
The VAT Evolution and Why It’s So Complex Part III: Why Global Solutions Matter to IT

In Part I of our series on the VAT Evolution, we explored the motivations of tax authorities and governments around the world to embrace digitization and technology of a method of increasing revenue collection and shrinking tax gaps. Then in Part II, Three Focus Areas for VAT we discussed some of the priority concerns for […]

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EESPA Standard: E-Invoicing Compliance Definitions and Responsibility Allocation Framework

EESPA, the European E-invoicing Service Providers Association, recently published EESPA Standard Definitions for Legally Compliant Electronic Invoicing and their usage. This document aims to provide a basis for e-invoicing service providers and their customers to agree on allocation of responsibility of the legal compliance of processes supported by the services. These standard definitions will contribute […]

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Industry First: Businesses and Government Partner on New Digital VAT Compliance Principles

For the first time in history, international business and governments have come together. Their aim was to define and agree a guiding set of principles for tax compliance in a world where continuous tax controls (CTCs) are becoming the norm.  The International Chamber of Commerce‘s (ICC) executive board has now formally approved the first set […]

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B2B Transaction Automation Platforms: Quantifying the VAT Compliance Advantage

In the past five years, transaction automation platform vendors who embraced e-invoicing and e-archiving compliance as integral to their services grew on average approximately 2.5 to 5 times faster than the market. Two decades of EU e-invoicing: many options, different models Until 1 January 2019, when Italy became the first European country to mandate B2B […]

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International Tax Changes During the COVID-19 Pandemic

In the last several weeks, we have monitored many efforts by federal, state and local governments to provide relief to both businesses and individual taxpayers impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic. As they relate to indirect tax (VAT/Sales Tax/GST), the measures enacted to-date have followed varying paths. Here are a few examples of the types of […]

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Live Updates: COVID-19-Related Tax Changes

Originally posted: March 18, 2020, at 5:00 p.m. ET. Last Updated: June 29, 2020, at 5:00 p.m. ET. The impact of COVID-19 on businesses across the globe has been swift and severe. In response, many federal, state and local governments are working to provide relief to both businesses and individual taxpayers impacted by the pandemic. […]

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From Alignment to Action: Transforming Tax Compliance on Your Terms

    What’s your digital transformation strategy? Whether you’re in IT, finance, tax or the executive suite, if that strategy doesn’t include tax, you may be overlooking a huge source of risk – and strategic benefit. It’s time to consider launching a conversation about tax in a digitally transforming world. Which is why we’ve created […]

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Aligning ERP and Tax: What’s the Enterprise Upside of Tax Compliance Modernization?

    What’s your digital transformation strategy? Whether you’re in IT, finance, tax or the executive suite, if that strategy doesn’t include tax, you may be overlooking a huge source of risk – and strategic benefit. It’s time to consider launching a conversation about tax in a digitally transforming world. Which is why we’ve created […]

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Tax & IT: How a Unified Compliance Vision Streamlines Digital Transformation

    What’s your digital transformation strategy? Whether you’re in IT, finance, tax or the executive suite, if that strategy doesn’t include tax, you may be overlooking a huge source of risk – and strategic benefit. It’s time to consider launching a conversation about tax in a digitally transforming world. Which is why we’ve created […]

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What Is Value-Added Tax, Anyway? Trends Report Excerpt

Value-added tax (VAT) does not exist in the United States, but American companies are increasingly having to deal with VAT mandates in Latin America, Europe and Asia. Seeking to make up a massive gap in revenues, tax administrations are mandating strict policies to digitize VAT collection. American companies that fail to comply could see their […]

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Despite SAP Delays, the Time to Get Tax Right is Now

With today’s announcement that SAP is extending support for its Business Suite 7 software suite until the end of 2027 many are breathing a sigh of relief. But are they falling victim to a false sense of security? While SAP adjusted its timeline, largely due to increasing customer pressure, know that governments have no such […]

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“Trends” Report Excerpt: The Consequences of VAT Non-Compliance

The following is an excerpt from “Trends in Continuous Global VAT Compliance,” the 11th edition of the industry’s most comprehensive guide to e-invoicing, e-archiving and VAT reporting. The full report is available for download.  To reduce the VAT gap, countries are pushing taxable organizations to comply with VAT requirements and enforcing different types of legal […]

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New Global VAT Compliance Report Provides Guidance for Multinationals

Companies are dealing with a fundamental shift in the way they do business with trading partners. In a rapidly increasing number of countries, there’s a third party inserting itself into every transaction. It’s the government, and it’s wedging its way into every order a company ships or receives.  In an effort to close a massive […]

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Indirect Tax Compliance Challenges in Accounts Payable Automation

AP automation is supposed to save SAP customers money, but developments in digital tax could derail its benefits and actually create further liabilities. With tax authorities all over the world seeking to increase revenues and close tax gaps, IT professionals and AP system administrators face new challenges in indirect tax compliance. Among those challenges are […]

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The Rising Tide of Digital Tax: Are You Surfer or Shark Bait?

Anyone familiar with the Discovery Channel’s Shark Week and the portrayal of hungry sharks setting their sights on surfers may be surprised to learn that tax and IT professionals may be feeling every bit as wary as those surfers as they enter their own version of shark-infested waters. The reason: IT and tax pros are […]

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Shielding SAP Central Finance Migrations from Tax Compliance Mandates

With more companies focusing on global integration, cross-border supply chains and expanding ecommerce, governments across the globe are introducing new ways to enforce tax rules and close their tax gaps. The evolving global regulatory environment produces unique tax determination and reporting challenges in the United States and additional VAT and e-invoicing compliance challenges around the […]

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Sovos Expert to Speak on Tax Compliance in S/4HANA at SAPPHIRE

Pawel Smolarkiewicz, chief product office at Sovos, will speak on the digital transformation of tax and its effect on SAP S/4HANA at next week’s SAPPHIRE conference in Orlando.   As countries make continuous tax compliance the new normal, businesses are finding that they have to respond by putting tax compliance functionality at the core of […]

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SAP Central Finance Drives Move to S/4HANA, Making Tax Compliance a Priority

SAP Central Finance is driving migration to SAP S/4HANA as companies look to deliver value to their finance and accounting organizations, as well as improve on the configuration of previous financial systems. And for most companies making the transition, tax compliance is a priority. In a recent survey by SAP Insider, 74 percent of SAP […]

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