Regulatory Analysis

Posted April 28, 2023 by Dilara İnal
Saudi Arabia: New taxpayer group in scope of Phase 2 of e-invoicing announced

The Saudi Arabian Tax and Customs Authority, ZATCA, announced the fourth wave of Phase 2 of e-invoicing. The fourth wave covers taxpayers with at least SAR 150 million (USD 40 million) revenue subject to VAT for 2021 or 2022. Taxpayers within this group are expected to integrate as of November 2023. Phase 2 of e-invoicing […]

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Posted April 27, 2023 by Bradley Feimer
Grand Junction, Colorado Approves Sales & Use Tax Increase Effective July 1, 2023

4/27/2023 Effective July 1, 2023, Grand Junction Measure 1A increases the local sales and use tax rate to 3.39% from 3.25% . The measure is intended to generate revenue for a community recreation center. Further information concerning the local legislation may be found here.

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Posted April 26, 2023 by Dilara İnal
France: Pilot phase for e-invoicing

The French Ministry of Economy launches a pilot phase for electronic invoicing between January and June 2024 to test in real conditions involving all stakeholders: Public Billing Portal (PPF), partner platforms (PDPs) and taxpayers. France introduced a Continuous Transactions Control system which will be implemented in phases starting as of July 2024. The new French […]

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Posted April 26, 2023 by Kelly Muniz
Brazil: NF3-e Mandatory Implementation Postponed in São Paulo

Ajuste Sinief 7/2023 has been published postponing mandatory implementation of the NF3e (electric energy e-invoice) in the state of São Paulo. The mandatory date has been postponed to 1 June 2024, instead of 1 June 2023. The current implementation calendar, according to the applicable law, is as follows: 1 June 2022: Mato Grosso 1 October […]

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Posted April 24, 2023 by Maria del Carmen
Argentina: The mandatory application of the ” Carta de Porte Electrónica – Derivados Granarios” for certain granary derivatives was differed.

On April 11, 2023, the AFIP published in the Official Gazette Resolution No. 5344/2023 through which it defers the mandatory application until June 2, 2023, of the “Electronic Waybill – Granary Derivatives” for granary derivatives, with the exemption of the following products: BROKEN SUNFLOWER – SPLIT (152); BROKEN CORN – SPLIT (187); SOJA DEACTIVATED (218), […]

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Posted April 21, 2023 by Bradley Feimer
North Dakota Exempts Sales of Children’s Diapers from Gross Receipts Tax

4/20/2023 Effective July 1, 2023, North Dakota HB 1177 exempts the sales of children’s diapers from the state’s gross receipts tax. Children’s diapers is defined under 57-39.2-04(d)(2)(b) as diapers marketed to be worn by children. Further information concerning the legislation may be found here.

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Posted April 21, 2023 by Bradley Feimer
Colorado Expands Metro District Authority to Allow Sales Tax Funding for Parks

4/20/2023 Effective August 7, 2023, Colorado HB 1062 expands metropolitan district authority to include support of park and recreational facilities. Metropolitan districts are able to levy a uniform sales tax to fund certain services such as fire or safety protection and street improvements within the district area. Further information concerning the legislation may be found […]

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Posted April 18, 2023 by David Armas
Kentucky Amends and Clarifies Taxability of Certain Services

4/17/2023 Kentucky recently enacted House Bill 360 to amend and clarify 2021 legislation which extended sales tax to numerous services. Among the several changes, the following were also included: Repealing the tax on marketing services Clarifying extended warranty services include extended warranties on prewritten computer software access services Cosmetic surgery services do not include surgery […]

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Posted April 17, 2023 by Dilara İnal
India: New time limit for e-invoices

The Goods and Services Network (GSTN) issued an advisory on the time limit for e-invoices to be reported on the portal. E-invoices in scope will need to be reported within 7 days from their issuance. In India, B2B and B2G invoices are subject to mandatory e-invoicing for taxpayers who has an annual turnover of at […]

