Regulatory Analysis

Posted December 6, 2021 by Ramón Frias
URUGUAY: Versions 22.2 of the Technical Standard and 1.41.2 of the XSD are now in Production

The tax administration of Uruguay (DGI) has informed the latest versions of the technical standard, and the XSD of the electronic invoice that previously were in testing status, are now being considered as officially published, meaning that they are now in production mode. The new version can be found here.

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Posted December 6, 2021 by Ramón Frias
COSTA RICA: New Version 4.4 of the Electronic Invoice

The Costa Rican tax administration has released a project of New Version 4.4 of the Electronic Invoice of the Country. This project of a new version would become effective (probably) in January or February 2022 if approved as originally proposed.

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Posted December 6, 2021 by Ramón Frias
CHILE: New Resolution Establishes New Conditions for Certain Dispatch Guides

The Chilean tax administration has issued a new Resolution 123/2021 establishing new mandatory information for the Dispatch Guides (Chilean equivalent of the Carta Porte) issued by taxpayers carrying out forestry operations intended to trade wood. For this purpose, the dispatch guide will need to include geo-references in decimal grades, information about the place from where […]

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Posted November 18, 2021 by Ramón Frias
Bolivia: Tax Administration Issues a New Invoicing Regulation

The Bolivian tax administration of Bolivia (SNI) has issued the Resolution RND-102100000011, which regulates the new invoicing regime of the country. This new provision not only establishes the regulatory framework for electronic invoices, but also for all other types of physical invoices and the conditions for issuance, delivery, validation and archiving of those documents. According […]

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Posted November 16, 2021 by Ramón Frias
Paraguay: New Timeline for Implementation of the e-Invoicing Mandate

The tax administration of Paraguay (SET) has issued a new resolution 95/2021 establishing the deadlines for certain taxpayers to start issuing electronic invoices and for others to join to the voluntary program that has been running for a while. According to this new resolution, all taxpayers that are part of the pilot program as indicated […]

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Posted November 16, 2021 by Ramón Frias
Chile: No Physical seal of Paper Invoices

The tax administration of Chile has issued a new Resolution 113/2021, establishing that the paper invoices authorized for contingency situations to certain taxpayers will no longer require the material seal of the tax administration, locally known as “aposición física del timbre de cuño”. Therefore, taxpayers requiring these kind of invoices will need to request that […]

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Posted November 3, 2021 by Ramón Frias
PERU: SUNAT postpones e-invoicing obligations for certain taxpayers

According to Resolution 279/2019, the Peruvian tax administration (SUNAT) requires taxpayers with revenues over a certain threshold to start issuing electronic invoices and receipts. For most taxpayers, that obligation began on 1 January 2021; however, small to medium taxpayers with annual revenues between 23 and 75 Fiscal Units (1,008 to 75,600 US dollars) will have […]

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Posted November 3, 2021 by Ramón Frias
PERU: New Resolution to Postpone the New Deadlines for Remittance and Validation of eInvoices and related Notes:

The Peruvian tax administration has issued a new resolution 150-2021/SUNAT postponing until January 1, 2022, the new two days deadline for the remittance of the electronic invoice and the corresponding credit or debit notes to the SUNAT or the OSE. During December, there will be two temporary deadlines for the remittance of the electronic invoice […]

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Posted November 1, 2021 by Ramón Frias
PERU: New Decree on Factoring with Electronic Invoices

The Peruvian government has issued a new Decree (Decreto de Urgencia 239-2021) establishing a procedure that taxpayers and their clients should follow in order to trade electronic invoices issued by businesses and independent suppliers of services. The purpose of this decree is to foster the financing mechanisms of taxpayers by allowing them to negotiate invoices […]

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Posted November 1, 2021 by Ramón Frias
ARGENTINA: New Version 1.9.0 of the Electronic Invoice for Exports released

