Regulatory Analysis

Posted March 31, 2020 by Muazzam Malik
UK MTD for VAT Digital Links soft landing period extended to 1 April 2021

HMRC has informed Sovos that it is extending the soft landing period for MTD digital links until 1 April 2021, for all taxpayers. The effect of this is that businesses will now have until their first VAT return period starting on or after the 1 April 2021 to have digital links in place. Our understanding […]

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Posted March 26, 2020 by Victor Duarte
Mandatory Adoption of Hungary Real Time Reporting V. 2.0 Postponed

The Hungarian Tax Authority announced that the deadline to implement the mandatory real time reporting version 2.0 xsd is postponed from 1 April 2020 to 1 July 2020. It is important to note that 2.0 xsd can already be used live in parallel with Version 1.1 xsd. Official announcement can be found here  

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Posted March 25, 2020 by Victor Duarte
Mandatory Adoption of Hungary Real Time Reporting V. 2.0 Postponed

The Hungarian Tax Authority announced that the deadline to implement the mandatory real time reporting version 2.0 xsd is postponed from 1 April 2020 to 1 July 2020. It is important to note that 2.0 xsd can already be used live in parallel with Version 1.1 xsd. Official announcement can be found at the following link:

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Posted March 23, 2020 by Ramón Frias
EL SALVADOR: Ministry of Finance Announces New e-Invoicing Pilot Program

The Ministry of Finance of El Salvador has announced that the country is about to start an e-Invoicing Pilot program sponsored by the Inter-American Development Bank.  The exact day when the program will begin has not been released yet by the tax authorities, but the tax administration has informed that they are selecting the roughly 50 largest taxpayers to […]

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Posted March 20, 2020 by Denise Hatem
Poland Provides New Guidance for Large Businesses

The new “JPK with the declaration” JPK_V7M (monthly) and JPK_V7K (quarterly) periodic VAT reporting files are due to be implemented from 1 April 2020 for taxpayers defined under Polish legislation as being large businesses.  To recap, this means any businesses undertaking operations in Poland that in at least one year of the last two financial […]

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Posted January 29, 2020 by Russell Hughes
European Commission Release Customs Guidance Notes for IOSS

The European Commission has released some Customs Guidance Notes in readiness for the implementation of the Import One Stop Shop (IOSS) due to commence on 1 July 2021. This guidance complements the VAT Explanatory Notes on the importation and returning of low-value e-commerce goods that were issued back in October 2020. The guidance offers clarifications […]

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Posted January 7, 2020 by Kelsey O'Gorman
VAT on Electronic Publications Reduced in Various EU Countries – January 1, 2020

In 2019, many European Union Member States took advantage of the alignment of physical publications and electronic publications, recently allowed by Council Directive (EU) 2018/1713.  It appears 2020 is no different, as the following Member States have followed suit: Austria Electronic publications in Austria are currently taxed at the standard VAT rate of 20%, while physical […]

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Posted December 18, 2019 by Ramón Frias
Costa Rica to Issue Regulation Listing Foreign Suppliers Subject to VAT Withholding

Back in July 2019 Costa Rica enacted a new VAT law that, among other things, taxed digital goods and services. The law provided that in the cases of trans-national supplies of digital goods and services where the supplier was not established in Costa Rica, VAT would be withheld by the financial entities/credit card companies used […]

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Posted December 18, 2019 by Ramón Frias
Paraguay: Digital Services by Foreign Suppliers Subject to VAT Withholding in 2020

The Paraguayan congress approved the law N° 6380/19 which among other things mandates local credit card companies to collect and pay to the tax administration the VAT applicable to sales of digital services when the supplier is a foreign company and the service is considered as provided in the country. For that purpose, the law […]

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Posted November 26, 2019 by Victor Duarte
Hungary Expands Scope of Real-Time Reporting

