Regulatory Analysis

Posted November 16, 2021 by Ramón Frias
Chile: No Physical seal of Paper Invoices

The tax administration of Chile has issued a new Resolution 113/2021, establishing that the paper invoices authorized for contingency situations to certain taxpayers will no longer require the material seal of the tax administration, locally known as “aposición física del timbre de cuño”. Therefore, taxpayers requiring these kind of invoices will need to request that […]

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Posted November 16, 2021 by Gabriel Pezzato
Portugal: B2G PDF invoices accepted until June 2022 and ATCUD postponed

In Portugal, aministerial order has been published, de facto amending the timeline of the country’s B2G electronic invoice mandate. According to the Despacho 351/2021-XXII, the Portuguese public administration will continue to accept B2G invoices in PDF format until 30 June 2022, postponing the previous grace period expected to end in December 2021. In addition, expected […]

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Posted November 3, 2021 by Ramón Frias
PERU: New Resolution to Postpone the New Deadlines for Remittance and Validation of eInvoices and related Notes:

The Peruvian tax administration has issued a new resolution 150-2021/SUNAT postponing until January 1, 2022, the new two days deadline for the remittance of the electronic invoice and the corresponding credit or debit notes to the SUNAT or the OSE. During December, there will be two temporary deadlines for the remittance of the electronic invoice […]

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Posted November 1, 2021 by Ramón Frias
PERU: New Decree on Factoring with Electronic Invoices

The Peruvian government has issued a new Decree (Decreto de Urgencia 239-2021) establishing a procedure that taxpayers and their clients should follow in order to trade electronic invoices issued by businesses and independent suppliers of services. The purpose of this decree is to foster the financing mechanisms of taxpayers by allowing them to negotiate invoices […]

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Posted October 29, 2021 by Ramón Frias
BOLIVIA: Lists of Taxpayers Mandated to Comply with the New eInvoicing Mandate

According to Resolution RND 10210000012, starting December 1, 2021, all large taxpayers of Bolivia (Locally known as PRICOS) plus those mentioned explicitly by Resolution 1021000017 will be required to comply with the new electronic invoicing mandate of the country. Bolivia has three categories of taxpayers, PRICOS (Around 100 taxpayers), GRACOS (Around 2000), and RESTO (All […]

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Posted October 29, 2021 by Ramón Frias
COLOMBIA Postpones the Implementation of Technical Documentation for Healthcare Sector e-Invoice

The Ministry of Healthcare of Colombia (Ministerio de Salud y Proteccion Social) has issued a new resolution postponing the effective date for the implementation of the technical documentation related to the electronic invoice for the health care sector. Based on the provisions of Art. 1 Resolution 506/2021 as modified by the provisions of Resolution 1526/2021, […]

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Posted October 29, 2021 by Ramón Frias
ARGENTINA: AFIP Informs About the Timely Implementation of the Carta Porte

The Argentinean tax administration (AFIP) informed that the implementation of the electronic bill of transport (locally known as Carta Porte) required to transfer agricultural products has started. According to the Joint Resolution 5017/2021 issued by the AFIP and the ministries of Security, Transportation, and Agriculture, the mandatory use of the Carta Porte will start on […]

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Posted October 20, 2021 by Coskun Antal
Turkey: e-Foreign Exchange Receipt Technical Guideline Published

The Turkish Revenue Administration (TRA) published a technical guideline about the e-foreign exchange receipt. The e-Foreign exchange receipt is the electronic version of foreign exchange receipt which is issued in foreign exchange purchases and sales in paper form, and has the same legal characteristics as its paper form. The guideline explains the technical details about […]

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Posted October 18, 2021 by Coskun Antal
Latvia: Plans for B2B and B2G e-invoicing mandate from 2025

The Latvian government approved a report prepared by the Ministry of Finance on the implementation of an electronic invoicing system in the country. The concept expressed in the report envisages the introduction of the use of electronic invoicing as mandatory for B2B and B2G transactions from 2025 in accordance with the PEPPOL framework. Changes in […]

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Posted October 15, 2021 by Joanna Hysi
Romania: Further developments on B2G and B2B e-invoicing

There have been developments with respect to the B2G e-invoicing system in Romania – e-Factura -, which soon will affect also B2B e-invoicing in the country. As reported earlier, the Romanian government has been working on the launch of a pilot B2G e-invoicing system, called e-Factura, to bring B2G e-invoicing in line with the EU […]

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Posted October 15, 2021 by Coskun Antal
Egypt: New phase for e-invoicing published & new e-receipt system trial launched

According to a newly published decree (No: 443-2021), starting from 15 December 2021, joint-stock companies and investment companies in Cairo are required to join the e-invoice system, i.e. issue and register e-invoices in the invoicing system. The decision affects 3737 companies whose names are published by the Egyptian Tax Authority (ETA). By April 2023, the […]

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Posted October 13, 2021 by Gabriel Pezzato
Brazil NFe and NFCe: New validation rules enacted

The NT 2021.003 has been published and replaces the NT 2017.001. The NT regulates the fields cEAN and cEANTrib of the NFe and NFCe, along with their validation against the GTIN Register (Global Trade Item Number Register). The timeline for the implementation of the new rules is divides in two steps: First Step – Rules: […]

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Posted October 12, 2021 by Joanna Hysi
Philippines: Go-live of e-invoicing system postponed to July 2022

A new timeline for the go-live of the Philippine e-invoicing system (EIS) was announced at the webinar held by BIR today on the 12th October. The launch of the pilot program for e-invoicing (which targets the country’s 100 largest taxpayers) has been postponed with six months, from 1 January to 1 July 2022. As part […]

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Posted October 12, 2021 by Joanna Hysi
Romania: Τechnical specifications for the pilot B2G project, e-Factura, are published

On 1 October, technical specifications for the transmission of invoices to the government were published as part of a pilot B2G project, e-Factura. It is expected that e-Factura will lay the foundations for the extension of the platform for further developments and will provide the necessary know-how to develop the generalised electronic invoicing system for […]

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Posted August 31, 2021 by Joanna Hysi
Poland publishes further documentation on its planned CTC reform

The Polish authorities continue to make progress on its proposed CTC e-invoicing reform, most recently with new documentation. Technical documentation and draft invoice schemas, in Polish and English, for the Polish Krajowy System e-Faktur (KSeF) have recently been published. They are made available here: In addition, changes to the draft legislation are introduced which […]

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Posted August 31, 2021 by Joanna Hysi
Romania plans to introduce a B2B e-invoicing system

The Romanian tax administration has announced its plans to introduce a B2B e-invoicing system in the near future. The system is expected to become functional in January 2022, although this date is subject to official announcement. The intention is to work closely with industry stakeholders to develop the e-invoicing platform and eventually make a CTC […]

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Posted August 31, 2021 by Victor Duarte
Spain – Draft law introducing mandatory B2B e-invoicing

Spain’s Ministry of Economic Affairs and Digital Transformation has published a draft law for the creation and growth of companies in the country that includes the introduction of mandatory B2B e-invoicing obligations for all companies and freelancers. More information can be found in our blog.

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Posted August 12, 2021 by Gabriel Pezzato
BRAZIL’s NF3e postponed

The Sinief Agreement 14/21 introduced changes in the NF3e framework. The Agreement established a deadline for the transmission of the NF3e issued in contingency mode, which must be transmitted immediately after the end of the contingency scenario. It also introduced the contingency scenario during the use of mobile equipment of electricity consumption reading when such […]

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