
ViDA : comment relever le défi de la conformité fiscale dans un paysage réglementaire complexe ?

Depuis que la Commission européenne a annoncé son projet de modifications législatives relatives à l’initiative de ViDA « VAT in the Digitale Age », les questions sur les impacts à court et à long terme se sont multipliées.

Cette initiative s’inscrit dans la tendance générale de la TVA qui consiste à rendre les obligations de déclaration plus numériques et en temps réel, de protéger les recettes et de réduire l’écart de TVA, qui constitue une préoccupation économique majeure pour tous les pays de l’UE, mais aussi d’encourager les entreprises à automatiser leurs échanges de données.

Dans ce webinaire, Christiaan Van Der Valk examinera les raisons qui expliquent la naissance du projet, l’ampleur des changements proposés ainsi que les défis pour votre entreprise.

  • Que signifient les propositions de la Commission Européenne ?
  • Quels impacts pour votre entreprise, et comment vous y préparer ?
  • Les meilleures stratégies pour vous aider à répondre non seulement aux exigences fiscales comme ViDA

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Event - Sovos 18th Group Indirect Tax Exchange
North America VAT & Fiscal Reporting
March 13, 2025
18th Group Indirect Tax Exchange

Join Sovos at the 18th Group Indirect Tax Exchange and gain insights from our expert on the Industry Adoption of E-Invoices and E-Reporting Challenges.

event - Tax Executive Institute's 75th Midyear Conference
North America Sales & Use Tax VAT & Fiscal Reporting
March 16, 2025
Tax Executive Institute’s 75th Midyear Conference

Join the Sovos team and a network of in-house tax professionals at TEI’s landmark 75th Midyear event, where you’ll hear the latest in policy updates and operational strategies for the tax and finance departments. Find us in the expo hall and jump start your year with a strategic approach to compliance.  

event - eInvoicing Exchange Summit Miami
North America VAT & Fiscal Reporting
March 24, 2025
eInvoicing Exchange Summit Miami

Join Sovos eInvoicing experts for “Tax Technology v2.0: How to ensure mirror visibility” during this year’s summit.

Event - North American Finance Executive Summit
North America VAT & Fiscal Reporting
February 26, 2025
North American Finance Executive Summit

Kickstart your year with a strategic approach to compliance and meet with the Sovos team at NAFES 2025. Find us at booth 19 for product demos, surprise giveaways and private dinner invitations. We look forward to helping you elevate your tax compliance strategy in 2025. 

Event - Exchange Summit MEA Dubai
E-Invoicing Compliance EMEA VAT & Fiscal Reporting
February 12, 2025
E-Invoicing Exchange Summit in Dubai

The Middle East and Africa are facing a rapidly evolving landscape for E-Invoicing and VAT reporting. We follow this development and continue the successful first two editions of the E-Invoicing Exchange Summit and proudly announce the 3rd edition to be held in Dubai from February 10 to 12, 2025.