
Is Your Business Ready for Turkey’s Digital Tax Transformation?

The value of data is rising The value of data is becoming more precious than oil.  Technology has transformed market dynamics across all sectors and the way businesses operate. Big data has grown in importance and data-based platforms are today’s new technology giants. On one hand; Facebook, Google and other data-based platforms are collecting data […]

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Will the myDATA Project be Delayed in Greece and Mandatory E-Invoicing be Introduced?

Two months after closing the public consultation on the myDATA scheme, the Greek tax authority, IAPR, has yet to share the feedback received from the industry on the proposed scheme or make any official announcement in this regard. However, local discussions indicate that, the IAPR may reintroduce its initial agenda proposed back in August 2018, […]

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Brazil Implements New E-Invoice Type NF3e

Brazil is often viewed as one of the most complex tax jurisdictions in the world.  But, at the same time, it has been very successful in automating tax authority controls, and in doing so has replaced paper invoices with electronic invoices automating their exchange through clearance platforms. While the ambitious Brazilian plans to simplify the […]

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India Adds Clarity to New E-Invoicing Regime

Following India’s recent public consultation looking at the proposed introduction of an e-invoicing regime, the GST council has now released a white paper on the architecture of the new framework and also provided answers to a number of outstanding questions. From 1 January 2020, taxpayers in India can start to use the new e-invoicing framework, […]

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Portugal’s New Invoicing and E-Archiving Rules Published But Uncertainty Remains

In February 2019, Portugal published extensive and comprehensive legislation intended to regulate the invoicing processes in a growing digital environment. To this end, the country consolidated and reformed previous pieces of law scattered across the Portuguese legal system. Although some rules were already in force from the publication of this Law-Decree 28/2019, taxpayers expected further […]

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The New Era in Greece’s Tax System

Greece made an important step to digitize its tax system and introduce an innovative platform for taxpayers to fulfil their tax obligations. The new platform will offer businesses a collaborative environment where the data they provide to the Greek Independent Authority of Public Revenues (IAPR) will not only affect their own books but will also […]

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France Takes First Steps Towards Mandatory B2B Electronic Invoicing

Back in June this year, many heads were turned when the French Minister of Public Accounts and Action, Gérald Darmanin, went on record stating that the French Government has the intention of making e-invoicing mandatory also for B2B transactions. Now it seems that the Government – spearheaded on this topic by Minister Darmanin as well as by the Minister of Finance Bruno Le Maire – has moved from word to […]

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Extension of Mexican E-invoicing Mandate Puts Pressure on Maquiladoras
Extension of Mexican E-invoicing Mandate Puts New Pressure on Maquiladoras

A new wrinkle in Mexican electronic invoicing adds complexity to the e-invoicing process for maquiladoras, or foreign-owned factories operating along the US-Mexico border.  Compared to some other countries in Latin America, Mexico has kept its core electronic invoice, the CFDI, relatively simple. Whereas an invoice in Chile has 250 fields or more of required information, […]

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Countdown to NSO – Italy’s Electronic Purchase Orders Platform

In less a  weeks’ time, on 1 October, all purchase orders associated with the Italian National Health System (Servizio Sanitario Nazionale, SSN) will be exchanged through the public administrations’ Purchase Orders Routing Node platform (Nodo di Smistamento degli Ordini), commonly referred to as NSO. Although the new e-order mandate won’t affect the collection of VAT, […]

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Indirect Tax Compliance Challenges in Accounts Payable Automation
Indirect Tax Compliance Challenges in Accounts Payable Automation

AP automation is supposed to save SAP customers money, but developments in digital tax could derail its benefits and actually create further liabilities. With tax authorities all over the world seeking to increase revenues and close tax gaps, IT professionals and AP system administrators face new challenges in indirect tax compliance. Among those challenges are […]

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IMF Study Demonstrates Peru E-invoicing Works for Business and Government
IMF Study Demonstrates Peru E-invoicing Works for Business and Government

Far from being a burden, Peru’s electronic invoicing mandate has helped medium-size businesses embark on digital transformation while also catalyzing a broadening of the country’s tax base. The International Monetary Fund (IMF) will release this fall a study detailing the impact mandatory e-invoicing in Peru, which began in 2014 and has since moved to a […]

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New Argentina E-invoicing Mandate Focuses on Improving SMB Financing Options
New Argentina E-invoicing Mandate Focuses on Improving SMB Financing Options

As a result of an e-invoicing mandate currently rolling out in Argentina, small and medium-size businesses (SMBs) are or will soon be required to use a specific form of invoice when billing larger companies.  Companies classified as SMBs (or PyMEs in Spanish) by AFIP, the Argentine tax administration, are required to use the Facturas de […]

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The Rising Tide of Digital Tax: Are You Surfer or Shark Bait?
The Rising Tide of Digital Tax: Are You Surfer or Shark Bait?

Anyone familiar with the Discovery Channel’s Shark Week and the portrayal of hungry sharks setting their sights on surfers may be surprised to learn that tax and IT professionals may be feeling every bit as wary as those surfers as they enter their own version of shark-infested waters. The reason: IT and tax pros are […]

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Understanding Data Storage Requirements for E-Receipts in Italy

Introduced on 1 January this year, the Italian e-invoicing mandate and the strict archiving requirements for fiscal documents are well known by companies with business in the Apennine Peninsula. While some retailers are exempt from the e-invoicing mandate in the country, they must still comply with different auxiliary obligations.  This includes transmission of the data […]

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Greece e-Reporting Scheme Takes Shape Under Newly Elected Government
Greece e-Reporting Scheme Takes Shape Under Newly Elected Government

Last month, we made some predictions on how the outcome of the recent elections would impact the agenda of the Independent Authority of Public Revenues (IAPR) on the envisaged e-invoicing and e-reporting reform. It looks as if the newly elected government is fully in-line with the IAPR agenda to implement e-reporting and bookkeeping (mandatory e-invoicing […]

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Sovos Closes Foriba Acquisition, Advancing Mission to Solve Tax for Good
Sovos Closes Foriba Acquisition, Advancing Mission to Solve Tax for Good™

Sovos officially closed the acquisition of Istanbul-based Foriba. This acquisition represents another significant milestone in our mission and makes it easier for businesses to overcome one of the greatest challenges they face: the digital transformation of tax. Across the globe, governments are mandating their own digital transformation, giving businesses two choices. The first is to […]

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Greek E-Invoicing Reform: Potential Impact of Recent National Elections

On 7 July, Greece began voting to elect a new government.  The disposed governing left party has been dealt with a hefty blow having been in power since 2015.  It was hoped they would introduce less severe politics which many claim they have not only failed to do but, in fact, they actually introduced stricter […]

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Italy Clarifies E-Invoicing Rules on the Transaction Date

From 1 July 2019, companies will benefit from an extension in the time frame from when an invoice must be issued.  Businesses can now wait for as long as 12 days to issue instant invoices after performing a transaction in Italy. The new interval is a result of the changes introduced by the Italian Parliament […]

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