
Three steps to SAF-T Compliance: Extract. Analyse. Generate.

SAF-T, Standard Audit File for Tax, is one of the most complex reports a company may need to prepare to comply with its tax obligations. It is also highly sensitive, enabling tax authorities to form a complete, 360-degree view of a company’s financial and tax position from detailed, transactional layers. The large volumes of data to be aggregated and organised in pre-defined, country-specific formats cannot be reviewed through standard processes, and manual intervention is often required. The requirements and frequency of SAF-T submission vary across countries, but it’s critical to get it right in all cases.

How can companies be sure what they submit to the tax authority won’t raise further questions with accuracy at stake?

In this 45-minute webinar, Ryan Ostilly, VP Product Management, and Jorge Ribeiro, Senior Product Manager, will discuss the three stages of producing a compliant SAF-T report and the key considerations at each stage. The webinar:
• Provides an overview of current and future SAF-T obligations
• Identifies the main considerations and pain points for businesses
• Presents the three key stages to produce a compliant SAF-T across all jurisdictions
• Delivers a live solution demo of Sovos’ SAF-T triple-play

By following best practices in handling each of the three key stages, organisations can be confident in their submission of an accurate and robust SAF-T report.

Several tax authorities use Sovos’ software to analyse SAF-T submissions from taxpayers. In showcasing this software and the types of checks it performs, this webinar will demonstrate how it could also help your business achieve compliance peace of mind.

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November 6, 2024
IOFM Fall Conference & Expo

Come visit the Sovos booth and learn more about our information reporting and withholding and unclaimed property offerings.

October 27, 2024
2024 79th Annual TEI Conference

Stop by the Sovos booth and learn more about Sovos Compliance Cloud, the industry’s first and only complete platform for tax compliance and regulatory reporting.

October 15, 2024
SAPinsider Finance Innovation Summit

The Sovos team welcomes you to Dallas and invites you to learn more about our SAP-certified Indirect Tax tools. Add our customer case study session to your agenda and find us in the exhibit hall.

North America Sales & Use Tax
June 4, 2024
CFO Leadership Spring Conference

Join the us at the CFO Leadership Conference June 4-6 in Boston, MA. Connect with the Sovos team in the sponsor hall and don’t forget to mark your calendar for our June 5 breakout sessions.

North America Unclaimed Property
May 19, 2024
IOFM Spring Conference & Expo

Come see Sovos at booth 423 at the IOFM Spring Conference & Expo.
The most comprehensive event dedicated to Accounts Payable, Accounts Receivable, and Procure-to-Pay brings together experienced practitioners and innovative strategists to provide an in-depth, three-day learning experience. Get proven best practices and tested solutions to the toughest challenges in accounting and finance today.