Regulatory Analysis

Posted April 9, 2024 by Carolina Silva
Malaysia: Updates Published to e-Invoicing Documentation

The Inland Revenue Board of Malaysia has released new versions of the e-invoice and e-invoice specific guidelines, alongside a new version of the Software Development Kit (SDK). The update to SDK, first launched in February, includes clarifications and new technical information, namely e-signature requirements for the CTC mandate, going live in August of 2024. An […]

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Posted April 3, 2024 by Dilara İnal
Saudi Arabia: New Taxpayer Group in Scope of Phase 2 of e-Invoicing Announced

The Saudi Arabian Tax and Customs Authority, ZATCA, announced the tenth wave of Phase 2 of e-invoicing. The tenth wave covers taxpayers with at least SAR 25 million (app. USD 6,6 million) revenue subject to VAT for 2022 or 2023. Taxpayers within this group are expected to integrate as of 1 October 2024. Phase 2 […]

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Posted April 3, 2024 by Inês Carvalho
Romania: Expansion of e-Reporting Grace Period Adopted

On March 29th, Romania enacted the Emergency Order 30/2024 confirming the extension of the e-reporting grace period until the May 31st, 2024. The original grace-period was set to end on March 31st, and penalties would apply from April 1st, 2024. This much-anticipated postponement aims to allow taxpayers extra time to continue adapting their procedures and […]

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Posted March 28, 2024 by Dilara İnal
France: New Decree Amends Timeline for e-Invoicing Service Provider Registration

The French authorities have published a new Decree amending the Decree of 7 October 2022, which includes provisions for Partner Dematerialization Platform (PDP) operators. PDPs are accredited service providers under the French Continuous Transaction Controls (CTC) system set to roll out in September 2026. The new decree, dated 25 March, revises the implementation timeline, and […]

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Posted March 22, 2024 by Marta Sowińska
Poland: KSeF- New Changes Proposed During Public Consultation

On March 21st, the Polish Minister of Finance (MoF) held an in-person meeting to summarize the results of the public consultation that took place between February and March. The MoF has announced the following updates: Timeline: While a new timeline has not yet been defined, the MoF clarified that all taxpayers, regardless of VAT status, […]

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Posted March 11, 2024 by Dilara İnal
Kenya: E-invoicing Grace Period Provided for Non-VAT Registered Taxpayers

The Kenya Revenue Authority (KRA) announced that non-VAT registered taxpayers have a grace period to onboard to the authority’s platform for e-invoicing until March 31, 2024. This extension is designed to facilitate necessary adjustments in systems and business operations. During the grace period no penalties will be imposed on businesses for not issuing electronic invoices. […]

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Posted March 6, 2024 by Dilara İnal
India: Enhanced e-Invoice Portal Launched

The Goods and Services Tax Network (GSTN) has announced updated to its e-invoicing initiative, accompanied by the launch of an enhanced e-invoicing portal. The new features included in the revamped e-invoice portal include: PAN-based search: Users can check the e-invoice enablement status of entities by using their Permanent Account Number. Automatic e-invoice exemption list: A […]

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Posted March 4, 2024 by Dilara İnal
Zambia: E-Invoicing Obligation Commences July 1, 2024

The Zambian Revenue Authority (ZRA) announced that as of July 1, 2024, all VAT registered taxpayers are mandated to issue e-invoices through the Smart Invoice software solution implemented by ZRA. This announcement follows Zambia’s initiation of e-invoicing plans in 2023. Taxpayers will only be eligible to claim input VAT or deductions based on invoices generated […]

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Posted February 20, 2024 by Marta Sowińska
Belgium: Legislative Process to Introduce Mandatory B2B e-Invoicing Completed

On 20th February the law introducing mandatory B2B e-invoicing in Belgium was published in the Official Gazette, available here. This means that starting from 1 January 2026, VAT-registered taxpayers established in Belgium will be required to issue and receive structured e-invoices, while non-established foreign taxpayers with a VAT-registration in Belgium will be required to receive […]

