Regulatory Analysis

Posted October 16, 2019 by Jeff Gambold
Austria to increase VAT registration threshold from 1 January 2020

In its recently published Tax Reform Act 2020, Austria has announced its intention to increase the VAT registration threshold for Austria-established businesses from EUR 30,000 to EUR 35,000 with effect from 1 January 2020. The Act has passed the lower house of Parliament (Nationalrat) and is currently being debated in the upper house (Bundesrat).   The […]

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Posted October 16, 2019 by Ramón Frias
Colombia Extends Deadline for Compliance with Pre-Validated E-Invoice

The Colombian tax administration (DIAN) has issued a new Resolution 0000064/2019 that basically extends by 2 to 3 months the deadline for complying with the new pre-validation system established by Resolution 000020/2019. Originally, Resolution 0000020 established two schedules of compliance: The first one classified the taxpayers into 14 groups, and established deadlines according to the […]

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Posted October 4, 2019 by Denise Hatem
Poland: Reminder of ‘MPP’ Split Payments regime from 1st November, with payments into a specified recipient bank account to follow

The Polish Ministry of Finance (“MoF”) has issued a reminder regarding the introduction of a mandatory split payments regime (known as “MPP”) for certain VAT-bearing transactions for selected categories of goods and services, commencing 1 November 2019. If a transaction falls within the scope of MPP, whilst the net or taxable amount of the payment […]

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Posted October 3, 2019 by Kelsey O'Gorman
Uzbekistan Reduces Standard VAT Rate from 20% to 15%

On 26 September 2019, Uzbekistan’s Presidential Decree #5837 “On measures for further improvement of the tax policy of the Republic of Uzbekistan” was adopted.  This decree lowers the standard VAT rate from 20% to 15%, effective October 1, 2019. For more information, please find the decree here.

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Posted September 9, 2019 by Andrew Decker
Hungary Releases Updated Specifications for Invoice Reporting

As long anticipated, Hungary has released the finalized specifications for version 2.0 of the invoice data reporting schema. At this time bilingual XSD documentation and Hungarian-only API documentation have been released. Tax authorities have indicated that full testing of the new schema is expected to be available in the test environment by the end of […]

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Posted August 16, 2019 by Ramón Frias
Upcoming Mandatory Use Electronic Tax Registers in Kenya

The Kenyan Revenue Authority (KRA) has informed taxpayers that in the upcoming months it will become mandatory for businesses with revenues above 5 million Kenyan Schillings (Around 48,470 dollars) to use electronic tax registers that communicate sales data in real time to the tax authorities. The announcement comes after KRA started a successful pilot program […]

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Posted August 9, 2019 by Ramón Frias
Mandatory Switch to UBL 2.1 in Colombia Delayed But Coming Up Fast

[August 9, 2019] Effective November 2, 2019, most taxpayers in Colombia will be required to transmit electronic invoices pursuant to the schema defined by Universal Business Language (UBL) Version 2.1. Specifically, the Colombian Tax Administration (DIAN) issued Resolution 000020/2019 establishing the schedule for complying with the new pre-clearance e-invoicing requirements and for upgrading to UBL […]

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Posted August 8, 2019 by Kaitlyn Smethurst
Zambia Delays Sales Tax Implementation Again

[August 5, 2019] On August 2, Zambia’s newly appointed Finance Minister, Bwalya Ng’andu, requested that the Sales Tax Bill be withdrawn from Parliament for consideration. The Sales Tax Bill, which was the initiative made by Zambia to shift from an existing Value Added Tax system to a new Sales Tax structure, was originally supposed to take effect […]

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Posted June 26, 2019 by Jeff Gambold
Sweden: lower VAT rate to be applied to electronic publications

With effect from 1st July 2019, e-books and electronically provided magazines and journals will become subject to the lower rate of 6% VAT (the standard rate of 25% previously applied) in Sweden. This change will result in equal treatment of electronic publications and their physical equivalents under Swedish VAT law. This falls into line with […]

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Posted June 25, 2019 by Kaitlyn Smethurst
New Zealand Considers GST Changes for Offshore Suppliers

[June 10, 2019] The New Zealand Parliament is considering proposed changes to the GST rules for importers of “low-value” goods supplied to New Zealand consumers. Under the omnibus tax reform bill, offshore suppliers, which includes online marketplace sellers, that sell goods that are valued at or below NZD 1,000 into New Zealand, will be required to […]

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Posted June 10, 2019 by Jeff Gambold
Bulgaria to introduce a new lower reduced rate of VAT

[June 10, 2019] The Bulgarian Parliament introduced a new bill on the 5th June 2019 that includes various proposed changes to the Bulgarian Value Added Tax Act. Included among the changes is a new lower VAT reduced rate of 5%, which would come into effect from 1st January 2020. Under the current proposed language, the […]

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Posted May 31, 2019 by Jeff Gambold
Poland to introduce mandatory split payments regime

Following the introduction of a voluntary split payment system last year, Poland is now proceeding with a mandatory regime to come into effect from 1st September 2019 for all payments of 15,000zl (approximately 3,500 euros) or more.  Under the scheme, which will apply to both established and non-established businesses, the VAT element of any payment, […]

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Posted April 17, 2019 by Charles Riordan
Poland Introduces Obligation to Use Online Cash Registers

Effective May 1, 2019, Polish taxpayers making B2C supplies of goods and services will be required to use online cash registers connected to the newly established Central Repository of Cash Registers. Data from the Central Repository of Cash Registers will be available to heads of tax and customs offices, directors of tax administration chambers, and the Minister […]

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Posted January 18, 2019 by Francisco de la Colina
New Rules for Taxpayers’ CFDIs Subject to Fiscal Benefits for Mexico’s North Border

On 31 December 2018 a decree establishing certain tax benefits for the North Border Zones in Mexico was published in the country’s Official Journal. The benefits aim to bring some stimuli and competitiveness to taxpayers resident in the targeted area during 2019 and 2020 by reducing the rate of income tax (impuesto sobre la renta […]

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Posted January 10, 2019 by Sovos
EU Council Directive to Introduce Generalized Reverse Charge Mechanism

On December 27, 2018, Council Directive (EU) 2018/2057 was published in the Official Journal of the European Union, and it will enter into force on the twentieth day following that date. It amends the EU VAT Directive (2006/112) to provide for temporary application of a generalized reverse charge mechanism (GRCM) relative to supplies of goods and services […]

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Posted November 30, 2018 by Sovos
Vietnam E-Invoicing is Compulsory as of November 1, 2020

On November 1, 2018, Decree 119/2018/ND-CP took effect in Vietnam. Pursuant to this decree some businesses may be required to switch to e-invoicing upon notification by the tax authorities. However, e-invoicing will not be mandatory until November 1, 2020.

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Posted November 16, 2018 by Sovos
EU Directive Adopted Allowing Reduced VAT Rates on E-Publications

On November 6, 2018, the European Economic and Financial Affairs Council announced the adoption of a Council Directive which allows EU Member States to align their VAT rules for physical and electronic publications.  Electronic publications are currently taxed at the standard VAT rate, while physical publications may be subject to reduced rates.  With the adoption […]

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Posted November 16, 2018 by Sovos
Poland Confirms New SAF-T Structure for 2019

On October 26, the Polish Council of Ministers confirmed that it will introduce a new SAF-T scheme (JPK_VDEK) aimed at replacing the VAT-7 and VAT-7K declarations. The draft legislation will become available during the fourth quarter of 2018. If enacted, taxpayers will submit only one document, the JPK_VDEK file, without additional attachments. The Ministry of Finance […]

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