
sales and use tax pressure index
Sales and Use Tax Filing Automation Considerations

Successful organizations may experience growth very rapidly. While growth and expansion offer tremendous benefits to your brand and revenue, it can have a crippling effect on internal departments, particularly Tax during sales and use tax filing. As sales and operations expand geographically, so too does your tax obligation. Spending valuable time and money on Indirect […]

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How to Reduce Risk and Protect Revenue In Mexico with the Digitization of Tax Administration

Invoicing in Latin America has become complex to the point of being daunting. Businesses that get electronic invoicing processes wrong could quickly grind to a halt. Mastering the eInvoicing process is critical, then, and it involves making sure that all four elements of eInvoicing are working smoothly at the same time. New regulations, most notably […]

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IRS Guidance on Abandoned Money Demonstrates Complexity of 1099 Reporting

Long-awaited recent guidance from the IRS on abandoned property illustrated why 1099 reporting can be so complicated. Simply put, there are gaps in reporting regulations that sometimes go unfilled—and then produce surprises when the IRS does fill them. One of those gaps involved abandoned property on deferred income products—essentially, pensions, annuities or insurance policies people […]

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The Top 10 Compliance Mistakes in LATAM

In order for businesses in Latin America to reduce their risks of fines, penalties and operational disruptions, it’s imperative to understand and manage the ever-changing eInvoicing and VAT reporting mandates sweeping throughout the region. While proactive compliance can improve operational efficiency, streamline processes and increase cash flow, many companies do not have strategic processes in […]

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The boardwalk in ocean city
New Jersey, Vermont Individual Mandates Could Start Trend of State-by-State ACA Reporting

The Tax Cuts and Jobs Act eliminated the Affordable Care Act (ACA) individual mandate effective in 2019. But with states bringing mandates back on their own, state-by-state reporting could be the next trend in ACA compliance. When the new tax law dropped the requirement for individuals to carry health insurance or pay a fine, widespread […]

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VAT & B2G Reporting Monthly Newsletter: May 2018

Country-by-Country News Mexico Allows Temporary Penalty Waiver for 2017 CFDI of Nomina The Tax Administration Service of Mexico (SAT) has announced that it will allow, until May 15, 2018, the correction of CFDI of Payroll (CFDI de Nomina) issued during 2017. For that purpose, SAT issued a new Rule in the First Modification of […]

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From B2B to B2G2B – How Can Business Networks Prepare for the ‘Clearance’ Revolution?

A silent revolution is spreading across Europe. As governments across the EU seek to close their VAT gaps, increasingly we’re seeing the trend towards government-controlled, real-time invoice control platforms, known as the ‘clearance’ model. Post-Audit vs Clearance In the standard post-audit model of invoice compliance, invoices are exchanged between the supplier and the buyer. Both […]

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‘Good Escheat’ Ingredients

Nice job on getting your spring filing done! You deserve a reward! Take the rest of the day off and make yourself a drink I like to call ‘Good Escheat.’ 1-part orange pop, 1-part lemonade, 1-part rainbow sherbet. Mix it together and enjoy! And remember, just as it takes multiple different items that alone might […]

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Italy eInvoicing: What You Need to Know

Italy will soon join Hungary in requiring real-time, transaction-level reporting. With the launch of the first phase imminent (1 July 2018), Italy’s tax authority recently released new information on its eInvoicing requirement. In February, the European Commission backed Italy’s request to implement mandatory eInvoicing. This clearance is a game-changer for businesses operating in the European […]

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Public Anger and GDPR: Why Too Much Data Sharing Could Have Negative Consequences

Facebook was open to the public for more than a decade before most users thought all that much about what companies do with the data they share on social media. In the wake of the Cambridge Analytica scandal, that’s not the case anymore. And with Europe’s groundbreaking General Protection Data Regulation (GDPR) having kicked in […]

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Batch vs. Real-Time Sales Tax Evaluation and Use Tax Accrual Processes

In my last post, “Accounts Payable Process Improvement with Use Tax Automation,” I looked at the challenges managing tax compliance on purchases and how some of your peers we’re dealing with the problem based on the live webinar polls. As promised, below is a recap of the two different approaches to sales tax validation and […]

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Split Payments: New VAT Collection Mechanism in the European Union

Countries within the European Union (EU) are losing billions of euros in value-added tax (VAT) every year because of VAT fraud, VAT evasion, VAT avoidance and inadequate tax collection systems. As of 2016, the VAT gap in the EU was 159.5 billion euros, or 14% of the total expected VAT revenue for the EU. As […]

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The Back and Forth of the Timeline to Mandatory E-Invoicing in Italy

Ever since the Legge di Bilancio, the law introducing the Italian e-invoicing obligation for all domestic supplies was passed on 27 December 2017, discontented voices have raised an objection to its ambitious timeline. The original plan phases in the clearance-style mandatory e-invoicing process across the following key dates: 1st July 2018: For supplies of petrol […]

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How Three Multinationals Navigate Tax Compliance Complexities

Companies looking to expand internationally or ones already doing business in multiple locations face a complex web of tax regulations and reforms, varying dramatically from country to country. Existing tax compliance systems and processes typically aren’t sufficient to manage these growing challenges, requiring multinationals to adopt a new, proactive approach to compliance to reduce risk […]

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Gambling on Sports is Legal (Kind of): What Does That Mean for Tax Information Reporting?

So, the Supreme Court just legalized sports gambling all over the United States, right? Not exactly. In fact, not at all. But the Court’s recent decision does open the door for states to legalize sports betting and, as is the case with many news developments, it could have a massive impact on tax information reporting. […]

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Software: The Common Thread Tying Together All Tax Compliance Strategies

Global companies are increasingly using different tactics to address today’s onerous tax compliance burdens. Some rely on outsourcing to third parties, some have in-house teams to manage VAT compliance and reporting, and others look to shared services to centralise tax filing and reporting tasks. In each approach, technology is essential to keep pace with today’s […]

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Three Reasons Finance Departments Must Make eInvoicing a Top Priority

Since the first launch of eInvoicing mandates in Brazil 10 years ago, eInvoice adoption has now spread worldwide. Governments are implementing complex, real-time, transaction-level requirements to gain visibility into tax liabilities, close the tax gap and minimize corporate tax evasion. eInvoicing compliance is not a simple process for businesses – it requires a total shift […]

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Transactional and Accounts Payable Automation Over Blockchain at ISM 2018

I was curious if the buzz over blockchain, AI and machine learning at ISM 2018 would offer up some valuable use cases and “best practices” for attendees to take home and implement, or if the social and other online chatter would still be more focused on “future trends” and “predictions.” It appears the latter won […]

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