Regulatory Analysis

Posted February 18, 2021 by Joanna Hysi
Slovakia announces draft CTC legislation

The Slovakian Ministry of Finance has announced that it is preparing legislation for the introduction of a CTC scheme in the country, following in the footsteps of countries such as Italy, Hungary and Spain. The CTC scheme will require businesses to report invoice data to the tax authority prior to issuing the invoice to their […]

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Posted February 18, 2021 by Gabriel Pezzato
Poland: CTC e-invoicing draft law available for public consultation

The Polish Ministry of Finance has published a draft act introducing e-invoicing via the national platform (Krajowy System e-Faktur – KSeF, or National System of e-Invoices) in a Continuous Transaction Control (CTC) system. The draft is available for public consultation during a two-week period, after which the law is planned to come into force by […]

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Posted January 29, 2021 by Russell Hughes
Brexit: EU and UK Agree New Trade and Cooperation Agreement

After months of talks, on 24 December 2020, the EU and UK were finally able to agree a new working trade agreement known as the EU-UK Trade and Cooperation Agreement (TCA). The new Trade and Cooperation Agreement came into effect on 1 January 2021 and will be applied on a provisional basis until 28 February […]

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Posted January 29, 2021 by Russell Hughes
Austria Introduces Bill to Extend Existing Measures During COVID-19 Pandemic

The Austrian government has introduced a new bill to extend tax measures to support taxpayers during the Covid-19 pandemic. The VAT measures include the following: The temporary application of a reduced VAT rate of 5% in the gastronomy, culture and publishing sectors extended until 31 December 2021 Introduction of a VAT exemption for COVID-19 in […]

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Posted January 29, 2021 by Russell Hughes
Bulgarian Government Change Rules on Fiscal Representative Requirements for UK Businesses

The Bulgarian government have introduced new legislation that requires UK and other non-EU businesses to now appoint a fiscal representative who will have joint and several liability over their VAT compliance and VAT debts. Under the new provisions, UK and other non-EU businesses registered for VAT in Bulgaria will have to appoint a fiscal representative […]

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Posted January 12, 2021 by Ramón Frias
Mexico Expands the Reduced VAT Rate to its Southern Border

On December 31, 2020, Mexico published a new decree by which it expands a number of fiscal benefits to 22 municipalities located in the southern states of Quintana Roo, Tabasco, Campeche and Chiapas. Among the main benefits extended to those locations is the reduction of the standard VAT rate to 8% to all sales and […]

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Posted January 12, 2021 by Bradley Feimer
Cyprus Temporary VAT Reduction for Hotel, Catering and Passenger Transport Services Expired

On January 11, 2021, the temporary reduced VAT rate of 5% as applied to hotel accommodation, catering and passenger transport services in Cyprus was reverted back to a rate of 9%. Cyprus had temporarily reduced the VAT rate for such services in response to economic hardships brought on by the pandemic.

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Posted January 12, 2021 by Gabriel Pezzato
Portugal – QR Code postponed

Portugal postponed the obligation to include a QR code in invoices until 2022. Previously expected to enter into force on 1 January 2021, the obligation is suspended, but still voluntary, during 2021. The decision was taken in the 2021 Budget Law published on 31 December. With this decision, Portugal delayed both the QR Code and […]

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Posted January 12, 2021 by Bradley Feimer
Afghanistan Postpones VAT Implementation to 2021

Afghanistan has delayed plans to implement Value Added Tax to 21 December 2021. A 10% VAT is expected to replace the country’s current business receipt tax (BRT). The Afghanistan Revenue Department is also contemplating amendments to the proposed VAT system so to create a simplified tax scheme for those businesses below the VAT threshold. Once […]

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Posted January 5, 2021 by Sam Wichman
Austria Ends Temporary VAT Rate Reduction on Journals, Magazines, and Newspapers

Effective January 1, 2021, Austria is ending its temporary VAT rate reduction on journals and magazines. The VAT rate on restaurant food, publications, and several other industries was reduced to 5% for the period from July 1, 2020 to December 31, 2020. Recently, Austria has approved legislation to extend that VAT rate reduction until January […]

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Posted January 5, 2021 by Ramón Frias
Chile Introduces Mandatory Reports of Electronic Payments to Foreign Suppliers of Services

The Chilean tax administration recently released Resolution 167/2020, which mandates financial entities to submit a quarterly report that provides information about payments made by their clients to foreign suppliers of digital services, when such suppliers are paid via credit or debit cards, or similar electronic means managed by banks or financial entities.

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Posted December 31, 2020 by Joanna Hysi
Today the Greek government announced the postponement of the go-live date of myDATA to 1.4.2021

Following requests from market participants and also due to COVID-19 pandemic, it was deemed necessary that the first quarter of 2021 is offered as additional time for training and adaptation of companies to myDATA. Data issued in the 1st quarter of 2021 should also be transmitted to the myDATA platform with a different deadline and […]

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Posted December 28, 2020 by Ramón Frias
SPAIN: Three day postponement of the SII 2021 changes announced

The Spanish tax administration (AEAT) has informed that due to some technical difficulties, the 2021 changes to the SII mandate will be delayed from January 1, 2021, to January 4, 2021. This means that all the changes related to consignment goods in the Ledger of Intra-Community transactions, as well as those related to the Ledgers […]

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Posted December 23, 2020 by Selin Adler Ring
Saudi Arabia Mandates E-invoicing from 4 December 2021

The initial Saudi E-invoicing Regulation (Regulation) was enacted on 4 December 2020, but the details of the framework are yet to be published. The new framework is set to go live a year from now, on 4 December 2021, and will apply to all resident taxable persons, as well as any third party who issues […]

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Posted December 18, 2020 by Gabriel Pezzato
Poland to introduce e-invoicing via a centralized platform in 2021

The Polish Ministry of Finance yesterday announced a timeline for its plans to introduce a Continuous Transaction Controls (CTC) scheme, with a roll-out to start at the end of 2021.  By the end of 2021, e-invoicing via a centralized platform will be made available, but still remains optional for companies; from 2023 it will be mandatory for […]

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Posted December 11, 2020 by Russell Hughes
Ireland to Introduce Postponed VAT Accounting on Imports

The Irish Government have released their proposed Brexit Omnibus Bill 2020 which sets out several tax measures to assist in dealing with the effects of Brexit. One of the proposed measures is introducing postponed accounting for import VAT. The proposed measure means that importers would be able to record the import VAT in the VAT […]

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Posted December 11, 2020 by Russell Hughes
EU Council Adopts Rules on Introduction of Special VAT Number for Businesses in Northern Ireland

The EU Council have now adopted the rules in relation to the introduction of a special VAT identification number that is to be provided to businesses in Northern Ireland at the end of the transitional period on 31 December 2020. The new VAT number will be the same numerical digits as their exiting UK VAT […]

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Posted December 9, 2020 by Joanna Hysi
Greece myDATA – Schema changes, version 1.02

The Greek tax authority published new schema changes (version 1.02) and updated technical documentation for myDATA eBooks. The new schema includes, inter alia: a) new fields, e.g., to allow for reporting of taxes other than VAT, b) new business errors, c) as well as updates regarding, e.g., the API method for cancelling document types. Find the […]

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