The Argentinean tax administration (AFIP) has released a draft of the new technical documentation for the Electronic Invoice for Export. Compared with previous version 1.8.0, the purpose of this update is to include version 2 of the simplified export functionality. Along with this change, the following codes have been deprecated: 2000, 2009, 2014, 2015, 2024, […]

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Posted October 29, 2021 by Ramón Frias
BOLIVIA: Lists of Taxpayers Mandated to Comply with the New eInvoicing Mandate

According to Resolution RND 10210000012, starting December 1, 2021, all large taxpayers of Bolivia (Locally known as PRICOS) plus those mentioned explicitly by Resolution 1021000017 will be required to comply with the new electronic invoicing mandate of the country. Bolivia has three categories of taxpayers, PRICOS (Around 100 taxpayers), GRACOS (Around 2000), and RESTO (All […]

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Posted October 29, 2021 by Ramón Frias
ARGENTINA: AFIP Informs About the Timely Implementation of the Carta Porte

The Argentinean tax administration (AFIP) informed that the implementation of the electronic bill of transport (locally known as Carta Porte) required to transfer agricultural products has started. According to the Joint Resolution 5017/2021 issued by the AFIP and the ministries of Security, Transportation, and Agriculture, the mandatory use of the Carta Porte will start on […]

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Posted July 7, 2021 by Gabriel Pezzato
Brazil: Buyer’s response deadline changed

The Technical Note 2020.001 has been updated and is now in version 1.10. The new version implements regulatory updated introduced by the Sinief Agreement 44/20, changing deadlines for buyer’s responses on the NF-e flow, as follows: – Events confirmation, non-confirmation, or transaction not performed: up to 180 days after clearance; – Acknowledgment of an NF-e: […]

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Posted January 5, 2021 by Ramón Frias
Chile Introduces Mandatory Reports of Electronic Payments to Foreign Suppliers of Services

The Chilean tax administration recently released Resolution 167/2020, which mandates financial entities to submit a quarterly report that provides information about payments made by their clients to foreign suppliers of digital services, when such suppliers are paid via credit or debit cards, or similar electronic means managed by banks or financial entities.

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Posted September 11, 2020 by Ramón Frias
ARGENTINA: New Calendar of Implementation of the VAT Digital Ledger

The Argentinean tax administration has enacted a new resolution Nº 4671/2020 postponing some of the effective dates of the implementation of the Digital VAT Ledger, locally known as “Libro de IVA Digital”. According to the Resolution, the new calendar of implementation will be as follows: For taxpayers with gross revenues during 2018 fiscal year between […]

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Posted September 11, 2020 by Ramón Frias
ECUADOR: Foreign Supplies of Digital Services to be Taxed in September

Starting September 16, 2020, the tax administration of Ecuador will begin to enforce the collection of VAT on digital services supplied by providers not domiciled or established in that country. As a result of decree 1114/2020, foreign suppliers have the option of registering at the tax administration and applying 12% on the provision of these […]

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Posted July 29, 2020 by Ramón Frias
MEXICO: SAT Extends Until the End of the Year Permission to Use of Global CFDIs by Sellers of Fuels

The Mexican Tax Administration (SAT) has included a new provision in the Second Modification of the Miscellaneous Fiscal Resolution to postpone until December 31, 2020 the permission given to sellers of fuels to issue global electronic invoices (CFDIs) for their sales of fuels subject to volumetric controls. This permission was originally supposed to expire on July […]

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Posted July 29, 2020 by Ramón Frias
URUGUAY: DGI Authorizes New Cases Where Paper Versions of eInvoices will not be Required

The Uruguayan tax administration (DGI) issued a new resolution (Resolution 1184/2020) to facilitate the registration of new taxpayers in the electronic invoicing system of the country. The new resolution also revokes the requirement to issue printed fiscal documents (transportation authorizations, invoices or tickets) in cases where the purchaser is registered as an electronic issuer of […]

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