
Don’t Forget the SAP Configuration – Mexico CFDI PAC Strategies (Part 2 of 5)

In my previous article concerning Mexico CFDI electronic invoicing, we focused on the logistics and shipping aspects of the CFDI legislation. The lesson learned from that article was: the new laws affect your ability to ship, so make sure you don’t just contract with a single point of failure. Instead, ensure you have built-in contingency […]

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Did you just implement a Single Point of Failure – Mexico CFDI PAC Strategies (Part 1 of 5)

In my previous article, we discussed the common issues that are starting to make their way to the operational and finance teams. Many companies are setting themselves up for customer service issues, delayed payments, and most importantly delayed or lost revenue recognition as they implement their Mexico CFDI electronic invoicing strategy. In this document, we […]

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Mexico e-invoicing: 5 Questions to Ask a PAC

There is a lot of confusion in the marketplace for solutions for Mexico CFDI. To make matters worse, the timeline for implementing CFDI is looming just around the corner on December 31, 2013. In conversations with many companies, we are seeing a wide variety of solutions. Here are the five mission critical questions you need […]

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Brazil Nota Fiscal – Key Support Costs that Go Undetected

The biggest challenge with Nota Fiscal in Brazil is not the selection of a solution for compliance, it is the ongoing support costs.

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Brazil Nota Fiscal – The Cost of Change Management when Running SAP GRC or External 3rd Party Solutions

I have written a lot on the cost of implementing Brazil Nota Fiscal, especially the hidden costs. However, in this blog, I wanted to discuss the often overlooked cost of change management. Remember that the Brazil Nota Fiscal legislation is a living and constantly evolving mandate. This means that someone has to

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The Real Cost of e-invoicing in Latin America

There is a distinct change in the mindset of multinationals happening. The trend is becoming a reality now, and management – specifically the SAP teams – are realizing the true cost of operating electronic invoicing in Latin America. It’s not a selection of a better local tool. In fact, local solutions in each country are […]

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Latin America Shared Services – Top 5 Issues when evaluating AP einvoicing

To successfully implement Account Payable E-invoicing or Shared Services in Latin America, you will need a regional solution approach that is addressing the issues, culture and technical requirements. There are a lot of companies that will claim electronic invoicing compliance through some signing partners, but it is important to understand the real issues to successfully […]

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Mexico CFDI eInvoicing – Red Flags to Avoid

So. . . you have received the news by now. And, most likely the Mexico change is starting to make waves through the organization. Well, hopefully it is making waves because if it’s not, cancel your plans for New Years. We estimate that over 20% of multinationals will struggle to meet the deadline because they […]

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Mexico eInvoicing – NO CFD Grandfather clause, You Must Move to CFDI by December 31, 2013 – Link to Mexican SAT Tax Authority

With the announcement on May 31, 2013 of the updates to einvoicing in Mexico, there is a huge amount of interest – yet one potential misunderstanding of many companies. There are no old CFD paper “grandfather” clauses in the updates. Many organizations have been lulled into a peaceful sleep with the older knowledge that the […]

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The Changes in Mexico are OFFICIAL – Deadline set for December 2013

On May 31, 2013, the Mexico SAT, their governmental tax agency, announced the mandatory transition of all invoices, for companies generating more than 250,000 pesos in revenue annually, to an electronic process known as CFDI. With nearly 500,000 organizations potentially having to switch by the end of 2013, there will be a mad rush to […]

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eInvoicing – Mexico CFDI Transition – make sure your organization is ready

The chatter is increasing in Mexico around the upcoming changes to CFDI. With more than 500,000 companies potentially affected, there is a lot of posturing by solutions in the market place. But what is important and can derail your transition is not the obvious, but what is in the details. If you overlook these following […]

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The Basics in Chile for DTE eInvoicing

Latin America continues to show why they lead the world in electronic invoicing. Below I cover the basics of the Chile eInvoice process. Chile was one of the first movers in electronic invoicing and they have one of the more complex environments. The model isuniquebut does take into account some similar processes from other Latin […]

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Seeing Continued Expansion of Brazil Nota Fiscal Accounts Payable (inbound) Projects – know what to consider

There have been a number of requests coming in to cover the basics for Brazil Nota Fiscal Inbound. Remember, that the validation of all inbound supplier Nota Fiscals is mandatory. Many companies are still accomplishing this manually. One company had over 15 individuals manually entering supplier invoices into the government portal. Another company had over […]

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Challenges of Running an On-Premise Compliance Solution in Brazil

There is a definite trend for companies using SAP to move away from in-house software solutions because of the maintenance difficulties imposed by the changing legislation in Brazil.

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AP and VAT Remittance Issues Ahead as Mexico CFDI Usage Becomes Mandatory

In my last post, I discussed expected changes as the Mexican government continues to implement and push the usage of CFDI. I wanted to expand upon the potential issues facing Procurement and Accounts Payable users and managers as I feel it is an underestimated issue.

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SAP Users – Are You Ready for the Changes in Mexico?

My last post highlighted the expected change to the Mexican electronic invoice regulations. The reality is that more than 90% of invoices in Mexico are still transmitted using the older CFD process, not the version of CFDI which requires real time government validations. In conversations with a number of companies this week, I realized that […]

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The Winds of Change are Blowing in Mexico. . . Again

For those of you who are familiar with business in Mexico, the discussions of CFD and CFDI are quite familiar. The government has been on a slow transition from the paper based CFD to the electronic based CFDI invoice process.

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Recognizing the Weak Link in your Latin American Solution Strategy

I had an interesting conversation, concerning Latin America eInvoicing,with a CFO for a Fortune 500 multi-national yesterday. And this time, the conversation was not about the legislation that I typically write about or discuss. This time it was about the risks associated with solutions external to the ERP from local vendors to manage eInvoice compliance. […]

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