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Posted February 14, 2024 by Dilara İnal
UAE: Ministry of Finance unveils e-invoicing plan details

The Ministry of Finance of the United Arab Emirates (MoF) has revealed its plans for previously announced E-Billing System, on 14 February 2024. The MoF is initiating a regime that couples CTC Reporting with an e-invoicing mandate. This mandate employs a Decentralized Continuous Transactions Control and Exchange (DCTCE) five corner model. This framework facilitates the […]

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Posted February 9, 2024 by Carolina Silva
Malaysia: Technical guidelines for e-invoicing system released

The Inland Revenue Board of Malaysia (IRBM) has just released the long-awaited Software Development Kit, which includes relevant technical documentation for the CTC mandate to be implemented, starting in August of 2024. According to the IRBM, the e-Invoice Software Development Kit is a collection of tools, libraries, and resources providing a set of functionalities, Application […]

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Posted February 7, 2024 by Marta Sowińska
Poland to Reveal New KSeF Mandate Start Date in April-May 2024

On February 2nd, the Minister of Finance (MoF) held a meeting with business representatives to discuss next steps regarding implementation of mandatory e-invoicing through KSeF. During the meeting, several key assurances and plans were outlined by the MoF: The implementation of mandatory e-invoicing through KSeF is confirmed An announcement of the new starting date for […]

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Posted February 5, 2024 by Carolina Silva
Malaysia: Pilot Phase starting in May 2024

Malaysia is implementing a CTC clearance model starting in August 2024 for large taxpayers undertaking commercial activities in the country. Following recent postponements of the mandate, the pilot phase set to start in January of 2024 has also been postponed and, until recently, no date had been communicated for its launch. The Inland Revenue Board […]

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Posted February 5, 2024 by Marta Sowińska
Belgium: mandatory B2B e-invoicing approved by the Parliament

On 1 February, 2024, the Belgian Parliament approved the law implementing mandatory domestic B2B e-invoicing in the country, starting from 1 January 2026. The adopted bill can be found here. This means that starting from 1 January, 2026 all VAT-registered taxpayers established in Belgium will be required to issue/receive structured electronic invoices. Peppol will be […]

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Posted January 31, 2024 by Marta Sowińska
Latvia: plans for mandatory B2B e-invoicing announced

On January 26th, 2024, Latvia’s Ministry of Finance unveiled a 4-year plan aimed at curbing the shadow economy and fostering stable economic development. A key component of this initiative involves the implementation of a Continuous Transaction Controls (CTC) regime for B2B transactions. Scheduled to commence by the end of 2025, the CTC regime is expected […]

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Posted January 23, 2024 by Dilara İnal
India: Withdraws decision to block e-waybill generation in absence of e-invoice details

The Indian tax authority’s previously announced plan to block the generation of e-waybills without corresponding e-invoice details, effective from 1 March 2024, has been withdrawn. In India, it is obligatory for taxpayers surpassing a specified threshold to issue electronic invoices for B2B and B2G transactions. Those under the mandatory e-invoicing regime must generate e-waybills for […]

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Posted January 19, 2024 by Marta Sowińska
Poland: e-invoicing mandate postponed

Poland’s Ministry of Finance announced today the postponement of its e-invoicing mandate. Originally scheduled for July 2024, the initiative has been postponed indefinitely due to major errors identified in the KSeF system. The Minister of Finance emphasized that the current technical status of the KSeF system poses substantial challenges, preventing its secure implementation in Poland. […]

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Posted January 8, 2024 by Dilara İnal
India: E-waybill issuance without e-invoice details blocked

National Informatics Centre (NIC) announced on 5 January 2023, e-waybill generation will not be allowed without e-invoice details starting from 1 March 2024. In India, it is mandatory for taxpayers exceeding a certain threshold to generate electronic invoices for B2B and B2G transactions. Suppliers falling within the mandatory scope of e-invoicing must generate e-waybills relating […]

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