Regulatory Analysis

Posted December 18, 2019 by Ramón Frias
Paraguay: Digital Services by Foreign Suppliers Subject to VAT Withholding in 2020

The Paraguayan congress approved the law N° 6380/19 which among other things mandates local credit card companies to collect and pay to the tax administration the VAT applicable to sales of digital services when the supplier is a foreign company and the service is considered as provided in the country. For that purpose, the law […]

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Posted October 16, 2019 by Ramón Frias
Colombia Extends Deadline for Compliance with Pre-Validated E-Invoice

The Colombian tax administration (DIAN) has issued a new Resolution 0000064/2019 that basically extends by 2 to 3 months the deadline for complying with the new pre-validation system established by Resolution 000020/2019. Originally, Resolution 0000020 established two schedules of compliance: The first one classified the taxpayers into 14 groups, and established deadlines according to the […]

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Posted April 3, 2019 by Ramón Frias
Deadlines for Colombia Pre-clearance E-invoicing Announced

The Colombian Tax Administration (DIAN) issued Resolution 000020/2019 establishing the schedule for complying with the new pre-clearance e-invoicing requirements and for upgrading to UBL schema version 2.1. This new resolution clarifies the confusion generated by previous resolutions as to effective dates. The deadline is defined by two alternate criteria: a) The type of economic activity […]

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