Since July 2018, taxpayers in Hungary have been obliged to disclose the data of electronic invoices issued for transactions with accounted VAT exceeding HUF 100,000 (approximately €300). This data must be transmitted to the National Tax and Customs Administration of Hungary (NAV) in a structured manner once the electronic invoice has been issued.  This fiscal obligation […]

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Posted November 7, 2019 by Kelsey O'Gorman
Italy to Introduce Pre-Completed VAT Returns by July 2020

From July 1, 2020, on an experimental basis, Italian taxpayers (i.e. businesses resident and established in Italy) may submit pre-completed VAT returns. Specifically, Article 16 of recently enacted Decree n. 124/2019 provides that data gleaned from transactional information supplied from electronic invoices via SDI, cross-border transactions, as well as data collected on fees electronically will […]

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Posted October 31, 2019 by Jeff Gambold
Poland: From 1 November 2019 Taxpayers Can Apply to the Ministry Of Finance For Binding Rate Information

From 1 November 2019, the Polish Ministry of Finance (“MoF”) will implement the Binding Rate Information scheme (“WIS”), a facility enabling taxpayers to apply to the MoF for a legally binding agreement on the VAT rate pertaining to a specific good or service (or combination of goods and services).  Most WIS agreements will only become […]

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Posted October 30, 2019 by Andrew Decker
Brexit Delayed

The European Council and the United Kingdom have agreed to defer the latter’s departure date from the European Union until January 31, 2020. The agreement has been labeled a “flextension,” because it leaves open the possibility of an earlier departure date, should the two sides successfully negotiate a Withdrawal Agreement. Prime Minister Boris Johnson, in […]

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Posted October 24, 2019 by Jeff Gambold
Poland: Ministry Of Finance Publishes New Regulation For The Incoming JPK_VAT

The Polish Ministry of Finance has published a regulation in the Journal of Laws detailing the structure of the new JPK_VAT standard audit file (labelled up to now with the title “JPK_VDEK”), filing of which will become mandatory for large taxpayers from 1 April 2020 and for small and medium taxpayers from 1 July 2020. Taxpayers […]

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Posted October 24, 2019 by Muazzam Malik
UK: Requirement To File Intrastat Declarations To Continue After Brexit

HMRC’s trade statistics portal uktradeinfo has announced that businesses presently required to file periodic Intrastat declarations reporting the movement of goods between the UK and EU Member States will have a continuing obligation to do so after the UK leaves the EU.  HMRC has cited the reasoning for this as that the information provided remains […]

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Posted October 24, 2019 by Ramón Frias
EFD-Reinf Version 2.0 Delayed

On October 14, 2019, the General Coordinator of Audits for the Federal Tax Administration in Brazil (Receita Federal), published Executive Ruling 55 revoking Version 2.0 of the EFD-Reinf layout. In so doing, it restores the Executive Ruling 65 (September 2018) Establishing Reinf Layout Version 1.4 as the required format. As a result, the planned expanded […]

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Posted October 24, 2019 by Jeff Gambold
United Kingdom: HMRC introduces ‘advanced notification’ scheme for VAT registration to EU businesses in the event of a ‘No Deal’ Brexit

Businesses operating in the EU currently not required to register for UK VAT because of cross-border simplifications (e.g. zero-rating of intra-community acquisitions, or call-off stock arrangements) may need to do so if the UK leaves the EU on 31 October without a withdrawal deal.  In order to support supply chains for UK businesses with UK […]

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Posted October 16, 2019 by Jeff Gambold
Bulgaria Changes Intrastat Reporting Thresholds for 2020

The National Statistical Institute of Bulgaria has announced the following Intrastat thresholds starting on January 1, 2020: For Intrastat reporting dispatches, the threshold will increase from BGN 280,000 to BGN 290,000.  For Intrastat reporting arrivals, the threshold will increase from BGN 460,000 to BGN 470,000.   Thresholds for declaring statistical value are also increasing.  For dispatches, […]

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