Regulatory Analysis

Posted July 3, 2023 by Robert Pelletier
Vietnam Temporary 2% VAT Rate Reduction from July 1, 2023 until December 31, 2023

On June 30, 2023, the Vietnamese government issued Decree 44/2023/ND-CP on the 2% VAT rate reduction from 10% to 8% lasting from July 1, 2023, until December 31, 2023. The 2% VAT reduction does not apply to various goods and services from the following sectors: telecommunications, financial activities, banking, insurance, real estate trading, metals and […]

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Posted June 29, 2023 by Robert Pelletier
Spain: Temporary Zero VAT Rate on Basic Foods Extended Until December 31, 2023

Pursuant to Royal Decree-Law 5/2023 of June 28, 2023, the temporary zero VAT rate on basic food items such as bread, flour, milk, cheese, eggs, fruits, vegetables, legumes, tubers, and cereals has been extended until December 31, 2023. Please note that the temporary 4% reduced rate applied to the supply of face masks has not […]

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Posted June 27, 2023 by Robert Pelletier
Poland: Zero VAT Rate on Basic Food and Drinks Extended until December 31, 2023

As announced by the Polish Ministry of Finance on June 27, 2023, through an article on their news website, the zero VAT rate that temporarily applies to supplies of certain food and drinks has been extended until December 31, 2023. The article can be found here.

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Posted June 21, 2023 by Marta Sowińska
Serbia: Updates to the SEF documentation on e-invoicing and VAT recording

The Ministry of Finance in Serbia has recently published and updated: The Rulebook on electronic invoicing: Rulebook on electronic invoicing ( Internal Technical Manual (16.06.23): Updated internal technical manual (16.06.2023.) ( Instructions for using XML files: Instructions for using XML files (05.06.2023.) ( Main changes introduced in the Rulebook: Replaces three regulations that were applying […]

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Posted May 26, 2023 by Robert Pelletier
Cyprus: Temporary Zero Rate on Basic Items Until October 31, 2023

As published in the official gazette on May 5, 2023, basic food and consumer items such as bread, milk, eggs, baby foods, baby and adult diapers, and female hygiene products will temporarily apply the zero VAT rate in Cyprus. The temporary zero VAT rate will apply from May 5, 2023 until October 31, 2023. The […]

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Posted May 26, 2023 by Robert Pelletier
Egypt: Marketplace Liability on Sales of Remote Services and E-Services effective 22 June 2023

Effective 22 June 2023, electronic distribution platforms (EDP), such as a website, internet portal, online store, or online marketplace, are required to charge and collect VAT on the sale of remote services and electronic services made to Egyptian consumers through their platforms. Remote services are services that at the time of the performance there is […]

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Posted May 22, 2023 by Carolina Silva
Portugal: Mandatory B2G e-invoicing for SME´s postponed again

In a recent Press Conference held by the Council of Ministers of the Portuguese government it was announced that a new law-decree for the execution of the state budget for 2023 was approved. One of the many changes announced is another extension of the mandatory B2G e-invoicing deadline for micro, small and medium-sized companies allowing […]

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Posted March 31, 2023 by Robert Pelletier
Botswana VAT Rate to Increase from 12% to 14%

On 18 January 2023, the Botswana Ministry of Finance (MOF) issued a public notice that the temporary reduced standard VAT rate of 12% will expire on 31 March 2023. The MOF confirmed in the 2023 Budget Speech on 6 February 2023 that the VAT rate will increase back to 14% on 1 April 2023. The […]

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Posted March 22, 2023 by Dilara İnal
Ghana: More taxpayers included in the e-VAT system

The Ghana Revenue Authority (GRA) introduced the e-VAT invoicing system in October 2022 with the first group consisted of 50 taxpayers as a pilot group. GRA announced the second group of taxpayers, and their implementations will start after the completion of the first phase and be completed by the end of 2023. With the e-VAT […]

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Posted March 8, 2023 by Inês Carvalho
Belgium: Parliament proposes changes in Periodic VAT Declarations and Payments

On February 7th, 2023, the Belgium Parliament published a bill aimed at improving the processing of periodic VAT returns and payments. Among the proposed measures, the bill provides for use of a substitute VAT return by the tax authorities when the taxpayer has failed to submit their VAT return within 3 months of the legal […]

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Posted March 7, 2023 by Carolina Silva
South Korea: Introduction of Self-Billing Invoices

South Korea’s latest Tax Reform proposal has recently been approved, and introduces several new measures for the year 2023, among which is the possibility of issuance of self-billing VAT invoices. The tax reform amended article 71-2 of current South Korean VAT law in order to allow the issuance of invoices for the supply of goods […]

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Posted February 27, 2023 by Maria del Carmen
New VAT collection Regime on the sale of food and other products for human consumption.

The AFIP published the Resolution No. 5329/2023 on February 13, 2023, which among other topics set a new VAT collection regime on the sale of food products for human consumption, beverages, personal hygiene and cleaning articles. The amount of the charge will be determined by applying, on the net price of the operation resulting from […]

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Posted February 24, 2023 by Maria del Carmen
Argentina: General Resolution No. 5323/2023 Issued by the AFIP Anticipates to February 23 and 24, 2023 the Due Dates for Compliance with the Obligations of Determination and/or Payment of Value Added Tax.

Argentina: General Resolution No. 5323/2023 issued by the AFIP anticipates to February 23 and 24, 2023 the due dates for compliance with the obligations of determination and / or payment of Value Added Tax which original term was February 27 and 28 of this year. This change is according to the termination of the Unique […]

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Posted February 10, 2023 by Inês Carvalho
Italy: Pre-Filled VAT Returns for Certain Taxpayers

From the 10th of February 2023, the Italian Revenue Agency will make available a pre-filled annual VAT return concerning the tax year of 2022. The Italian Revenue Agency will use the data of domestic electronic invoices and cross-border reports communicated to the SDI to prepare the draft VAT returns. The returns will be available on […]

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Posted February 1, 2023 by Dilara İnal
France: Updated external specifications for e-invoicing and e-reporting

The French authorities published the updated version of the ‘External specifications file for electronic invoicing’. The new specifications introduced additional mandatory e-invoicing data, new and modified cases of use, amended frequency for e-reporting, retention of invoices by the public billing portal and other new explanations as well as examples for XML files.

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Posted January 19, 2023 by Robert Pelletier
Botswana Temporary 12% VAT Rate Extended to 31 March 2023

On 18 January 2023, the Botswana Ministry of Finance issued a public notice that the temporary reduced standard VAT rate of 12% is extended to 31 March 2023. The public notice can be found here.

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Posted January 19, 2023 by Robert Pelletier
Canary Islands: Reduced VAT Rates on Face Masks and Gloves Extended to 30 June 2023

Pursuant to Decree Law 15/2022, the zero-rate VAT rate that temporarily applied to supplies of face masks and gloves in the Canary Islands is extended until June 30, 2023. The decree can be found here (in Spanish).

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Posted January 17, 2023 by Stephanie Melhem
Ghana Removes VAT Exemption From Various Supplies Effective 1 January 2023

Effective 1 January 2023, Ghana has removed the VAT exemption from imported textbooks, imported newspapers, architectural plans and similar plans, drawings, scientific and technical works, periodicals, magazines, trade catalogues, price lists, greeting cards, almanacs, calendars, diaries and stationery and other printed matter. The Value Added Tax Amendment Act, 2022 can be found here.

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