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Posted April 14, 2023 by Carolina Silva
Malaysia: Proposed Roll-Out Timeline Of New E-Invoicing System

As part of the 2023 state budget presented in 2022, the Malaysian government decided to introduce and gradually implement an electronic invoicing system in the country. The state budget law doesn’t contain any details about the e-invoicing system, however, in a recent engagement session held by the Inland Revenue Board (IRB) of Malaysia and the […]

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Posted April 14, 2023 by Carolina Silva
Greece: B2G e-invoicing mandate – implementation timeline

In December 2022, it became mandatory for companies to issue electronic invoices in public procurement according to the EN norm, but details about the scope and the implementation timeline were left to be regulated in secondary law. On 12 April 2023, a joint decision by the Ministers of Finance, Development and Investments, Digital Governance and […]

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Posted April 14, 2023 by Kelly Muniz
Brazil: New NFCom Taxpayer Manuals v.1.00a Published

A new Taxpayer Orientation Manual version 1.00a General View (MOC NFCom 1.00a – Visão Geral) and Taxpayer Orientation Manual version 1.00a Annex 1 Layout and Validation Rules (MOC NFCom 1.00a – Anexo I Leiaute e Regras de Validação) for the NFCom (electronic invoice for communication services – Model 62) have been published. These Manuals follow […]

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Posted April 11, 2023 by Carolina Silva
Italy: New API Management Platform

The Italian Tax Authority (Agenzia delle Entrate) will make available on the 15th May of 2023, a new platform for the provision of free services, via API, called API Management. This measure is part of an initiative to simplify administration and promote digital services, and it is aimed at an audience of users interested in […]

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Posted April 7, 2023 by Bradley Feimer
Aspen, Colorado Bag Fee Expansion Effective May 1, 2023

4/6/2023 Effective May 1, 2023, Aspen, Colorado has adopted Ordinance 66 to replicate carryout bag fee requirements allowed under Colorado House Bill 1162. The Ordinance amends Aspen’s bag fee to now apply a $0.20 fee to both single-use plastic and paper carryout bags provided at checkout. Further information concerning the Ordinance may be found here.

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Posted April 6, 2023 by Dilara İnal
Saudi Arabia: Amendments to the e-invoicing implementation resolution

Zakat, Tax and Customs Authority (ZATCA) shared Amendments on the Controls, Requirements, Technical Specifications, and the Procedural Rules for Implementing the Provisions of the E-Invoicing Regulation (Implementation Resolution) for public consultation. ZATCA accepts feedback until 18 April 2023. Amendments to the Implementation Resolution introduce new functionalities for charges specification and advanced payment specification. For more […]

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Posted April 4, 2023 by Bradley Feimer
Ohio: Documentation Service Charges Excluded from Sales Price

3/31/2023 Effective May 1, 2023, Ohio HB66 revises Ohio Rev. Code §§ 4517.261 and 4781.24 to remove documentation service charges from the definition of sales price when associated with the sale of a motor vehicle. Therefore, as of May 2023, documentation service charges are exempt from sales and use tax when associated with the sale […]

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Posted April 4, 2023 by Maria del Carmen
MEXICO: The SAT published the Third Advance Version of the Second Resolution of Modifications to the Miscellaneous Tax Resolution for 2023.

For the purposes of articles 29 and 29-A of the CFF, those who make payments for salaries and who are obliged to issue CFDIs for them, may choose to issue them until June 30, 2023, in version 3.3 with payroll supplement in version 1.2, in accordance with Annex 20, published in the DOF on July […]

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Posted April 3, 2023 by Maria del Carmen
Mexico: the SAT published the Resolution that establishes administrative facilities for the tax obligations compliant of the taxpayers of the primary sector which includes a new supplement.

Mexico: the SAT published the Resolution that establishes administrative facilities for the tax obligations compliant of the taxpayers of the primary sector, of Ground Transportation of Federal Freight, Foreign Passenger and Tourism, as well as Ground Transportation of Materials Freight and Urban and Suburban Passengers, in which it announced the use of a new complement […]

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