
Confusion over Columbia Electronic Invoicing Mandate Serves as a Reminder that It’s Coming
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Italian Electronic Invoicing Mandate for Roadside Gas and Service Station Fuel Supplies Formally Postponed to 1 January 2019

For those active in the world of e-invoicing and global VAT compliance, you’ll know that in the past month all eyes have been on Italy and the first deadline for its e-invoicing reform. Since our last update, concerning the possible delay to the July 1 deadline, speculation has been rife about how volatile the mandate’s […]

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Tax Automation in a Post Quill World

On Thursday, June 21, 2018, with the decision of the Supreme Court in South Dakota v. Wayfair, the sales tax compliance landscape underwent a dramatic shift. If you haven’t already, the time is now to consider whether you are doing what you need to do to keep your company safe. The Immediate Aftermath of South […]

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Sales Tax Software Meets ITs Offensive and Defensive Technology Needs

You may be familiar with the highly debated Gartner term, “bi-modal IT,” the practice of managing two separate but coherent styles of work: One focused on predictability; the other on exploration. Think of this as projects that keep the lights on or run the business vs. projects of innovation. Both play key roles in digital […]

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Real-Time VAT Reporting 101: Common Terms and Definitions

More countries are transitioning from electronic VAT filings to real-time VAT reporting, automated audits, eInvoicing and eReceipts.  Learn terminology key to understanding real-time tax reporting. Latin America (LATAM) is deemed the most complex tax compliance environment in the world. Over the last decade, it has become synonymous with real-time value-added-tax (VAT) compliance and reporting. In […]

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Sales Tax Moves into the Modern Age…Are You Ready?

With these words, the world of sales tax as we knew it was turned upside down: Held: Because the physical presence rule of Quill is unsound and incorrect, Quill Corp. v. North Dakota, 504 U. S. 298, and National Bellas Hess, Inc. v. Department of Revenue of Ill., 386 U. S. 753, are overruled. Much […]

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Spain Plans Limited B2B Expansion within its B2G E-Invoicing Mandate

Will Spain become the next EU country to follow in Italy’s footsteps by introducing a national mandate for business to business (B2B) e-invoicing? With the introduction of its e-invoicing mandate, Italy will become the first major EU country to acquire real-time information that will allow it to cross-check the VAT companies declare with the amount […]

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Leading Sales Tax Expert, Charles Maniace, Comments on South Dakota v. Wayfair Supreme Court Decision

On what was easily the most anticipated day in sales tax history, the Supreme Court did what many experts thought they would, ruling five to four in favor of South Dakota’s right to require businesses to collect and remit sales tax on all sales, including e-commerce, even if they don’t have people or property in […]

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Sovos Bolsters Cloud Technology Leadership with Chief Security Officer, Chief Product Officer and Head of Customer Success

On the heels of revealing our S1 cloud platform to drive the modernization of tax software in the face of mounting digital disruption from businesses, financial systems providers and governments, as well as announcing support and an early adopter program for SAP S/4HANA cloud, we’re excited to also announce the following key appointments to our leadership […]

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Manufacturers Can’t Escape The Impacts of eInvoicing

As eInvoicing mandates sweep across Latin America, manufacturing is arguably the single most affected sector. With requirements impacting IT, finance, shipping, inventory management, inbound receiving and other business processes, eInvoicing greatly impacts the supply chain and manufacturers’ bottom lines. If not managed properly, eInvoicing could prevent trucks from distributing goods or force buyers to refuse […]

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Costa Rica Electronic Invoicing Mandate Has Businesses Hurrying to Find Service Providers

Costa Rica is one of the latest countries in Latin America to embrace electronic invoicing, and many companies doing business in the country are under pressure to find a service provider to help them comply with the country’s eInvoicing mandate. Manufactures and retailers are set to fall under the mandate in the next few months. […]

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Sales and Use Tax Filing Challenges in Manufacturing – Infographic

A recent Aberdeen Group survey uncovered sales and use tax filing challenges resulting in audit penalties and interest in manufacturing to the tune of 2 percent of revenue per year. Not surprisingly, manufacturing leaders in the tax, finance and IT functions cited tax return preparation and filing as a top drain on the business. Plainly […]

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Sales Tax Software Value for Companies Moving to Cloud

As Peter Drucker once said, “In times of turbulence the biggest danger is to act with yesterday’s logic.” Yet that is exactly what many businesses today are in danger of doing while still working with technology that was built for an offline world. Sales tax software is a great case in point. According to Aberdeen […]

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Supreme Court Building
What If Wayfair Wins? The Supreme Court Will Soon Rule on South Dakota’s Economic Nexus Legislation

Over the last year, there has been a tremendous amount of chatter among the sales tax cognoscenti about the case South Dakota v. Wayfair, which the U.S. Supreme Court is poised to publish its ruling on soon. Indeed, on this blog alone since January you can find several original posts, including on what the case […]

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Use Your HANA Migration to Solve Your Tax Challenges for Good

Companies dealing with complex sales and use tax determination, VAT regulations and other tax challenges across the globe know that SAP alone is not equipped to support the varying requirements from country to country. As SAP sunsets support and updates for ECC and R3, companies must move to HANA to keep their systems up to […]

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Accounts Payable: How to Avoid 1099 Reporting Penalties for One-Time Vendor Payments

Among accounts payable (AP) professionals, “B” Notices from the IRS are sometimes known as “bummer” notices. They’re a sign of missing or incorrect information on 1099 forms subject to backup withholding. For AP professionals, this usually involves form 1099-MISC, the form used to report to the IRS payment of services rendered for vendors and independent […]

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eReceipts 101: The What, Why, Where and How of B2C Tax Compliance

After initially focusing on data and automation to gain visibility and ensure tax compliance in business-to-business transactions, many governments are now extending technology into business-to-consumer trade, requiring eReceipts. So, what’s the story behind eReceipts, and why do they matter? Here’s a quick tutorial to get you up to speed. What are eReceipts? eReceipts are the […]

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Guatemala’s Tax Administration Outlines New E-Invoicing Framework, Replacing FACE with FEL

The governments and tax administrations of South and Central America were among the first in the world to adopt ambitious programmes that mandate the use of e-invoicing based on ‘clearance’ and structured data files. Over the past ten years, we’ve seen them leapfrog the time-honored concepts of paper-based, post-audit processes to put in place entirely […]

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