
Three-Tier System Essentials: Getting Licensed

The three-tier system is the prevailing way that alcohol is distributed and sold in the United States, based on a clear cut distinction between different sectors (or “tiers”) of the beverage alcohol market. In the three-tier system, suppliers, such as producers and importers, are required to sell to wholesalers and distributors, who in turn sell […]

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DtC Shipping Is One Reform Among Many Suggested in Treasury Report

On February 9, the Treasury Department issued a report on competition in the beverage alcohol industry, identifying several areas where possible reforms could foster a more level playing field for small businesses, craft producers and new market entrants. The report was part of Executive Order 14036, initiated by the Biden Administration to investigate ways to […]

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Compliant DtC Wine Shipping: Things to Know for a Successful 2022

It’s hard to believe that the first month of 2022 is already in the rearview mirror, but the same way that time keeps moving along, the DtC wine shipping world continues to change. With more states implementing DtC shipping options — and some that took a step in the other direction — it can be […]

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How Compliant Is ‘Three-Tier DtC’ Alcohol Shipping?

As the direct-to-consumer (DtC) beverage alcohol shipping market continues to grow, spurring more interest in the market, there has been a recent rise in, as it’s called, “three-tier DtC shipping” services. In this arrangement, a beverage alcohol supplier—a winery, brewery, distillery, importer or other supplier who might be looking to establish their own DtC program—works […]

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5 Highlights from the 2022 Direct-to-Consumer Wine Shipping Report

This January, Sovos ShipCompliant released the 2022 Direct-to-Consumer (DtC) Wine Shipping Report with our partner, Wines Vines Analytics. The report is the most comprehensive, complete and exclusive collection of data and insights on the state of the industry. Wine shipments to consumers reached a record $4.2 billion in 2021, meaning this is a fantastic time […]

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Beating the Post-Holiday Sales Slump with DtC Wine

By Zach Kamphuis, Vice President of Business Development at Commerce7 October, November and December represent the best direct-to-consumer (DtC) sales months for many wineries. With the 2021 holiday season now behind us, how can wineries capitalize on the new customers gained through the past months and avoid falling into a post-holiday sales slump for DtC […]

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Beer/Malt New Product Registrations See Increase in Q4 2021

Near Beer registrations have robust 55% growth from Q3 2021  The final months of 2021 saw some fluctuations from recent beverage alcohol brand registration patterns. This is not a complete surprise, as the industry is putting a cork in the second year of doing business and introducing new brands in a pandemic-influenced marketplace. For example, […]

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What DtC Shippers Should Keep in Mind About Third-Party Services

As interest in the direct-to-consumer (DtC) alcohol shipping market has grown, a number of third-party servicers have popped up promising to support the market. These services range from marketing platforms to online storefronts to logistical support, everything that a winery, brewery, distillery or other prospective DtC shipper will need to deal with once they’ve come […]

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Can You Ship Alcohol?

Businesses in the beverage alcohol space can ship alcohol to consumers, but key rules and regulations apply It’s a common question to wonder if it is legal to ship alcohol. The short answer is, yes! The longer and more in-depth answer is, yes, but there are important laws to follow along the way. That’s why […]

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Top 3 Reasons to Monitor Brand Labels for Beverage Alcohol

The first step in bringing a new beverage alcohol product to market, whether for sale through the three-tier system or by direct-to-consumer (DtC) shipping, is registering it with the Alcohol and Tobacco Tax Bureau (TTB). This must happen to get a Certificate of Label Approval (COLA), which ensures that suppliers and producers comply with federal […]

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Looking Back at Beverage Alcohol Regulatory Change in 2021

As 2021 comes to a close, perhaps there is small comfort in knowing that the old adage of “the only constant is change” remains true for beverage alcohol. Rules and regulations on direct-to-consumer (DtC) shipping are adjusted, more states are opening options for DtC shipping and economic nexus continues to impact how suppliers, shippers and […]

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How Three Trade Wars with Europe Impact Beverage Alcohol

By Robert M. Tobiassen* As I write this, we honored soldiers and veterans last month on November 11, Veterans Day in the United States and Armistice Day in much of Europe. It is fitting to focus on another type of devastating conflict—the trade war. First and foremost, however, please do not interpret this comparison to […]

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How to Evaluate ROI When Entering New States for DtC Shipping

Whether your organization is just starting out in the direct-to-consumer (DtC) wine shipping channel or you’ve been established for years and are looking to expand into new markets, it can be a challenge to know which states to enter. It’s important to have a sense of the potential return on investment (ROI) before selecting a […]

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Wine Ecommerce and Compliance: The Perfect Blend

Direct-to-consumer (DtC) shipping compliance has many nuanced regulations that shippers must be aware of as they look to expand their business reach. But what happens when you’re trying to integrate your ecommerce approach? Is there a way to streamline your DtC wine shipping compliance when using ecommerce solutions like Shopify?  The short answer is: yes! […]

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What are the Direct-to-Consumer (DtC) Sake Shipping Laws by State?

Like other alcohol producers, sake brewers are increasingly interested in the direct-to-consumer (DtC) shipping market to better connect with their consumers. While the laws governing DtC shipping of sake are fairly straightforward, broadly following the rules for shipping other product types, it is complicated depending on how each state defines sake itself.  No state’s DtC […]

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The Latest on Retailer Direct-to-Consumer (DtC) Shipping

Retailer direct-to-consumer (DtC) shipping still has a way to go in terms of being as widely accepted as DtC wine shipping. However, there has been continued interest in making that a reality.  Sovos ShipCompliant keeps a close watch on the latest updates in the beverage alcohol industry, and we’ve gathered a few of the top […]

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The Data: Wine DtC Shipments and Off-Premise Retail (August 2021 Special Report)

Fall is here and the wine direct-to-consumer (DtC) shipments landscape has adapted to the “new normal” of the pandemic. Staying mindful of marketplace data will ensure the industry can properly adjust to any ebbs and flows, helping wine producers, retailers and consumers alike.  Nielsen is collaborating with Wines Vines Analytics and Sovos ShipCompliant to provide […]

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Wine New Product Registrations Show Continued Growth Over 2020

Sparkling product registrations leads the way, with 23% spike in Q3 2021  As the summer months wind down, beverage alcohol consumers are not halting their buying patterns. While the third quarter of 2021 saw decreases in new product registrations when compared to Q2, numerous categories show continued increases over the last year, largely in wine […]

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