
Romania Extends SAF-T Filing Grace Period

Update: 30 November 2022 by Charles Riordan ANAF Reverses Position on Grace Period Extension Romania SAF-T Filing declarations are changing. The draft order extending the grace period for SAF-T will not be implemented. The President of ANAF has confirmed that decision. The extension originally supported large taxpayers who have had to submit SAF-T since 1 […]

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Ensure Company Success with a Nimble Sales Tax Strategy

By Diane Yetter, President and Founder of Sales Tax Institute When it comes to building a strategy to manage sales tax, every company will have its own set of obligations, complications and concerns. What is consistent among nimble sales tax strategies (those that improve efficiency and adaptability while reducing risk) are the components you need […]

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Italian Transfer Pricing Adjustments and VAT

In Italy, the discipline of transfer pricing states that in intra-group transactions between entities from different countries, where one is resident in Italy, transactions must take place on an arm’s length basis. In other words, transactions are based on freely competitive prices and under comparable circumstances. Companies carefully treat the transfer pricing adjustments from a […]

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European IPT Prepayment Guidelines

There are some countries across Europe where declaring and settling insurance premium tax (IPT) and parafiscal charges on time is not enough to prevent late payment penalties. You may ask why. Or you may say it’s unfair. The answer is simple. Some European countries collect insurance premium tax and parafiscal charges or part of them […]

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The Future of the One Stop Shop and Import One Stop Shop

It’s been just over 13 months since the introduction of the EU’s E-Commerce VAT Package in the guise of the One Stop Shop (OSS) and of the Import One Stop Shop (IOSS). After what has widely been hailed as a success by the European Commission (EC), what, if any, changes can we expect going forward? […]

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Dispelling the Top 5 DtC Shipping Myths

Direct-to-consumer (DtC) alcohol shipping can at times seem convoluted and increasingly complicated. States continue to evolve their DtC shipping requirements, which can understandably create some confusion over what is and is not allowed. However, working with the right partner can help to clear up some of that confusion. Here are some of the top misconceptions […]

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VAT in the Digital Age: Mandatory E-invoicing in the EU

The European Commission (EC)’s action plan for fair and simple taxation – ’VAT in the Digital Age’- continues to progress. After a public consultation process, the EC has published Final Reports discussing the best options for the European market to fight tax fraud and benefit businesses with the use of technology. The areas covered are: […]

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Compliance and Tax Considerations for Cider Producers

The summer months can be ideal for enjoying a hard cider, but it’s always a good time for cider producers to brush up on three-tier compliance rules. Before expanding into new markets, you must be familiar with the specific rules of each state. In this blog, we will cover the major regulatory and tax rules […]

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Meet the Expert – Hector Fernandez, Principal Compliance Tax Services Representative

Meet the Expert is our series of blogs where we share more about the team behind our innovative software and managed services. As a global organisation with indirect tax experts across all regions, our dedicated team are often the first to know about regulatory changes and developments in global tax regimes, to support you in your […]

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2022 Direct-to-Consumer Wine Shipping Mid-Year Report

A lot has changed in the direct-to-consumer (DtC) wine shipping channel since the January release of our Direct-to-Consumer Wine Shipping Report—changes in volume and value that have the market resembling pre-pandemic patterns. Note: The proprietary data featured in this mid-year report is compiled from an algorithm measuring total DtC shipments based on millions of anonymous […]

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Italian Import Documents Become Electronic

The Italian Customs Authorities recently updated their national import system by applying the new European Union Customs Data Model (EUCDM). These new changes came into effect on 9 June 2022. According to the new procedure, the old model of paper import declarations has been abolished. The import declarations are now transmitted to the Italian Customs […]

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India: B2C Invoicing QR Code Requirement

In India, the e-invoicing system has been live since 2020. Taxpayers in the scope of e-invoicing mandate must issue their invoices relating to B2B and B2G transactions through the e-invoicing system, which is a form of continuous transaction controls (CTC). However, B2C invoices are not issued through the CTC system, which means that B2C invoices […]

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Transactional Trends: The Latest Developments in IPT Reporting

An increasing insurance premium tax (IPT) trend is using transactional level information in various returns and reports. Preparation and education are key to ensuring details are being captured on an ongoing basis rather than at the last moment. Furthermore, in some cases where legacy systems are being utilised and don’t have the capability to capture […]

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India: New Taxpayers to Comply with E-invoicing Rules

As previously predicted by Sovos, the threshold for implementing mandatory e-invoicing has been lowered by the Indian authorities. According to the Central Board of Indirect Taxes and Customs Notification No. 17/2022 – Central Tax, from 1 October 2022 compliance with the e-invoicing rules will be mandatory for taxpayers with an annual threshold of 10 Cr. […]

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eGUI: Taiwan’s Approach to Electronic Invoicing

Since 1 January 2019 foreign electronic service providers must issue electronic invoices, a type of e-invoice, for sales of electronic services to individual buyers in Taiwan. Alongside this, Taiwan’s local tax authorities have been introducing incentives for domestic taxpayers to implement e-invoicing despite not being a mandatory requirement. Before diving into the details of the e-invoicing […]

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Can a State Restrict DtC Shipping of Alcohol into Other States?

The legal landscape for direct-to-consumer (DtC) shipping of alcohol is a hodgepodge of rules and regulations that vary from state to state. This follows the broad principle set out in the 21st Amendment that each state shall govern the “transportation or importation . . . therein of intoxicating liquors.” As such, New Hampshire can permit the […]

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Portuguese Surcharges: ASF, INEM and ANPC

A parafiscal tax is a levy on a service or a product which a government charges for a specific purpose. It can be used to financially benefit a particular sector (public and private). Unlike the drastic changes in Stamp Duty reporting within the Portuguese region, the parafiscal taxes have remained consistent and unchanged for many […]

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New EU Brexit Infringement Procedures

On 22 July, the EU Commission opened four new infringement proceedings against the United Kingdom for allegedly breaching the 2021 Northern Ireland Protocol on conditions related to customs requirements, excise tax and VAT. The EU has brought seven proceedings against the UK over the Protocol since 2021. The Northern Ireland Protocol Following the UK’s departure […]

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