
The Top Three SAP Challenges Impacting Manufacturers

The acceleration of regulatory complexity is causing unnecessary strain on IT departments within manufacturing companies, negatively impacting growth. In fact, 31% of companies report that keeping up with the volume and complexity of regulations is their number one compliance challenge, and 45% say increasing costs of compliance is their number one barrier to growth. The […]

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Mexico Postpones Electronic Invoice Cancellation Policy Change until September

Mexico’s planned process change for cancellations of electronic invoices will take effect Sept. 1 rather than in July as previously announced. The Mexican tax authority, the SAT, will require senders of electronic invoices, a document called a CDFI in Mexico, to get permission for cancellation from the party that received the invoice before the sender […]

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Confusion over Columbia Electronic Invoicing Mandate Serves as a Reminder that It’s Coming
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Italian Electronic Invoicing Mandate for Roadside Gas and Service Station Fuel Supplies Formally Postponed to 1 January 2019

For those active in the world of e-invoicing and global VAT compliance, you’ll know that in the past month all eyes have been on Italy and the first deadline for its e-invoicing reform. Since our last update, concerning the possible delay to the July 1 deadline, speculation has been rife about how volatile the mandate’s […]

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Spain Plans Limited B2B Expansion within its B2G E-Invoicing Mandate

Will Spain become the next EU country to follow in Italy’s footsteps by introducing a national mandate for business to business (B2B) e-invoicing? With the introduction of its e-invoicing mandate, Italy will become the first major EU country to acquire real-time information that will allow it to cross-check the VAT companies declare with the amount […]

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Manufacturers Can’t Escape The Impacts of eInvoicing

As eInvoicing mandates sweep across Latin America, manufacturing is arguably the single most affected sector. With requirements impacting IT, finance, shipping, inventory management, inbound receiving and other business processes, eInvoicing greatly impacts the supply chain and manufacturers’ bottom lines. If not managed properly, eInvoicing could prevent trucks from distributing goods or force buyers to refuse […]

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Sovos Bolsters Cloud Technology Leadership with Chief Security Officer, Chief Product Officer and Head of Customer Success

On the heels of revealing our S1 cloud platform to drive the modernization of tax software in the face of mounting digital disruption from businesses, financial systems providers and governments, as well as announcing support and an early adopter program for SAP S/4HANA cloud, we’re excited to also announce the following key appointments to our leadership […]

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Costa Rica Electronic Invoicing Mandate Has Businesses Hurrying to Find Service Providers

Costa Rica is one of the latest countries in Latin America to embrace electronic invoicing, and many companies doing business in the country are under pressure to find a service provider to help them comply with the country’s eInvoicing mandate. Manufactures and retailers are set to fall under the mandate in the next few months. […]

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Use Your HANA Migration to Solve Your Tax Challenges for Good

Companies dealing with complex sales and use tax determination, VAT regulations and other tax challenges across the globe know that SAP alone is not equipped to support the varying requirements from country to country. As SAP sunsets support and updates for ECC and R3, companies must move to HANA to keep their systems up to […]

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eReceipts 101: The What, Why, Where and How of B2C Tax Compliance

After initially focusing on data and automation to gain visibility and ensure tax compliance in business-to-business transactions, many governments are now extending technology into business-to-consumer trade, requiring eReceipts. So, what’s the story behind eReceipts, and why do they matter? Here’s a quick tutorial to get you up to speed. What are eReceipts? eReceipts are the […]

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Guatemala’s Tax Administration Outlines New E-Invoicing Framework, Replacing FACE with FEL

The governments and tax administrations of South and Central America were among the first in the world to adopt ambitious programmes that mandate the use of e-invoicing based on ‘clearance’ and structured data files. Over the past ten years, we’ve seen them leapfrog the time-honored concepts of paper-based, post-audit processes to put in place entirely […]

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How to Reduce Risk and Protect Revenue In Mexico with the Digitization of Tax Administration

Invoicing in Latin America has become complex to the point of being daunting. Businesses that get electronic invoicing processes wrong could quickly grind to a halt. Mastering the eInvoicing process is critical, then, and it involves making sure that all four elements of eInvoicing are working smoothly at the same time. New regulations, most notably […]

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The Top 10 Compliance Mistakes in LATAM

In order for businesses in Latin America to reduce their risks of fines, penalties and operational disruptions, it’s imperative to understand and manage the ever-changing eInvoicing and VAT reporting mandates sweeping throughout the region. While proactive compliance can improve operational efficiency, streamline processes and increase cash flow, many companies do not have strategic processes in […]

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Italy eInvoicing: What You Need to Know

Italy will soon join Hungary in requiring real-time, transaction-level reporting. With the launch of the first phase imminent (1 July 2018), Italy’s tax authority recently released new information on its eInvoicing requirement. In February, the European Commission backed Italy’s request to implement mandatory eInvoicing. This clearance is a game-changer for businesses operating in the European […]

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The Back and Forth of the Timeline to Mandatory E-Invoicing in Italy

Ever since the Legge di Bilancio, the law introducing the Italian e-invoicing obligation for all domestic supplies was passed on 27 December 2017, discontented voices have raised an objection to its ambitious timeline. The original plan phases in the clearance-style mandatory e-invoicing process across the following key dates: 1st July 2018: For supplies of petrol […]

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How Three Multinationals Navigate Tax Compliance Complexities

Companies looking to expand internationally or ones already doing business in multiple locations face a complex web of tax regulations and reforms, varying dramatically from country to country. Existing tax compliance systems and processes typically aren’t sufficient to manage these growing challenges, requiring multinationals to adopt a new, proactive approach to compliance to reduce risk […]

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Three Reasons Finance Departments Must Make eInvoicing a Top Priority

Since the first launch of eInvoicing mandates in Brazil 10 years ago, eInvoice adoption has now spread worldwide. Governments are implementing complex, real-time, transaction-level requirements to gain visibility into tax liabilities, close the tax gap and minimize corporate tax evasion. eInvoicing compliance is not a simple process for businesses – it requires a total shift […]

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E-Invoicing Mandate Planned in Second EU Country

The floodgates may be opening. Following the EU’s approval of mandatory e-invoicing in Italy, it appears that Greece will be the next European Union member state to follow in its footsteps. As announced after the meeting of the intergovernmental group on 23 April 2018, the introduction of a nationwide mandatory e-invoicing framework will come into […]

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