopted by computer or electronic systems and programs that support the billing processes of businesses and professionals. According to the draft regulation, taxpayers must have their operational computer systems compliant with the new requirements as of January 1, 2024. […]

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Posted February 23, 2022 by Victor Duarte
MEXICO: SAT to Postpone the Effective Date of Mandatory CFDI 4.0 to 1 July 2022

The Tax Administration Service (SAT) has recently published the Second Resolution of Modifications to the Miscellaneous Fiscal Resolution for 2022, effectively postponing the entry into force of the latest CFDI version. According to this modification, the period of use of the current CFDI version 3.3, is extended until June 30, 2022, therefore, from July 1, […]

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Posted February 22, 2022 by Filippa Jörnstedt
Belgium: Rumors surrounding timeline for mandatory B2B e-invoicing indicate that draft legislation is on the way

In October 2021, the Belgian Minister of Finance, Vincent Van Peteghem announced the government’s intention to extend the existing B2G e-invoicing obligation to cover also B2B transactions. Since then, no more details or formal information has been communicated by the government or relevant public authorities. Recent rumours circulating on the timeline for entry into force […]

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Posted February 17, 2022 by Selin Adler Ring
South Korea Expands Mandatory E-invoicing Scope

In South Korea, e-invoicing has been mandatory for all corporate businesses since 2011. From 2012, individual businesses (entrepreneurs) have also been required to comply with e-invoicing obligations if they meet the threshold limits which have been updated a couple of times over the years. Currently, an individual business whose aggregate supply value (including transactions that […]

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Posted January 28, 2022 by Ramón Frias
Paraguay: New Schedule of Implementation of Electronic Invoice

Resolution 105/2021 issued by the tax administration of Paraguay (SET) establishes the new schedule of implementation of the electronic invoice in that country. This new resolution substitutes the provisions of previous resolution 95/2021 establishing a new calendar for the deployment of the e-invoicing mandate using the SIFEN platform (National Integrated System of Electronic Invoicing). For […]

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Posted January 25, 2022 by Enis Gencer
Turkey Expands Scope of E-Documents

Towards the end of last year, the tax authority in Turkey published a draft communique that expands the scope of e-documents in Turkey. After minor revisions, the draft communique was enacted and published in the Official Gazette on 22 January 2022. With the communique, the current gross sales revenue threshold for mandatory e-fatura and e-delivery […]

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Posted January 10, 2022 by Enis Gencer
Romania: High-risk products are defined as part of the new e-invoicing framework

We have previously reported that as of 1 July 2022, Romanian taxpayers will be required to use the CTC e-invoicing system e-factura (regardless of whether or not the recipients are registered in the Romanian e-Invoice register), for B2B transactions involving products with high fiscal risks. The National Agency For Fiscal Administration has today issued an […]

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