The Delaware Division of Revenue has released a publication listing the 2019 withholding tax due dates for Eighth-Monthly (Form W1A), Monthly (Form W1), and Quarterly (Form W1Q) withholding filers. Returns should be received by the due date of each return. For those filing electronically, transactions must be initiated at least one day prior to the due date. […]
The Utah State Tax Commission has revised its Form TC-69, Utah State Business and Tax Registration. Filers should note the following changes from the form’s prior revision last month: Faxing this form is no longer an option. If not filing electronically, taxpayer should mail the completed copy of this form. Electronic options for business and tax […]
The Georgia Department of Revenue has updated several of its withholding forms, including the G-1003 (Withholding Income Statement Return); GA-V (Withholding Monthly Payment Voucher); G-7Q (Withholding Quarterly Return For Quarterly Payer); and G-7M (Withholding Quarterly Return For Monthly Payer). The only changes to these forms are the barcodes on the coupon/vouchers. There are no changes to the form formats […]
The Virginia Department of Taxation has published Bulletin 18-6, containing the interest rates for overpayment and underpayment of taxes for the first quarter of 2019. The interest rates will change for this upcoming quarter. Rather than 7% on overpayments and underpayments, the interest rate will increase to 8%.
The Oklahoma Tax Commission has published its 2019 Income Tax Withholding Tables, Packet OW-2. The new tables become effective January 1, 2019. The only change is that employers with Oklahoma withholding/wage details must submit W-2 and W-3 for tax year 2019 by January 31, 2020. Previously, including tax year 2018 (due in 2019), the due date […]
The Michigan Department of Treasury has published the 2019 version of Form 447, “Transmittal for Magnetic Media Reporting of W-2s, W-2Gs and 1099s to the State of Michigan.” The included instructions also serve as the specifications for filing the same forms mentioned in the title to Form 447. There are no changes to the specifications […]
The Minnesota Department of Revenue has published its 2019 Instruction Booklet and Tax Tables for withholding. This guide will become effective January 1, 2019. There are a few changes of which filers and taxpayers should be aware: The interest rate for 2019 will be 5% The W-2 and 1099 e-services systems have been upgraded. Filers may upload […]
The Mississippi Department of Revenue has released 2018 Publication 89-145, Procedures and Specifications for Filing Wage and Tax Information Electronically, applicable to the electronic filing of W-2s and 1099s. There are no changes to the specifications themselves other than the replacement of references to 2017 replaced with references to 2018.
On December 27, 2018, Council Directive (EU) 2018/2057 was published in the Official Journal of the European Union, and it will enter into force on the twentieth day following that date. It amends the EU VAT Directive (2006/112) to provide for temporary application of a generalized reverse charge mechanism (GRCM) relative to supplies of goods and services […]
The 2019 Budget Act was approved by the Italian Parliament on 30 December 2018. As anticipated, the approved budget includes an increase in the IPT prepayment rates. The approved rates are as follows: 85% in November 2019 for tax year 2020 90% in November 2020 for tax year 2021 100% in November 2021 for tax […]
Death cover of Payment Protection Insurance will be subject to 9% Insurance Premium Tax (IPT) for contracts issued on or after 01 January 2019. Previously such covers were subject to an IPT exemption. The change has been approved by the French Parliament as part of the 2019 Budget Law voted just before Christmas. The change […]
The Colorado Department of Revenue has readopted temporary emergency regulations to require out-of-state retailers that are doing business in Colorado and have substantial nexus with the state to collect Colorado sales or use tax. Out-of-state retailers are considered to have a substantial nexus with Colorado for sales tax purposes if the retailer’s gross revenue from […]
The District of Columbia Office of Tax and Revenue has published the 2018 Electronic Filing Specifications for W-2/W-2c and 1099/W-2G. There are slight modifications to the W-2 specifications that should be noted: Data files may now be in either a .txt or .zip format If you are a DC taxpayer and indicate as such on the portal, […]
The Alabama Department of Revenue recently published the quarterly interest rate for the first quarter of 2019. This interest rate is used to calculate interest on underpayments and overpayments (where applicable), with the exception of land sold by the state for taxes which is taxed at a higher rate. The interest rate for the first […]
The Minnesota Department of Revenue has revised the Error Rejection Codesrelative to electronic filing for tax year 2018. Specifically, the M1, M2, M3, M4, and M8 ERCs have been updated. The codes listed are errors that filers may receive for incorrect filing (in terms of the filing specifications), explanations of the meanings of the codes, and […]
The Colorado Department of Revenue ("the Department") has just issued a "News Release" that has extended their grace period for in-state and out-of-state retailers from the current March 31, 2019 deadline to May 31, 2019. The Department previously indicated that retailers that do not collect sales tax during the grace period must still comply with […]
In response to the U.S. Supreme Court’s decision in South Dakota v. Wayfair, California will soon require certain out-of-state retailers to collect and remit use tax on sales into California. Beginning April 1, 2019, out-of-state retailers are required to collect California state use tax if their sales into California exceed either $100,000 or 200 or more separate […]
The Idaho State Tax Commission recently published an updated version of their Annual Withholding Report Instructions. These instructions are used in conjunction with Form 967, which must be filed with W-2s and 1099s reported to the state. The only change to these instructions was the addition of the 2019 interest rate, which is 5% per […]